CASE NAMES Flashcards
Cork v Kirby MacLean
contributory negligence - defender must prove pursuer caused harm too
ICI v Shatwell
Volenti non fit injuria test
Reavis v Clan Line Steamers
seconadry vic must have close relationship with primary
Anderson v StA Ambulance Association
joint fault - must show contirbution from both parties
Alcock v CC of South Yorkshire Police
nervous shock test
nervous shock - can claim if seen through technology
Vernon v Bosely
nervous shock - psych harm must be diagnosed
McLaughlin v OBrian
nervous shock - can claim just seeing aftermath
Salter v UB Foods
nervous shock - friendship does not count as close connection
Ewing v Earl of Mar
civil assault req
Marco v Merrens
self-defence requirements
Ashley v CC of Sussex Police
assault - allowed to misunderstand an incoming attack
Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board
noncon medical is assault
Mason v Orr
justification defence - when is authority breached?
Ross v Bryce
provocation info
McKenzie v Cluny Hill
unjustified detention - no minimum
Austin v UK
unjustified detention - kettling is not an offence
McKie v CC of Starthclyde Police
unjust deten - police need a warrant to detain unless believe P has committed an offence
Regulations of Railways Act
unjust deten - trasnport officers can detain if no ticket
Immigration Act
unjust deten - imm officers can detain if deporting
Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act
unjust deten - can detain in mental hospital if authorised
Protection from Harrassment Act
Harassment req
Levi v Bates
harassment - alarm to family is the same as alatm to self
Campbell v MGN
misuse of info test
McKennit v Ash
misuse - info does not need to be true
Ferdinand v MGN
misuse - info about infidelity is protected
Fairley v Paymaster
misuse - must be an actual or threatened misuse
ZXC v Bloomberg
misuse - no privacy for criminal convictions
Van Hannover v Germany
misuse balancing act test
sexual information is very protected, freedom of exp doesnt apply
Defamation and Malicious Publication Act 2021
defamation requirements
Sim v Stretch
defamation - consensus test
Lachaux v Independent Print
defamation - serious harm test
Knuppfer v London Express Newspapers
defamation - must be easily ID
Huton v James
defamation - if found def then false and intended harm
Derry v Peek
Fraud req
Reckitt and Colman v Borden
passing off req
Nestle v Cadbury
passing off - can have goodwill of colour
Morning Star v Express Newspapers
passing off - moron in a hurry test
OBG v Allen
causing loss by unlawful means req
breach of contract req
Douglass v Hello
causing loss - must restrict operations, not just less profitable
Total Networks 2008
conspiracy unlawful req
Crofter Tweed v Veitch
lawful conspiracy req
McGill v Sports and Entertainment
breach of contract - no need for written contract
Allen v Pollock and Dodd
breach of contract - genuine belief wouldn’t breach then no liability
Brimelow v Casson
breach of contratc - defence if good cause to cause breach
Damages (Scotland) Act 2011
personal injury - family can claim on bhealf
criteria for loss for damages
Barclaus Bank v Various Claimants
vicarious liability - employment style criteria
Kirby v National Coal Board
vicarious liability - course of employment criteria
Lister v Hesley Hall
vicarious liability - suf connection between act and work
Jehovah’s Witnesses v BXB
vicarious liability - job giving opportunity does not auto connection
Occupiers Liability Scotland Act
property liability info
Leonard v Loch Lomond
property liability - no duty to prevent natural dangers
ICI Tech v Johnson
professional liability - estbalish professional meaning
Dickson v Hygenic Institute
professional liability - attempt professional job then treated like one
Hunter v Hanley
test for professional negligence
White v Jones
take will as it is written
McCaffertey Wright v Paton
immunity for criminal, unlikely in civil
Donoghue v Stevenson
duty not to harm others
manufacturer duty to ultimate consumer
Caparo Industries v Dickman
test for duty of care
Waugh v James K Allan
breach of duty - must be voluntary
Muir v GCC
breach of duty - injury must be reasonably foreseeable
Maloco and Smith v Littlewoods
reasonable foreseeability lessens if there are precautions
Consumer Protection Act
product liability
WIlkes v Deputy International
cannot full eradicate product risk - cost, some benefits come with risks etc
Stoke v Guest
employer liability - reasonable steps to provide safe workplace
Unfair Contract Terms Act
employers liability - cannot exclude in contract
Wilson v English
employers liability - cannot delegate responsibility
Employers Liability Defective Machinery Act
employers liability - must have safe machinery
McGregor v AAH Pharmaceuticals
professional liability - safe system
Waters v Commissioner of Police
employers liability - competent employees
Barber v Somerset City Council
workplace stress req