Case Study 1 Flashcards
What does the jugular venous pressure give?
It gives you an index of whats going on in the right atrium. if right atrial pressur goes up then so does jugeular because it feeds off IVC. A failure in the right side of the heart causes a rise in the jugular venous pressure.
What does swelling of the ankle indicate?
If there is no swelling in the ankle then it indicates that the right side of the heart is working normally bcause if not then you would get back pressure to the lower limb.
What is a murmur?
It is an abnormal sound from the heart due to turbulent blood flow.
Define BMI and how to calculate it?
is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy. To calculate, kg/m^2,
How does BMi afect cardiac fucntion in the long term?
the total blood volume increases. This results in increased stroke volume, and cardiac output
Normal SBP, DBP, PP and HR for 20 year old vs 60?
20: SBP - 120 ish DBP - 80 ish PP - 40 HR -
60: SBP - 135 ish DBP - 80 ish PP - 55 HR -
Describe the cardiac cycle for the left side of the heart with respect to pressure and volumes in the atrium, ventricle, and aorta?
Aorta - diastole: 80 and systole: 120
Left vetnricular- diastole: 0 and systole: 120
Check diagram
What is incisura or dicrotic notch?
Aortic valve closes, it is caused when ventricular pressure falls below arterial pressure
Where are the sounds of the heart in the cardiac cycle?
- ) Closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, the start of ventricular systole
- ) Closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves (semilunar). Start of diastole
- ) passive ventricular filling in the early stages of diastole. Not heart in adults, detected by phonocardiography.
- ) Rapid ventricular filling after atrial contraction. In atrial systole. Not heard, only in phonocardiography.
Why does aortic blood pressure never fall to 0 in normal circumstances?
elasticity of the large arteries helps to maintain pressure during ventricular relaxation, sustains diastolic pressure.
What’s wrong with the patient that has is 60 years old and has a blood pressure of 120/97 and a pulse pressure of 23?
He has a small pulse pressure and his diastolic blood pressure is high because of an increase in TPR to maintain the MAP.
What is Starling’s law of the heart and how will it be affected by sympathetic stimulation and myocardial infection (reduction in left ventricular mass)?
States that the stroke volume of the left ventricle will increase as the left ventricular volume increases due to the myocyte stretch causing a more forceful systolic contraction.
Every point on the starling curve has the same contractility. Sympathetic stimulation will increase the contractility by causing the starling curve to rise higher. There will be a higher SV for the same EDV.
What is myocardial contractility and how is it measured?
It is the stroke volume for a given end-diastolic volume. (the ability of the heart to contract).
it can be measured through: During isovolumetric phase of systole, ventricular pressure rises and the maximum rate at which this ventricular pressure rises is called the dP/dtmax. This slope is a good measure for myocardial contractility.
What causes a plateau in starling’s curve?
The plateau of the cardiac performance curve shows that there is a limit to the heart’s ability to accommodate increases in venous return. If venous return increases beyond this limit, blood wells up in the heart and raises atrial pressure drastically.
What factors affect stroke volume and why?
- ) Preload: The filling pressure of the heart at the end of diastole.
- ) Contractility: The inherent vigor of contraction of the heart muscles during systole.
- ) Afterload: The pressure against which the heart must work to eject blood during systole.