Case study 1 Flashcards
Outline the main reasons why Ken should opt into his employer’s qualifying workplace pension scheme (8 marks)
-Free employer contributions which will otherwise be lost
-Likely to be low cost as employer sponsored
-Builds further pension funds for the future / greater income in the future / less reliance on existing SIPP / investments
-Tax free growth within pension / potential for growth
-Fund choice can match his ATR
-Employer may pay more than the minimums, or match employee contributions, so higher overall monies being invested
-His contributions attract tax relief at his highest marginal rate (20% at source)
-Tax free cash/pension commencement lump sum once ceases work again
-Funds can be passed on to beneficiaries free of Inheritance Tax and may pay benefits income tax free if death before age 75
-Benefits from pound cost averaging
Explain to Ken whether he is eligible to join his employer’s qualifying auto-enrolment pension scheme (8 marks)
-As Ken has reached State Pension age, but is under age 75
-And his salary of £20,000 exceeds the threshold / he will be earning more than £10,000
-He will be classed as a non-eligible job holder
-This means his employer does not have to automatically enroll Ken into the pension scheme
-But Ken can request to be enrolled / he is entitled to enroll if he wishes to / he has the right to opt in
-If Ken asks to be enrolled his employer must allow this
-And his employer must make at least the minimum contributions in line with the scheme rules
-3% from the employer / 5% from Ken
-If Ken does not ask to be enrolled there is no obligation on the employer to automatically enroll him every three years
-As Ken is already drawing pension benefits his combined contributions for tax relief purposes will be restricted to MPAA/£4,000 (increasing to £10,000)
Explain briefly why Ken and Mary should have regular review meetings with their adviser (6 marks)
-React to changes in their circumstances / priorities / attitude to risk / tax status
-React to changes in legislation / tax
-React to new products
-Ensure use of tax allowances and exemptions
-Reinforce client relationship / forms part of service agreement
-Ensure plans are on track / react to market / economic changes / rebalancing / asset allocation / performance
-Changing situation as Ken returning to work
State the process an adviser should follow to advise Ken and Mary on their investment planning (6 marks)
-Establish the relationship / disclosure of status / adviser fee
-Goals / expectations / objectives / affordability / timescales
-Attitude to risk / capacity for loss / asset allocation
-Analysing the client’s situation
-Formulating recommendation / develop the financial plan / maximise tax efficiency
-Annually review / rebalance / monitor
State the additional information that an adviser would require to advise Ken and Mary on their savings and investments (8 marks)
-ATR/CFL in this area
-Any planned Capital expenditure
-Any gifts to children / grandchildren planned
-Level of Emergency Fund required
-Income or growth required / their objectives / timescales
-Interest rate / notice period on Mary’s deposit account
-Any winnings on Premium Bonds
-Income being received from the ISA investments in each of their names and Ken’s OEIC
-Has this year’s ISA allowance been utilised
-Performance of ISA investments
-Performance of Ken’s OEIC investment / charges / original amount invested / any withdrawals or additions
Ken is concerned about the decrease in the value over the past year of the funds within his SIPP. As Ken is drawing funds from his SIPP via flexi access drawdown explain why sequencing risk should be a concern to him when drawing his retirement income in this way (4 marks)
-Reverse pound cost averaging
-Drag on investment returns if in early years
-Withdrawals in poor markets amplify effect of poor returns
-Increases possibility fund exhausted early
Outline and explain four strategies that may help to reduce sequencing risk (8 marks)
-Invest in decumulation-targeted fund
-Reduces volatility
-Maintain cash reserve
-Draw on this in falling markets
-Reduce spending
-Until markets recover
-Rising equity glide path
-Reduce vulnerability to early falls in market
Explain the potential benefits to Ken and Mary if they decide to receive and act on advice received from a qualified financial adviser (8 marks)
-Help meet conflicting objectives
-Benefit from research
-Budgeting/cash flow
-Assess suitability of existing investments
-Tax planning
-Assess ATR/CFL
-Create financial plan
-Specialist knowledge
-Ongoing service/reviews
-Consumer protection
State seven areas that an adviser should address at an annual review meeting with Ken and Mary (7 marks)
-Update on retirement position
-Income/expenditure analysis
-Review new pension arrangements
-Investment performance
-Use of tax exemptions/allowances
-Legislative changes
-New products
-Change in objectives
-Change in circumstances
Outline the factors that you would take into account in determining Ken and Mary’s capacity for loss (10 marks)
-High emergency fund
-Medium to high ATR
-Can tolerate some volatility
-Sufficient non-savings income
-Not reliant on cash assets to meet monthly outgoings
-Ken returning to work, reducing reliance on pension incomes
-Children financially independent
-No outstanding mortgage
-High liquid & illiquid assets
-Joint, secure & indexed income of £31,400
-Assets held broadly match ATR
State two benefits and two drawbacks of Ken and Mary paying any advice fees via:
-Hourly rate
-Fixed fees
(8 marks)
Hourly rate benefits:
-Method familiar to clients
-Not linked to investment performance
Hourly rate drawbacks:
-Rewards inefficiency
-Potentially subject to VAT
-Costs may exceed estimate
-Difficult to quantify time to work completed
Fixed fee benefits:
-Not linked to investment performance
-More willing to talk to adviser/cost less impediment
-Easy to compare
Fixed fee drawbacks:
-Could be excessive for work done
-May be hard to understand
List the main benefits and drawbacks of Ken and Mary drawing up a Lasting Power of Attorney (6 marks)
-Avoids delays with Court of Protection
-Document wishes
-Choose decision maker
-IHT planning restrictive
-Irrevocable if mental capacity lost
Ken and Mary would like to ensure they have sufficient income throughout their lifetime. Identify the main factors and assumptions that you would discuss with Ken and Mary when formulating a cash flow model. (9 marks)
-Future expenditure pattern
-Timings of Ken’s employment
-Expected gifting
-Long term care
-Use of tax efficient wrappers
Ken and Mary would like to ensure they have sufficient income throughout their lifetime. Explain the benefits of using a cash flow forecast in establishing a strategy for meeting this financial objective. (7 marks)
-Income v expenditure comparison
-Stress test
-Understand impact of various future events
-Allows adviser to identify shortfalls
-Plan for these
-EGR assumptions input
-Inflation assumptions input
-Adjust as circumstances change
-Determine suitable asset allocation
Ken and Mary would like to ensure they have sufficient income throughout their lifetime. Explain the risks of relying solely on cash flow modelling to help them meet this financial objective. (6 marks)
-Assumptions can be incorrect
-Requires regular reviews
-Objectives can change
-Returns modelled as linear
-Tax rules may change
-Systemic risk not considered
-Liquidity risk not considered
Ken and Mary would like to ensure they have sufficient income throughout their lifetime. Outline six scenarios that should be discussed with Ken and Mary when carrying out a stress test of their cash flow forecast. (6 marks)
-Permanent loss of income source
-Returns lower than forecast
-Income needs higher than forecast
-Unplanned capital withdrawals
-Inflation higher than forecast
-Longevity higher than expected
-Adverse change in circumstances
Recommend and justify what actions Ken and Mary could take to generate a tax-efficient income in retirement from their investment portfolio (10 marks)
-Maximise ISA allowances
-Using cash on deposit
-Or OEIC funds
-Tax-free income & avoids drawing on pension
-Use CGT exemptions
-Register losses with HMRC
-Set against current/future gains
-Ensure savings a/c earning best interest
-Transfer OEIC to joint names to max Mary’s dividend allowance
-Interspousal transfer - no CGT implications
-NS&I to investment bond
-5% tax deferred withdrawals
-Switch assets to higher income yielding funds
-Ken enrol in workplace pension
-Tax relief & tax-free growth
-Further PCLS entitlement
-Reduce FAD withdrawals for IHT
Comment on the current overall tax position of Ken and Mary’s investment portfolio, and identify the actions they could take to maximise their tax efficiency (8 marks)
-Both BRT
-Ken’s employment unlikely to change this
-Both have PSA of £1000
-Mary likely exceeding hers
-Ken not using his
-Transfer deposit into joint names
-Ken has dividends from OEIC
-Likely exceeding DA and paying 8.75% IT
-Mary has no dividend bearing assets
-She’s not using her DA
-Transfer OEIC into joint names
-Max her DA
-Capital gains on Ken’s OEIC above exemption taxed at 10%
-Mary not used CGT exemption
-Max her CGT exemption
-ISA allowances used?
-Max if haven’t already for tax-free growth and income
-Both hold NS&I premium bonds, could put further £20k in
-ISAs free from CGT and IT
-All investment assets fall within estate
-Estate presently covered by NRB & RNRB
Identify the factors that would typically influence Ken and Mary’s tolerance for risk (7 marks)
-Disposable income
-Guaranteed pensions
-Investment experience
-Economic environment
State the factors relating to Ken and Mary’s investment portfolio that you would take into account when reviewing the suitability of these investments (10 marks)
-ISA/OEIC charges
-Original amount invested
-Income generated from funds
-Willingness to transfer ownership to single name
-Fund objectives
-Fund volatility
-Fund manager reputation
-Overall asset allocation
-Overall geographical diversification
-Sector diversification
-Investment style
-Currency risk
Explain, in detail, to Ken and Mary how they could consolidate their existing ISAs and Ken’s OEIC onto an investment platform and why this may be suitable for them in meeting their long-term objectives (12 marks)
-Can transfer ISAs
-Retain tax efficiency
-In specie transfer of OEIC
-No market timing risk
-No CGT implications from transfer
-Bed and ISA OEIC
-Quick transfer process
-Online access/easy to manage
-Lower cost
-Simplified tax reporting
-Wide fund choice
-Improved growth
-Can also consolidate Ken’s SIPP
State four benefits and four drawbacks of Ken and Mary appointing a discretionary fund manager to look after their investments (8 marks)
-Active management
-Potential for higher returns
-Regular reviews
-Tailored to objectives/ATR
-No ongoing involvement/saves time
-Higher charges
-No performance guarantee
-Lack of control
-Tax efficiency not always considered
-May not provide regular service
Comment on the suitability of Ken continuing to hold his current pension investment within UK and Global equity funds (6 marks)
-Match ATR
-No diversification
-Limited natural income potential
-Vulnerable to market movements
-High growth potential
-Sequencing risk potential
State six factors an adviser should take into consideration when reviewing Ken’s pension arrangements at the next annual review (6 marks)
-Personal circumstances
-His employment status
-Enrolled in workplace pension?
-Income requirements
-Investment performance
-Use of allowances
-Economic environment changes
-Legislative changes/new products
State four benefits and four drawbacks of Ken deferring his State Pension when he starts his new part time employment (8 marks)
-Increased future entitlement
-Triple lock guarantee
-1% uplift for every 9 weeks deferred
-No investment risk
-Saves income tax
-Loss of income for any objective
-Taxable when he does draw it
-Mortality risk
-No lump sum option
-Limited payment to spouse on death (3 months)
State the process for Ken and Mary to have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) drawn up (5 marks)
-Must be of sound mind
-Must be in writing
-Must be signed by Ken & Mary
-Certificate provider must confirm they are aware of what they’re doing
-Must be witnessed by at least 1 individual
-One for financial/property & one for health/welfare
-Must be registered with Office of Public Guardian
State five benefits and five drawbacks of Ken retaining his OEIC (10 marks)
-Growth potential
-Use dividend allowance
-Can bed and ISA
-Use CGT exemption
-Can switch funds
-Good level of equity diversification
-Matches ATR
-High admin burden
-Not held in ISAs
-8.75% IT on excess over dividend allowance
-Potential CGT liability
-Potentially IHT liable
-Income may not be sufficient for retirement
Explain to Mary why it is unsuitable for her to retain the cash in the deposit account over the longer term (6 marks)
-Default risk
-Not covered by FSCS limit
-Limited diversification
-Inflation risk
-No potential for capital growth
-Not held in ISA/not tax efficient
-Doesn’t match ATR
Explain why it may be more beneficial for Mary, rather than Ken, to defer her State Pension once Ken returns to work (8 marks)
-Depending on Mary’s STP value
-Deferring this will reduce total income
-Likely below £17,570
-Can use SRB
-Interest can be set against this
-Income tax at 0%
-If income < PA
-Ken can claim Marriage Allowance
-Mary can transfer £1260 PA to Ken
-Ken’s IT liability would reduce by £252