Case law Flashcards
It is an MEEQR when a measure affacts the behavior of consumers and therefor barriers the acces of the product on the market
Mickelsson and Roos case
It was an MEEQR because the rule makes sure that consumers won’t buy the product and therefor it affects the market in the same way as it was a QR.
Italian Trailers-case
The Keck reception was confirmed in this case
art. 34 TFEU has a positive and negative dimension: it does not only prohibit solely measures emanating from the State which create restristions on trade between MS. It also applies where a MS abstains from adopting the measures required in order to deal with obstacles to the free movement of goods which are not caused by the State
Spanish strawbarries-case
Implied justification for art. 34 and 35 TFEU
Cassis de Dijon-case
Difference between selling arrangements and product requirements
Exception art. 34 TFEU
Definition MEEQR as in art. 34 TFEU
is there a CEE as in art. 110 TFEU?
When are products similair according to art. 110 TFEU?
Natural Sweet Wines-case
When are products similair according to art. 110 TFEU?
Beer & Wine-case
When are products similair according to art. 110 TFEU?
Whiskey and Cognac-case
CEE + exception art. 30 TFEU
Bauhuis The Netherlands-case
Definition CEE’S + Exception art. 30 TFEU
Statistical Levy-case
Definition of a good
Art treasures-case
Does art. 34 TFEU apply to activities of a private law body which can restrict market acces of products?
Fra. Bo SpA-case
Has Michelin abused its dominant position?
Michelin II-case
Has Mediaprint abused its dominant position?
Has UBC abused its dominant position?
United Brands-case
Is predatory pricing a commercially legitimate strategy?
Definition of market
Definition of dominance
Hoffman-La Roche-case
Determining whether an agreement reveals a suffient enough degree of harm to competition.
P Cartes Bancaires c. Commission-case
Was there a concerted practice? Yes
ICI v. Commission-case
Is an organization charged with managing a social security scheme to be regarded an undertaking as understood by art. 101 TFEU?
Poucet and Pistre-case