case pithies after felony murder Flashcards
[North Carolina v. Alston] “EPIC RAPE CAES WAO; Force element not satisfied”
CL Second Degree Rape: Vaginal intercourse with BOTH force and without consent
Threats of GBH are enough to satisfy force
Threat can be generally inferred if not explicit from the circumstances.
Consent to intercourse can be withdrawn at any point before penetration.
Consent is a complete defense, but it is void if it is gained by violence.
Lack of resistance is not needed to prove lack of consent
MPC: Sexual Penetration Without Consent. An actor is guilty of Sexual Penetration Without Consent
1. knows, or consciously disregards a substantial risk, that the other person has not given consent.
[People v. Gentry]”I poured gas on her and lit a match by accident!” Illinois
To prove Attempt, two mental states must be proven.
1. Act must be intentional
2. The actor must specifically intend that his actions lead to the completion of the target crime (Varies by jurisdiction.)
[Bruce v. State]”Storeowner shot, attempted felony murder?” A/C Maryland
Attempted Felony Murder does not exist in most jurisdictions; Someone has to actually die.
[United States v. Mandujano]”Arrested for dealing heroin you don’t have?”
Culpability + Substantial Step = Attempt
Substantial Step: A substantial step must be conduct strongly corroborative of the firmness of the defendant’s criminal intent.
[Commonwealth v. Peaslee]”Barnhouse Burndown”
Two most common kinds of foiled Attempt:
1. Attempt foiled by unforeseen interruption
2. Attempt foiled by Defendant’s own ineptitude or mistake
[People v. Rizzo]”Thieves caught before finding victim”
Dangerous Proximity Test:
1. How close defendants came to completing the attempt
2. How serious the crime was, and
3. What social harm was implicated.
[State v. Reeves] “Giving the Teacher Rat Poison”
TN Law (MPC 5.01 excluding 5.01(2)): (2) when actor possesses materials to be used in commission of crime, at or near scene of crime, and where possession of those materials can serve no lawful purpose of actor under circumstances, jury is entitled, but not required, to find that actor has taken “substantial step” toward commission of crime within meaning of criminal attempt statute.
[United States v. Duran] “Guy tries to assassinate ‘President’”
MPC 5.01 (2): Conduct is not a substantial step unless it strongly corroborates the actor’s criminal purpose. The following may not be found to be a non-substantial step as a matter of law.
1. lying in wait,
2. searching for or following the contemplated victim of the crime …
3. reconnoitering the place contemplated for the commission of the crime …
4. possession of materials to be employed in the commission of the crime,
(a) at or near the place contemplated for its commission,
(b) if such possession, collection or fabrication serves no lawful purpose of the actor under the circumstances.
[United States v. Oviedo] “Selling Fake Heroin to Rip People Off”
Legal Impossibility: in order for a defendant to be guilty of a criminal attempt, the objective acts performed, without any reliance on the accompanying mens rea, mark the defendant’s conduct as criminal in nature. NON MPC
[People v. Thousand] “To Catch A Predator”
Factual Impossibility: Whether it would be impossible for the defendant to have committed the completed offense is irrelevant to whether a defendant may be convicted for attempt; Factual impossibility is not a defense.
[State v. Green] “Police Catfish Predator on Yahoo”
1. Legal impossibility occurs
(a) when the actions that the defendant performs or sets in motion, even if fully carried out as he or she desires, would not constitute a crime, whereas
i. Oviedo, valid defense OUTDATED.
2. factual impossibility occurs
(a) when the objective of the defendant is proscribed by the criminal law but a circumstance unknown to the actor prevents him or her from bringing about that objective.
i. Thousand, invalid defense.
Specific attempt + Substantial Act
MPC Impossibility: Impossibility is generally not a valid defense.
[Commonwealth v. McCloskey] “Prisoner Climbs Internal Fence to Prepare Escape”
Common Law Abandonment/Renunciation: D can assert A/R as a complete defense if he can prove that he voluntarily completely abandoned the attempt.
1. Does not work if it happens because D encountered unexpected resistance or circumstances that would make the act more risky of arrest or otherwise to D.
2. It also can’t be invoked once harm is done.
[Counterman v. Colorado] “Stan stalks singer”
True threats of violence are not protected by the 1st amendment.
A statement can count as a true threat purely on the basis of its objective content. DEF must be shown to be aware of his conduct being threatening, but a mental state of recklessness is sufficient to prove this.
[State v. Kimbrough] “Assassinate my inlaws”
Oregon is a state where solicitation itself is a type of attempt, and uses the MPC Substantial Step rule. Actual solicitation can be a substantial step, and therefore attempt.
State v. Mann “Solicitation Definition”
Solicitation involves the asking, enticing, inducing, or counseling of another to commit a crime.