case studies chapter 1-3 Flashcards
chapter 1:
Greenhaven Mine, New York USA
-developed in a remote region in the USA with rich mineral deposits
-construction and operation brought about employment opportunities
-but raised concerns about the environmental impact sustainability of community
evironemtal concerns
-habitat disruption
-changes in local water systems
-soil erosion affecting nearby rivers
-destroying aquatic ecosystems
positive impacts
-employment opportunities
-revenue was generated through extraction and sale of copper
-taxes paid by mining company contributed to local and national economy
negative impacts
above + water pollution: toxic chemicals from mining process leaked into water bodies affecting aquatic life and community people
management of impact
- water treatment systems
- reforestation programs
- pollution control technologies
closure process
the copper resrves depleted and the mine began its closer process including envronemtanl rehabilitation and land restoration
restoration process
open pit filled with water to create a lake
surrounding land being replanted with native vegetation to promote ecosystem recovery
chapter 2: Gulf of Aden
April 2022, an oil spill occured in the Guld of Aden, Indian Ocean. caused by a collision between two oil tankers and 50,000 barrels of crude oil released
negative impact
- loss of marine life
- disruption of ecosystems
- lost of coastal habitat like mangroves, coral reefs
- devastated a local fishing industry
- tarnished region’s reputation of being a toursist region
- residents suffered from respiratory issues and skin issues
immediate response
- emergency response teams organized to contain the spill
-booms were deployed to contain oil
-skimmers were used to collect oil on the surface - disperants were used to break down oil to smaller droplets
-specialized teams formed to rescue wildlife - oiled animals cleaned and treated before being released back
long terms responses
- scientist conducted thorough assessments to find out the extent of damage and monitor recovery process
- replanting mangroves
- restoring coral reefs
- seeding seagrass breads
economic recovery
government provided compensation to affected individuals and businesses
preventive measures
- mandatory double hull tankers
- improved navigation of technology
- rigourous safety inspections
-training sessions to equip those in local communities and rescue teams
chapter 3: The Chacaltaya’s soil erosion
20th century it was created
causes of soil erosion
- deforestation; to make space for agricultural land
- monoculture farming; primarly focosing on cash crop, led to loss of plant diversity and less effective in holding soil together
- improper plowing
- overgrazing by livestock
-ineadequate irrigation degrading the soil
envrinmental impacts
- topsoil, rich in nuitrients, is carried away by water and wind
- sedimentation due to soil eroding and leaking into water bodies disrupting aquatic ecosystems and reducing water quality
- loss of biodiversity; loss of native plant specicies reducing eccosystem’s resilience to environmental changes
soil conservation stratergies
-agroforestry; provide as shade and windbreak along as holding soil together, reduce erosion and improve soil fertility
- contour farmingl helps slow down water flow, reducing erosion
- terracing: hellp control water run off and erosion while maximising land use
cover crops; helps protects soil from erosion, stablize soil and improve soil structure
-crop rotation’ diversitifies plant growth, reducing strain on specific nuitrients and enhancing soil health