Case Studies! Flashcards
Give MDx and Etiology

MDx: Atrophic Rhinitis (Catarrhal rhinitis with lateral deviation of the nasal septum and a symmetric atrophy of the nasal turbinates)
Etiology: P. Multicida,Bordetella bronchiseptica
Give Etiology and Pattern of lesions

Etiology= hematogenous bacterial infection
Pattern= Embolic pneumonia
Give Name of Disease of the lungs of this 3 month old pig and describe lesions!

Name of Disease= Porcine Contagious Pleuropneumonia
Description= Focal areas of necrosis and hemorrhage in middle and caudal lung lobes
Describe Lesions!

Reddish lines in the mucosa of Trachea (from passage of nasogastric tube); Aspiration pneumonia leading to death
Give Etiology and MDx for these tissues from a young horse!

Etiology= Rhodococcus equi
MDx= Multifocal pyogranulomatous pneumonia
Give Etiologic Diagnosis and describe lesions!

EtDx= Uremic Glossitis (DDx: Calicivirus Glossitis)
Description= Fibronecrotic debri and ulcers on the tongue
Give the MDx in the Shar Pei!

MDx= Renal Amyloidosis
Give the cause of the lesions, MDx and a lesion you need to rule out !

Cause= Uremia (esp. Dogs); Left atrium can be mineralized (calcium)
MDx= Ulcerative, necrotizing, uremic endocarditis
Rule out= valvular issues “Jet Lesions”
Give MDx and Cause!

MDx= Multifocal subpleural intercostal mineralization
Cause= Renal Failure causing Dystrophic Calcification
Give Etiological Diagnosis and Cause!

EtDx= Uremic Gastritis
Cause= Renal Failure
What is the Congenital Disease this breed of dog gets?

Congenital Renal Disease
Name the stain and what it is staining!

Von Kossa Stain
Staining for calcium (uremic gastritis)
What is this a picture of and the cause?

Necrosis of the Gastric mucosa
Caused by Uremic Gastritis
Name the condition and the cause!

Fibrous Osteodystrophy “Rubber Jaw”
Caused by Renal Failure
Death by renal failure is caused by a combination of multisystemic abnormalities including electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, cardiotoxicity due to increased serum K and pulmonary edema.
Describe whats going on in the bone!

Name the Disease!

Rubber Jaw! (Fibrous Osteodystrophy)
Rottweiler presenting with lesions in kidney, lungs and was anemic! This is a picture of the kidney what is the likely lesion seen?

Renal Failure with anemia and Uremic Pneumonitis

Is this normal bone marrow from a calf?

Yes, hemopoietically active bone marrow (uniform consistency and red to dark red in color)
Give 2 morphologic diagnoses!

MDx= Icterus and Splenomegaly
Give the cause and associated lesion in the small intestine of a dog!

Cause= Canine parvovirus (CPV-2)
Associated lesion= lymphoid depletion and bone marrow depletion
If this was a cat it would be feline panleukopenia virus
Give the MDx of the lesion!

MDx= Metastatic melanoma
Describe this lesion in a horse!

Hemangiosarcoma invading the bone and bone marrow
Give the MDx and name of disease in this Llama!

MDx= Multifocal granulomatous osteomyelitis
Disease= Tuberculosis
The ring is caused by inflammation
Give the MDx and describe the lesion!

MDx= Lymphosarcoma
Lesion description= Red marrow and white fat marrow is being displaced along the medullary cavity and by a more yellow color tumor tissue near the epiphysis
Give the MDx and Etiology for this lesion!

Mdx= Serous atrophy of bone marrow fat
Etiology= Chronic emaciation
Give the MDx, associated clinical pathology findings and radiographic appearance!

MDx= Multiple Myeloma
Radiograph Lesions= Punched out lesions with areas of osteolysis
Clin Path= Hypercalcmia, monoclonal gammopathy, bence jones proteinuria, cytopenias
Give the MDx of this lesion!

MDx= Acute lymphadenitis
Increased in size so either inflammatory or degenerate
Describe the lesion!

Early Acute lymphadenitis
Medulla of the lymph node; increased macrophages and sinus histiocytosis
Give the MDx, Name of the disease and etiology in this horse!

MDx= Acute suppurative lymphadenitis
Name of Disease= Equine Strangles
Etiology= Streptococcus equi sup. equi
Dorsal view of larynx, left and right retropharyngeal lymph nodes
Give the MDx and etiology of this lesion in a sheep!

MDx= Chronic caseous lymphadenitis
Etiology= Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
Same etiology in the dog
Give the MDx and name of disease of this lesion in a cow!

MDx= Diffuse, chronic granulomatous lymphadenitis
Name of Disease= Tuberculosis (mycobacterium bovis)
Name the disease and describe the lesions in a cow!

Name of the disease= Johne’s disease (mycobacterium avium sp. paratuberculosis)
Describe= Multinucleated giant cells: Langhans cells; several noncaseating granulomas (pale areas) have replaced the normal lymphoid tissue
Give the MDx of this lesion in the cat!

MDx= Lymphoma or Lymphosarcoma
Cranial mediastinal lymph nodes
Describe the lesion and give the etiology!

Jowl abscess in the mandibular lymph nodes
Etiology= Streptococcus porcinus
Give the MDx of this lesion in a cow!

MDx= Lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) in the vertebral canal in the epidural space
Name the lesion seen in this fine needle aspirate of a canine popliteal lymph node!

Give the MDx and etiology of this lesion in the mandibular lymph nodes of a cat!

MDx= Diffuse granulomatous lymphadenitis
Etiology= Cryptococosis (cryptococcus gattii)
Give the etiology and MDx of this lesion in a goat!

Etiology= Crynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
MDx= Diffuse granulomatous (caseous) lymphadenitis
Give the MDx and Name of disease seen in this lesion in a cow!

MDx= Severe, diffuse Peyers patches necrosis
Disease= Mucosal disease (BVDV)
Give two MDx of this lesion seen in a dog!

MDx= Siderotic plaques and Nodular hyperplasia (incised)
Name the pigment (brown on H&E) that stains blue with the Prussian blue reaction (stain for iron)!

Provide differential diagnoses for this lesion seen in a dog!

Histiocytis sarcoma, lymphoma, plasma cell tumor, mast cell tumor, splenitis, amyloidosis
Give a MDx for this lesion seen in a dog!

MDx= Chronic splenic infarct
Give a MDx and Etiology for this lesion seen in a pig!

MDx= Diffuse sever splenic congestion
Etiology= African Swine Fever
Give a MDx for these lesions seen in a dog!

Spleen and Brain
MDx= Metastatic hemangiosarcoma
Give a MDx, etiology and the other organs affected in this lesion seen in a chicken!

MDx= Lymphoid tumors
Etiology= Gallid herpesvirus 2 (Marek’s disease)
Seen in liver, spleen, peripheral nerves, eyes and kidney
Give a MDx for this lesion seen in a cat!

MDx= Thymic lymphosarcoma
Give the MDx for this lesion seen in a cow!

MDx= Multifocal, petechial to ecchymotic hemorrhages in thymus
Give a MDx for this lesion seen in a woodchuck!

MDx= healed traumatic splenic rupture
Give a MDx for this lesion seen in a ferret!

MDx= Lymphoma (mesenteric lymph nodes)
Give a MDx, 3 possible causes and common clinical sign seen with this lesion in a dog!

MDx= Multifocal to coalescing necrotizing ulcerative gastritis
Causes= Bacterial (helicobacter), NSAID overdose (prostaglandins inhibited), uremia
Clinical sign= Melana
Give the name of the syndrome and cause seen in this dog!

Syndrome= Vitamin E deficiency (Brown Gut syndrome)
Cause= Pigment is lipofuscin caused by oxidative damage over time in muscle and stomach cells
Give the MDx for this lesion!

MDx= Dental Calculus (Plaque)
GIve the MDx and etiology of this lesion seen in a horse!

MDx= MUltifocal Ulceration of the Stomach
Etiology= Gastrophilus
Give the MDx and types of cells seen on histo for this lesion in a horse!

MDx= Granulomatous Enteritis
Cell type= Macrophages
Can be seen as a post mortem change but with stretching it will go flat but not if it is antemortem
Is this normal in a cat?

Yes this is a normal herringbone pattern of the esophagus in a cat!
Give the MDx and etiology of these lesions seen in a a horse!

MDx= Proliferative (hyperplasia) gastritis (left lesion) and Multifocal ulcerative gastritis (right lesion)
Cause= Trichostrongylus axei (left lesion) and Gastrophilus (right lesion)
Give a MDx and etiology for this lesion seen in a horse!

MDx= Focal perforation of the duodenum
Etiology= Perforation and rupture
Give the etiological diagnosis and MDx for this lesion in a horse!

EtDx= Ascaridial enteritis
MDx= Catarrhal enteritis
Give a MDx for this lesion in a horse!

MDx= Multifocal to coalescing necrotizing ulcerative gastritis
ID the species in this picture!

Llama or Alpaca
Give a MDx and the name of this disease seen in this lesion of a dog!

MDx= Multifocal segmental Necro-hemorrhagic enteritis
Canine Parvoviral Enteritis
Give a MDx and etiology for this lesion in a cow!

MDx= Ulcerative glossitis and ulcerative esophagitis
Etiology= Bovine Viral Diarrhea (pestivirus)
Give a MDx, cell type and possible etiology for this lesion in a cow!

MDx= Reticulum Lymphosarcoma
Etiology= BoLV (retrovirus)
Cell type= neoplastic lymphoblasts
Give a MDx and etiology for this lesion in a cat!

MDx= Multifocal granulomatous vasculitis/peritonitis
Etiology= FIP (coronavirus)
Give a DDx for this lesion in a dog!

Oral malignant melanoma or fibrosarcoma
Give the name of the disease and the etiology of this lesion in a pig!

Name of disease= Swine Dysentery
Etiology= Brachyspira hyodysentery
Give the etiological diagnosis for this lesion in a sheep!

Intestinal Coccidisis
Give a MDx for this lesion in a dog!

Intestinal Intussception
Give a MDx and pathogenesis for this lesion in a dog!

MDx= Ulcerative Glossitis
Associated with uremia
Damage to endothelial cells, altered calcium-phosphorous metabolism, ammonia secretion and anemia
What is this?

Give a MDx for this lesion in a dog!

MDx= Megaesophagus (caused by achelasia/lower sphincter problem)
Give a MDx for this lesion!

MDx= Persistant right aortic arch with megaesophagus
Give a MDx for this lesion!

Oral Papillomatosis
Give a MDx and DDx for this lesion in a cow!

MDx= Ulcerative stomatitis
Give a MDx and etiology for this lesion in a dog!

MDx= Acute segmental hemorrhagic enteritis
Etiology= Canine Parvovirus type 2
Give a MDx for this lesion in a dog!

MDx= Inguinal Hernia incarceration (jejunum)
Give a MDx and possible complication from this lesion!

MDx= Palatoschisis
Possible complication is bronchopneumonia from aspirating ingesta
Give a MDx for this lesion in a horse!

Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Give a MDx and etiology for this lesion in a dog!

MDx= Catharral Enteritis
Etiology= Dipylidium caninum
Give a MDx for this lesion in a horse!

Acquired Stenosis (jejunal stricture)
Give a MDx and etiology for this lesion in a pig small intestine!

MDx= Proliferative ileitis
Etiology= Lawsonia intracellularis
What is this and describe!

MDx= menigitis
Gelatinous substance (most likely pus)
Give a MDx and describe the lesion!

MDx= Meningitis
Significant seperation of the hemispheres and is rich in neutrophils
Describe what is going on in this CSF tap!

Seeing segmented neutrophils and bacteria
What is this lesion in the brain, where are the cells located and what cell populations will be there?

Perivascular Cuffing
Cells are located in the virchow robins space
Cell types: Bacteria- neutrophils and macrophages, Viral- lymphocytes and plasma cells, Autoimmune condition- lymphocytes and plasma cells, Protozoal- macrophages
There are lots of neutrophils in this perivascular cuffing. Give two DDx’s!

Pyogranulomatous inflammation or Listeriosis (in brain stem)
What type of cell is this? They are GFAP+ and swollen.

Give a MDx for this lesion!

Give a DDx for this lesion (hydrocephalus)

Meningocele which is a congenital deformity
Give a MDx for this lesion, descirbe pathogenesis and give 3 possible etiologies!

Caused my the muscles never moving in utero because of missing parts of the spinal cord
Etiologies= Schmallenburg virus, Akabane virus, BVDV
Describe the lesion and give it a MDx!

3cm long well demarcated lesion on the meninges
Meningioma! (Remember they can be shelled out!)
Give a MDx for this lesion!

Cerebellar Coning
Describe this lesion seen in a cat that had trauma to its head!

Distorted symmetry with a green gelatinous substance!
This is an abscess from a penetration wound
Describe the lesion and give two possible types of neoplasia seen here!

Pituitary tumor!
Either Micro adenoma (doesn’t become space occupying) or Macro adenoma (damages the pituitary fossa and goes up into the brain)
Is this mass benign or malignant?

Benign! Growing by expansile means!
Name the location of the lesion and give a MDx!

Location is dorsal route ganglia!
MDx= Ganglioneuritis
Describe the lesion and give two possible etiologies!

Abscess originating in the bone with spondylitis and a compressed/impinged cord (get wallerian degeneration)
Etiologies= Salmonella or Wobbler’s disease (instability of the ligaments of two or more bones)
Name the location, syndrome seen in horses and pathogenesis!

Cauda Equina
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Lymphocytes and plasma cells infiltrate the nerves believed to be caused by a herpes virus and then an autoimmune response!
What is morphologically abnormal with this skin from a dog?

Alopecia, Ulceration, Crusting, Papules and white areas
What is a MDx for this lesion?

MDx= Calcinosis cutis
What endocrine abnormality likely underlies this skin lesion?

Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s)
What other tissues may have lesions from this endocrine abnormality (Hyperadrenocorticism)?
Bilaterally symmetrical alopecia, pot belly, hepatomegaly, UTI’s, skin infections, SMELL!
Give a MDx for these adrenal glands!

Adrenocortical hyperplasia
What is the cause of this lesion?

Pituitary Adenoma producing ACTH
What is the clinical diagnosis?

Secondary Hyperadrenocorticism
What is morphologically abnormal?

Obese, Symmetrical alopecia, edematous face, mucopurelent conjunctivitis
Give a MDx and disease name for this lesion!

MDx= Thyroid atrophy
Give a MDx for this lesion in the thyroid!

MDx= Lymphocytic thyroiditis
Small blue dots are lymphocytes
Give a MDx for this lesion!

Subtle Coronary atherosclerosis caused by severe hypothyroidism
Describe what is going on in this section of coronary atherosclerosis and the pathogenesis!

Walls aren’t even thickness, clear space between cells
Pathogenesis= Lipid and mineral deposits in the muscle with macrophages are there to cleanup!
What is morphologically abnormal in this cat?

Multinodular lesions on the thyroid and the thyroid is about 3x its normal size
Give a MDx for this lesion!

Nodular Thyroid hyperplasia
Give a MDx and pathogenesis for this heart that is enlarged!

MDx= Biventricular myocardial hypertrophy and Focal myocardial fibrosis
Pathogenesis= had previous damage due to ischemia–>infarct–> healed; increased metabolism from to much thyroxine
Give a MDx for this lesion!

MDx= Acute Renal Infarct
Give a MDx for this lesion in a adult cat!

Multifocal parathyroid hyperplasia
What other lesions should we look for with this?

Secondary to low calcium because of renal failure or nutritional (vitamin D, Ca, P)
Give a MDx for this lesion and the consequences of this lesion!

Apocrine gland adenocarcinoma
Indirectly affecting PTH causing increase Ca and decrease P leading to metastatic calcification in kidney, stomach, heart and lungs. Also causes kidney cirrhosis (seen in picture below)

What is being seen in these lesions?

Metastatic calcification!
What is the most likely pathological process for these adrenal glands from a horse?

Neoplasia or Inflammation
Originating from the medulla
Which neoplasms are possible in this lesion and how do you differentiate between them?

Cortical adenoma or Pheochromocytoma
Histology to differentiate
What is commonly seen in green iguanas?

Nutritional Hyperparathyroidism
Give a MDx for this lesion in a ferret!

MDx= Pancreatic islet cell adenoma
With insulinomas do they often metastasize and what is a common clinical pathology finding?

Yes they often metastasize!
Hypoglycemia is a common finding!
Describe this lesion in a calf!

Mucopurulent discharge from the conjunctiva, neovascularization in the cornea, possibly ulcerated (small circle) and there is opacity with edema
What is the pathological process seen in this lesion?

Inflammation and Repair
Give a MDx and some potential causes of this lesion!

MDx: ulcerative keratitis or corneal ulcer
Causes: moraxella bovis, trauma, BVD, Blut Tongue, Herpes Viruses (MCF, IBR)
Describe this lesion in a dog!

A small nodular mass on upper eyelid, 0.5 cm in diameter, roughened surface, pigmented black, also the cornea is cloudy, neovascularization around the cornea and we can’t see the iris
What is the pathological process going on here and give a MDx!

Inflammation and Repair
Disorders of Growth
What is the MDx for this lesion and top DDx?

MDx= Sebaceous Adenoma
DDx: neoplasm, abscess or granuloma
Describe this lesion!

Multifocal corneal opacities which can be caused by deposits (calcium, fibrosis, lipids) or edema
What is the pathological process and give a MDx!

Inflammation and Repair
Deposits and Pigmentations
What is the MDx for this lesion?

Corneal Deposit (“Florida Spots” or Tropical Keratopathy)
Describe this lesion!

Diffuse opacity of the cornea and Bupthalmia
What is the pathological process and give a MDx!

MDx: Glaucoma or Bupthalmia
Name the condition and give a potential cause!

Fluid build up and then increased IOP and then as the eye enlarges the endothelium comes apart and the fluid can leak in
Describe this lesion!

Semilunar slightly elevated plaque like mass that is pink red that extending from the lateral limbus to the cornea
What is the pathological process, give a MDx and name the disease!

Inflammation and Repair
MDx: Chronic superficial keratitis
Name of Disease: Pannus
Describe this lesion!

The lens is removed, exudate in the anteroir chamber. The iris is really thick, nodular and pale tan color.
What is the pathological process and give a MDx!

Disorders of Growth
MDx: Lymphoma
Describe this lesion in a cat!

Discrete plaque in the cornea with neovascularization and some corneal opacity in a cat
What is the pathological process and give a MDx!

Inflammation and Repair
MDx: Feline Eosinophilic Keratitis
What is the pathogenesis of this lesion in a cat and how you confirm this lesion!

Immune mediated pathogenesis, but most cats have active feline herpesvirus infection
Confirm lesion with corneal scraping cytology
Describe this lesion!

Skin surface is nodular, waxy exudate, rough skin, lichenified
What is the pathological process, give a MDx and what are the potential causes!

Inflammation and Repair
MDx: Chronic Otitis externa
Potential cause: malezzia, stapholococcus, proteus, pseudomonas
What is the underlying factors seen with this lesion and possible consequences!

Underlying factors: cocker spaniel with hair in ears, sebaceous issues, swimming, tropical environment
Consequences: hearing loss (no access), progresses into otitis media and interna, see vestibular disease, chronic infections
What is the name of this lesion, possible cause and what breeds are predisposed

Prolapse of the gland of the nicitating membrane (“Cherry Eye”)
Cause= may occur secondary to weak supportive connective tissues
Predisposed breeds= Beagle, English Bulldog, Boston terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Shar Pei
What is the name of this lesion and what causes it!

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (“Dry Eye”)
Due to lack of tear production and may be mild to severe, and temporary or permanent
What are the causes of 3rd Eyelid Protrusion?
Micropthalmia, Horner’s syndrome, Lymphoid hyperplasia, injury, congenital anomaly in cartilage of third eyelid, enopthalamus, intra-ocular mass