Case Law Flashcards
Olga Tellis vs BMC
Right to livelihood is part of right to life.
Paschim Banga Khet Majdoor Samiti vs State of WB
DPSP are fundamental in policy making at federal and state level
Madhu Kishwan vs State of Bihar
Tribal women has right to inheritance after death of last male member till her livelihood depends on that
A39 (a)
Ranganatha Reddy versus State of Karnataka
Wider connotation given to ‘material resources’ – includes all natural resources, public property, and private property and as individual is part of society his resources are part of community resources.
Sanjeev Coke manufacturing company versus Bharat Coking coal Ltd
Anything capable of producing wealth for the community is a material resource.
A 39 b
Sonia Bhatia versus state of Uttar Pradesh
Ceiling put on land holdings
Federation of all India Customs and Stenographer versus Union of India
Court held that differentiation among the pay scale for government servant holding the same position and performing similar works on basis of ✨responsibility and confidentiality ✨is a valid differentiation.
Laxmikant Panday case
Supreme Court laid guidelines with respect to adoption of child by foreign parents. Supreme Court said welfare of the entire community depends upon the health and welfare of the children.
A 39 f
Gaurav Jain case
SC set up a committee to check for rehab of children of the prostitutes.
Art 39f
DBM Palnaik versus state of Andhra Pradesh
Lack of Suitable living conditions in jails is a barbarous act and is against the letter and spirit of the Constitution
A42 just and humane working conditions.
Mohini JAIN case
Education should be a constitutional obligation for state at all levels.
Quashed down later due to lack of economic resources
Delhi municipal corporation
Supreme Court quashed down the order of DMC to provide maternity leave to regular female workers and denying it to ad hoc workers.
D S Nakara case
- Pension is not bounty. It is a vested right.
- pension is payment for past services.
- It is a social welfare measure at heyday of life.
Society for Un-aided Private Schools of Rajasthan v. Union of India
Supreme Court said that the term weaker section has a wider connotation then backward classes.
AIIMS student union versus AIIMS
Supreme court was of the opinion that reservation beyond undergraduate level is diversion because the public health can be improved by the best doctors.