Case Law Flashcards
General case law
- is there a special deduction or inclusion?
- s11(a) read with 23(g)
- start with onus of proof in terms of s102 of TAA
- Are you trading?
- purpose of the income or deduction?
Gross Income (Residency)
- Cohen
- Kuttle
- -Return from all your wandering
- Country you regard as real home - Person’s principle residence is where a person habitually and normally resides
Lever Brothers
What is the originating cause?
Where is the cause situated?
Total amount in cash or otherwise
- Lategan
- Butcher Bros
- Brummeria
- The word amount includes any form of property with an ascertainable monetary value
- The onus is on SARS to determine the amount
- Whether the receipt or accrual has a money value is the primary question
- The test is objective not subjective
- Arms length principles must be applied
If a taxpayer has a right to an interest free loan such a right has a value. There is a tax benefit for the “amount”
- People’s stores
- Witwatersrand association of racing
- Mooi
- Accrued to = entitled to
Accrual = face value not the discounted value - No legal obligation exists to pay amount over to taxpayer
- Accrues to means unconditionally entitled to amount
- Geldenhuys
- MP Finance
- Pyott
- Received by taxpayer for own benefit
- A bilateral receipt received by taxpayer (deposit)
- unilateral receipt doesn’t mean it has been received - Deposits are still received and form part of gross income
- A deposit is only treated as not being received if the money is kept separately in a trust account for benefit if customer
Fringe Benefit
- Whether an advantage or benefit was granted by an employer to an employee
- Whether it was for the latters private or domestic purpose
Nature of the asset
- Visser
- George forest timber
- Nel
- Tree vs. fruit
Tree is a capital structure and the fruit is the income earning activities.
Receipts for selling the tree is capital in nature and receipt of selling fruit is revenue in nature
- Assets are either fixed or floating capital
- Krugerrand normally seen as capital in nature unless you buy and trade them
Intention of taxpayer
- Richmond Estates
- Levy
- Elandsheuwel
- Actions of directors, type of business and the MOI
- If mixed intentions, determine dominant intention
- Intention of the shareholders
Scheme of profit making
- Pick ‘n pay employee share trust
- Stott
- Nel
- Scheme of profit making is essential to classify proceeds as revenue in nature
- Consider the taxpayers dominant intention
- Krugerrand is seen as capital in nature. Consider taxpayers reason for selling Kruger rands
Change of intention
- John Bell
- Natal Estate
- Nussbaum
- Berea west estate
- Founders hill
- The mere decision to sell an asset does not change the intention. Capital asset may be realized to the best of its advantage
- Careful to not cross the rubicon
- The secondary purpose could taint the primary purpose of the taxpayer consider frequency
- The receipt of the realization company are capital in nature
- There has to be a real justification for the realization company to be formed
Damages and compensation
- Fourie Beleggings
- Stellenbosch farmers winery
- Compensation for damages of a capital asset is capital
Compensation for loss of profit or income =income
- If proceeds relate to filling a hole in the income earning structure, it is capital in nature.
- Filling a hole in the income pocket is revenue
- Cancellation of a contract to an income earning right will be capital in nature
- mining of cryptocurrency any gain or loss will be revenue nature
- If taxpayer acquired
- cryptocurrency. Ask if purchased in a scheme of profit making if yes gain or losses are revenue in nature
- If acquired for means of payments gains and losses are capital in nature
Legality or otherwise of the business production of income
- Delagoa Bay cigarettes
- MP finance
- The legality of income is irrelevant
2. Even though the receipts are illegal they are still received
Special inclusion
- Hogan
(Services rendered)
2. Stevens
- An annuity constitutes gross income. The characteristics are….
- par (c) gross income inclusion
If there is a casual relationship between the payment and employment, it will be gross income
Deduction cases
(During the year of assessment)
1. Sub-Nigel
(Carrying on a trade)
1. Burgess
(Actually incurred)
- Nasionale pets bpk
- Edgars stores
- Golden dumps
- Labat
(In production of income)
- PE Tramway
- Joffe
- BP South Africa
- Provider
- Mobile telephone networks
(Dual purpose)
1. Nemojin
(During the year of assessment)
- An expense must be deducted i the year it is incurred
- it cannot be claimed in later years
(Carrying on a trade)
1. A wide interpretation
(Actually incurred)
1. If payment is contingent upon future event can only be incurred once conditions are met
- Deduct when there is an unconditional legal obligation
- Any amount in dispute, settled when dispute is settled
- s40CA expenses to be incurred where it issues shares as consideration for acquiring an asset to be the market of the shares issued immediately after acquisition
- if shares are issued in exchange for a service, will not be deducted
(In production of income)
- What is the purpose of the expense?
- How closely connected is the expense to production of income? - Inevitable concomitant
- Recurring payments for maintaining income earning operations are deductible
- Royalty payments are of a revenue nature - Amounts paid in terms of a service package are deductible
- Audit fees:
- is incurring fees attached to performance of the taxpayers income earning operations(In production of income)
- fees are incurred for a dual purpose apportionment has to take place
- look at facts of each case there has to be a reasonable apportionment
Training fees:
-I’d expense is necessary to trade effectively it will not be capital in nature
(Dual purpose)
1. Dividend stripping scheme
The apportionment is as follows (taxable amount/total distribution amount)*cost price
- consider closeness of connection to taxable income and exemption
Not of a capital nature
- New states area
- Rand mines
- Fixed capital vs. floating capital
- Expenditure incurred to obtain income earning right or structure will be capital in nature
Cost incurred to create capital structure is capital
Cost incurred to work capital structure is revenue
- Legal categorization of a payment does not determine if it is capital or revenue
- was an enduring benefit created?
- Flemming
- African products manufacturing
- Expenditure incurred must be as a result of damage. The cost must maintain the income earning ability of asset not improve it
- Repair is restoration by replacement or renewal of subsidiary parts of the whole
- Warner Lambert SA
- Scribanate construction
- Ensuring that income is not lost(incurred in production of income)
- If there is a link between the company’s ability to trade and the expenditure, it will be incurred fir purposes of trade - -If dividends are declared to shareholders on interest bearing loan accounts, interest are incurred in production of income by the company
- Borrowing money and re-lending it at a higher rate of interest, thereby making a profit, constitutes carrying on a trade
Trading stock and s22
- Ernst Bester Trust
- Eveready
- Volkswagen
- Sand only becomes trading stock when it is removed from the ground
- If trading stock is acquired and disposed of in the same year of assessment, s22 is not applicable - Write down of closing trading stock, damage, deterioration, change in fashion or decrease in market value
- based on events known at end of tax year
- based on events known will occur in following year
* Cannot use NRV tax is backward looking NRV is explicitly forward looking
* Using NRV has effect that expenses that will only be incurred in a future tax year would become deductible in an earlier tax year
- Consider trading stick as a whole not per item
S20 (Assessed loss)
- SA Bazaars
- Robin consolidate industry
- If a company does not carry on trade in a year, it loses the right to carry forward a balance of assessed loss beyond that year
- In order to carry forward an assessed loss the company must be carrying on a trade. Transactions concluded by liquidators during the liquidation of a taxpayer does not constitute the carrying on of a trade by taxpayer
- British Airways
- Respublica
- Stellenbosch farmers winery
- Master currency
- XO African safaris
- CSARS v De Beers
- VAT is levied on a service by a vendor, and not merely upon receipts
- Consider the legal characteristics of an agreement
- commercial accommodation and according only needs to levy VAT at 60% - VAT is levied at 0% for service to a non resident if the services donor relate to any immovable property in SA
- services that relates to an incorporeal right not situated in SA will be 0% - s11(2)(l)
- services supplied by a vendor to a person who is not a resident of the Republic to be zero rates subject to certain conditions
- meet 3 exclusion to be zero rated
- not zero rated if non resident is in the republic at time the services are rendered - VAT is a destination based consumption tax. The services are consumed in SA, thus zero rating does not apply
- Only costs that relate or contribute to the activities that form part of the vendors enterprise, could be seen as for the making of taxable supplies
Trusts s25B
(s7: Donation, Settlement or Disposition)
- CSARS v Woulidge
- CIR v Berold
- Selling that asset on an interest free loan account results in another party receiving a benefit-and that benefit is a form of “other disposition” and it indicates a gratuitous element
- Notional interest is not subject to the in duplum rule
- Attribution of income will continue indefinitely and will not be limited to the original capital amount
- s7D basically provides that the in duplum rule, does not apply anti avoidance legislation - The effective cause was donation by the taxpayer
- income accrued by reason of donation