Case files Flashcards
Scalp stimulation inducing an acceleration highly correlated to what
a normal umbilical cord pH (>/= 7.2)
Late decelerations suggest what
Fetal hypoxia, and if recurrent (>50% of uterine contractions) can indicate fetal acidemia
How long should the latent phase of labor last
- less than 18-20 hours for Nullipara
- less than 14 for multipara
The most common decelerations are variable, caused by what
cord compression
definition of postpartum hemorrhage
blood loss of >500 mL with a vaginal delivery
Category III tracings are abnormal and require prompt intervention; if prompt intrauterine resuscitative maneuvers are not curative, imminent delivery is prudent because these tracings are associated with what
- low pH
- Hypoxia
- Encephalopathy
- Cerebral palsy
When is RhoGAM administered
at 28 weeks and at delivery (if baby is Rh positive)
What are the prenatal lab tests that should be done
- Blood type and Rh
- HBsAg
- Rubella titer
- HIV test
- Urine culture or UA
- Pap smear
- Assays for chlamydia trachomatis and/or gonorrhea
most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage with a firm uterus
genital tract laceration
normal Active phase labor parameters
continued progress
What may safely reduce the rate of cesarean for repetitive variable decelerations
Serum screening for neural tube defects or Down syndrome are usually performed when
-between 16 and 20 weeks gestation
Define arrest of active phase
- No progress in the active phase of labor (6 or more cm) with ruptured membranes for 4 hours WITH adequate contractions
- Or 6 hours of inadequate contractions
Normal fetal heart rate at baseline
between 110 and 160
A vulvar mass at the 5:00 or 7:00 o’clock positions can suggest what
a bartholin gland cyst or abscess
When do yvbn ou screen for gestational diabetes
26-28 weeks
First trimester screening for trisomies
- BhCG
- Nuchal translucency
When late decelerations occur together with decreased variability, then what is strongly suggested
If a pregnant women with syphilis is allergic to penicillin then what
desensitization and then penicillin
What is cephalopelvic disproportion and what must be considered
- When the pelvis is thought to be too small for the fetus (either due to abnormal pelvis or an excessively large baby)
- C section
Clinically adequate uterine contractions are defined as what
- contraction every 2-3 minutes, firm on palpation, and lasting for 40-60 seconds
- 200 Montevideo units
what kind of vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy
live attenuated (like rubella)
how long should third stage of labor last
less than 30 min
Category III heart rate pattern
- Ominous and indicates a high likelihood of severe fetal hypoxia or acidosis
- Examples: absent baseline variability with recurrent late or variable decelerations or bracycardia, or sinusoidal heart rate pattern
When a labor abnormality is diagnosed, what should be evaluated
- The 3 P’s
- Power, Passenger, Pelvis
Category I heart rate pattern
-Reassuring: normal baseline and variability, no late or variable deceleration
Active phase of labor starts when cervix is dilated to what
6 cm
Acceleration are episodes of fetal heart rate that increase above the baseline how much and for how long
at least 15 bpm and last for at least 15 seconds
In every pregnancy greater than 20 weeks gestation, the patient should be questioned about symptoms of preeclampsia such as what
- headaches
- visual disturbances
- dyspnea
- epigastric pain
- face/hand swelling
C section to avoid birth trauma/shoulder dystocia should be limited to estimated fetal weigh of what
- 5000 g or more in nondiabetic woman
- 4500 g or more in diabetic
What murmurs are fairly common in pregnancy women and why
Systolic flow murmurs due to increased cardiac output
What is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage
Uterine atony
How long should second stage of labor last
- Less than 3 hours or less than 4 w/ epidural for Nulli
- Less than 2 or less than 4 w/ epidural for multi
This is loss of the cervical mucus plug and is often a sign of impending labor
Bloody show
What can differentiate bloody show from antepartum bleeding (from placenta previa, placental abruption, and vasa previa)
Sticky mucus admixed with blood
ACOG and AAP recommend against deliver before how many weeks?
39 without a medical indication
what is the best plan for prolonged latent phase
Continued observation on oxytocin
Uterine contraction pattern of excessive number of contractions like 7 in a 9 minute window is tachysystole. What could be used for this
beta-mimetic agent such as terbulatine which will bring about uterine relaxation and hopefully resolve the late decels
-The tachysystole is likely due to excessive oxytocin, thus this should be turned off
Definition of anemia is a pregnant woman
Hb less than 10.5
This is a vaso-occlusive disease of the lungs (maybe from sickle cell), leading to a new pulmonary infiltrate, acute dispnea, and hypoxia
Acute chest syndrome
Acute chest syndrome that is severe is usually treated with what
a partial exchange transfusion
A 31 year old G4P3 soman has a normal vaginal delivery of her baby; after slight lengthening of the cord, a reddish mass is noted bulging in the introitus. Most likely dx?
-uterine inversion
most likely complication of uterine inversion
postpartum hemorrhage
What are the 4 signs of placental separation
- gush of blood
- lengthening of the cord
- globular and firm shape of the uterus
- The uterus rises up to the anterior abdominal wall
What is the best method of avoiding uterine inversion
to await spontaneous separation of the placenta from the uterus before placing traction on the umbilical cord
This is a abnormally adherent placenta, which is a risk factor for uterine inversion
placenta accreta
Describe how to react to uterine inversion
- Anesthesia: a uterine relaxation anesthetic agent, such as halothane and/or emergency surgery may be necessary
- If placenta has separated, the inverted uterus may sometimes be replaced by using the gloved palm and cupped fingers.
- 2 IV lines should be started ASAP and preferably prior to placental separation since profuse hemorrhage may follow placental removal
- Terbutaline or magnesium sulfate can also be utilized to relax the uterus if necessary
What position of placenta predisposes to uterine inversion
After 30 minutes, the placenta is abnormally retained. What should happen next
manual extraction
Describe the mechanism of how an inverted uterus causes hemorrhage
- An inverted uterus makes it impossible for the uterus to establish its normal tone, and to contract
- thus, the mymetrial fibers do not exert their normal tourniquet effect on the spiral arteries
- The endometrial placental bed pours out blood, which previously gad been perfusing the intervillous space
- Thus, Uterine atony is the most common reason for hemorrhage in inverted uterus
What is the best initial therapy for a nonreducible uterus
-A uterine relaxing agent (such as halothane anesthesia)
When should the umbilical cord be clamped after delivery of preterm infant
-b/t 30 and 60 seconds due to increasing total iron stores and Hb levels, and decreasing the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage in the infant
Delayed cord clamping also improves iron stores in TERM infants, but may also lead to a higher risk of what
a 25 year old obese G2P1 women is delivering at 42 weeks gestation. The fetus appears clinically to be 3700 g (average weight). After a 4 hour first stage of labor and a 2 hour second stage of labor, the head delivers but the shoulders do not easily deliver. Next step in management?
-McRoberts Maneuver (Hyperflexion of the maternal hips onto the maternal abdomen and/or suprapubic pressure
a 25 year old obese G2P1 women is delivering at 42 weeks gestation. The fetus appears clinically to be 3700 g (average weight). After a 4 hour first stage of labor and a 2 hour second stage of labor, the head delivers but the shoulders do not easily deliver. Likely complication
- Maternal: postpartum hemorrhage
- Neonate: brachial plexus injury such as an Erb palsy
What are the prenatal risk factors for shoulder dystocia in order of significance?
- Prior shoulder dystocia
- Fetal macrosomia
- Maternal Gestational Diabetes
Describe ERB palsy, a potential outcome of shoulder dystocia
- A brachial plexus injury involving the C5-C6 nerve roots, which may result from the downward traction of the anterior shoulder
- The baby usually has weakness of the deltoid and infraspinatus muscles as well as the flexor muscles of the forearm
- The arm often hangs limply by the side and is internally rotated
What are the common maneuvers for treatment of shoulder dystocia
- McRoberts maneuver (hyperflex maternal thighs)
- Suprapubic pressure
- Wood’s corkscrew maneuver
- Delivery of the posterior arm
- Zavanelli maneuver (cephalic replacement and cesarean)
A 22 y/o G3P2 woman at term is in labor with a cervical dilation of 5 cm; the vertex is at -3 station. Upon artificial rupture of membranes, persistent fetal bradycardia to the 70 to 80 bpm range is noted for 3 minutes. What is next step?
Vaginal exam to assess for umbilical cord prolapse
Should you rupture membranes with an unengaged fetal presentation?
No . . . risk of cord prolapse
If a vaginal exam is done and a rope like structure is felt then what is next step
- Elevation of presenting part and
- immediate C section . . . cord prolapse
What is trendelenburg position
head down
definition of fetal bradycardia
Baseline fetal heart rate of < 110 for > 10 minutes
The onset of fetal bradycardia should be confirmed either by internal fetal scalp electrode or U/S, and distinguished from the maternal pulse rate. The initial steps should be directed at improving maternal oxygenation and delivery of cardiac output to the uterus. These maneuvers include what?
- Placement of the patient on her side to move the uterus form the great vessels, thus improving blood return to the heart
- IV fluid bolus if pt is possibly volume depleted
- Administration of 100% oxygen by face mask
- stopping oxytocin if it is being given
In women with prior Cesarean delivery, what may manifest as fetal bradycardia?
uterine rupture
What is the most common finding in a uterine rupture
a fetal heart rate abnormality, such as fetal bradycardia, deep variable decelerations, or late decelerations
Prolonged fetal decelerations or fetal bradycardia associated with misoprostol cervical ripening is typically associated with what etiology?
uterine hyperstimulation
Next step in therapy for postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony
- Dilute IV oxytocin
- bedside uterine massage
- and compression
- If this is ineffective, then intramuscular prostaglandin F2-alpha (Hemabate) or rectal misoprostol
What agent used to treat uterine atony is condraindicated in HTN
-Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine): an ergot alkaloid agent that induces myometrial contraction as a treatment of uterine atony
what is a compound that stimulated myometrial contraction and can be used in the treatment of uterine atony but is contraindicated in asthmatic patients
Prostaglandin F2-alpha
risk factors for uterine atony
- Magnesium sulfate
- oxytocin during labor
- rapid labor and/or delivery
- Overdistention of the uterus (macrosomia, multifetal pregnancy, and hydramnios)
- Intraamniotic infection (chorioamnionitis)
- prolonged labor
- high parity
Secondary (late) post partum hemorrhage, defined as occurring after the first 24 hours, may be caused by this, which usually occurrs at 10 to 14 days after delivery. IN this disorder, the eschar over the placental bed usually falls off and the lack of myometrial contraction at the site leads to bleeding
subinvolution of the placental site
Ligation of what are methods for decreasing the pulse pressure to the uterus nad can help in post partum hemorrhage
the ascending breanch of the uterine arteries and the internal iliac (hypogastric)
-Ligation of utero-ovarian ligaments can be performed in addition to ligation of uterine arteries, which can diminish further blood flow to the uterus
A 20 y/o G1P0 woman at 16 weeks gestation by a fairly certain LMP has received a serum maternal alpha-fetoprotein that returned as 2.8 MOM (multiples of median). Next diagnostic step?
Basic U/S to assess for dates and multiple gestations
Purpose of msAFP (maternal serum)
-to assess the risk for a fetal open neural tube defect and can also be used to assess for the risk of aneuploidy such as fetal down or trisomy 18
low msAFP may be associated with what disorder
fetal Down syndrome
At 16 weeks, the fundus is usually where?
midway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus
at 20 weeks, the fundus is usually where
at the level of the umbilicus
this is a glycoprotein made by the fetal liver, analogous to the adult albumin
Although the triple screen may be offered to women over the age of 35, or advanced maternal age, what provides more diagnostic information
genetic amniocentesis
AFP levels of what are suspicious for neural tube defects and warrant further evaluation
> 2.0 to 2.5 MOM
What trisomy has all the serum markers in quad screen decreased
trisomy 18 (Edwards)
What teratogen? -Masculinization of female fetus
-Labial fusion
What teratogen? -Fetal alcohol syndrome
- microcephaly
What teratogen? Fetal hydantoin syndrome
- microcephaly
- facial defects
What teratogen? -Heart and great vessel defects (Ebstein anomaly)
Lithium carbonate
What teratogen? -Skeletal defects
-limb defects
What teratogen? -Facial defects
-neural tube defects
-Retinoic acid (vitamin A)
What teratogen? -Skull anomalies
- limb defects
- miscarriages
- renal tubule dysgenesis
- renal failure in neonate
- Oligohydramnios
What teratogen? -CNS and skeletal defects
What teratogen? Neural tube defects
Valproic acid and carbamazepine
What is double bubble found on fetal U/S . . .cystic masses in both right and left abdomen
- Duodenalatresia
- The hydramnios results from the inability of the baby to swallow
- Duodenal atresia is strongly associated with fetal down syndrome
Pregnancies with elevated msAFP, which after evaluation are unexplained are at increased risk for what?
- Stillbirth
- growth restriction
- preeclampsia
- placental abruption
Twin pregnancy. upon ROM, there is moderate vaginal bleeding noted. Twin A has a fetal tachycardia and now a sinusoidal heart rate pattern. Most likely diagnosis?
-Twin gestation with vasa previa
Twin pregnancy. upon ROM, there is moderate vaginal bleeding noted. Twin A has a fetal tachycardia and now a sinusoidal heart rate pattern. Cause of this condition?
- exact mechanism not know but it is associated with a velamentous cord insertion, accessory placental lobes, a seconday trimester placenta previa
- The incidence of vasa previa is increased in pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilization
Twin pregnancy. upon ROM, there is moderate vaginal bleeding noted. Twin A has a fetal tachycardia and now a sinusoidal heart rate pattern. Next step
-STAT C section and alert pediatricians for likelihood of anemia in twin A
This is when umbilical vessels separate before reaching the placenta, protected only by a thin fold of amnion, instead of by the cord or placenta itself. These vessels are susceptible to tearing after rupture of membranes
Velamentous cord insertion
This is when umbilical vessels that are not protected by cord or membranes, which cross the internal cervical os in front of the fetal presenting part; this most commonly occurs with a velamentous cord insertion or a placenta with one or more accessory lobes
Vasa previa
What is the best treatment for Twin Twin transfusion syndrome
Laser ablation of the shared vessels
Twin gestation at 30 weeks gestation and signs and symptoms of preeclampsia and pulmonary edema . . best next step
induce labor immediately
A 31 y/o G3P2 woman at 39 weeks gestation is in labor and her ROM was 2 hours ago. She has a history of HSV infections and is taking oral acyclovir suppressive therapy. She has a 1 day history of tingling in the perineal area. Next step?
Counsel the patient about risks of neonatal HSV infection and offer a C section
A 31 y/o G3P2 woman at 39 weeks gestation is in labor and her ROM was 2 hours ago. She has a history of HSV infections and is taking oral acyclovir suppressive therapy. She has a 1 day history of tingling in the perineal area. Most likely Dx
-HSV recurrence with prodromal symptoms
Describe the Herpes Simplex virus prodromal symtpoms
Prior to the outbreak of the classic vesicles, the patient may complain of burning, itching, or tingling
32 weeks gestation complains of painless vaginal bleeding. Four weeks previously, she experienced some postcoital vaginal spotting. The abdomen is soft and uterus nontender. Fetal heart tones are in normal range. Next step?
32 weeks gestation complains of painless vaginal bleeding. Four weeks previously, she experienced some postcoital vaginal spotting. The abdomen is soft and uterus nontender. Fetal heart tones are in normal range. Most likely diagnosis?
-Placenta previa
32 weeks gestation complains of painless vaginal bleeding. Four weeks previously, she experienced some postcoital vaginal spotting. The abdomen is soft and uterus nontender. Fetal heart tones are in normal range.Long term management?
- Expectant management as long as the bleeding is not excessive
- C section at 34 weeks gestation
Definition of antepartum vaginal bleeding
vaginal bleeding occurring after 20 weeks gestation
Premature separation of a normally implanted placenta
Placenta Abruption
The placenta completely covers the internal os of the uterine cervix
placenta previa
What are the two most common causes of significant antepartum bleeding
- placental abruption
- placenta previa
In antepartum bleeding what is the main differentiator between placental abruption and placenta previa
- Vaginal bleeding is painless in a previa
- Painful in an abruption secondary to contractions
When placenta previa is diagnosed at an early gestation, such as second trimester, what should happen?
repeat sonography is warranted since many times the placenta will move away from the cervix (transmigration)
35 weeks gestation complains of abdominal pain and moderate vaginal bleeding. ON exam, her blood pressure is 150/90 and HR is 110. The fundus reveals tenderness. US normal. fetal heart tones are in the range of 160 to 170. Most likely Diagnosis?
Placental abruption
35 weeks gestation complains of abdominal pain and moderate vaginal bleeding. ON exam, her blood pressure is 150/90 and HR is 110. The fundus reveals tenderness. US normal. fetal heart tones are in the range of 160 to 170. Complications that can occur?
- Hemorrhage
- Fetal to maternal bleeding
- Coagulopathy
- Preterm delivery
35 weeks gestation complains of abdominal pain and moderate vaginal bleeding. ON exam, her blood pressure is 150/90 and HR is 110. The fundus reveals tenderness. US normal. fetal heart tones are in the range of 160 to 170. Best management?
-Delivery (at 35 weeks, the risk of abruption significantly outweigh the risks of prematurity)
Why is US a poor method of assessment for abruption
The freshly developed blood clot behind the placenta has the same sonographic texture as the placenta itself
This is bleeding into the myometrium of the uterus giving a discolored appearance to the uterine surface
Couvelaire uterus
When the abruption is of sufficient severity to cause fetal death, what is found in one-third or more of cases?
Describe the Kleihauer-Betke test
-Tests for fetal erythrocytes from the maternal blood
What is the biggest modifiable risk of placenta abruption
What drug is strongly associated with the development of placental abruption and why?
cocaine due to its effect on the vasculature (vasospasm)
fetal demise in placenta abruption means what kind of management
vaginal delivery
pt with prior history of myomectomy and C section delivery is undergoing a vaginal delivery. The retained placenta is firmly adherent to the uterus when there is an attempt at manual extraction. Most likely diagnosis?
Placenta accreta
pt with prior history of myomectomy and C section delivery is undergoing a vaginal delivery. The retained placenta is firmly adherent to the uterus when there is an attempt at manual extraction. Next step in management?
The best management of placenta accreta is hysterectomy due to the great risk of hemorrhage if hte placenta is attempted to be removed. When the patient refuses hysterectomy, then ligation of the umbilical cord as high as possible and attempt at IV methotrexate therapy has been attempted with limited success. Other than hemorrhage, the other complication to be concerned about is what?
-the necrosis of the placental tissue is a nidus for infection
Describe the relationship b/t myomectomy limied to the serosal (outside) surface of the uterus and risk of placenta accreta?
do NOT predispose to accreta because the endometrium is not disturbed
16 weeks gestation with an 8 cm ovarian cyst complains of a 12 hour history of colicky RLQ pain and N/v. The abdomen is tender in RLQ with significant involuntary guarding. Most likely Dx?
Torsion of the ovary
16 weeks gestation with an 8 cm ovarian cyst complains of a 12 hour history of colicky RLQ pain and N/v. The abdomen is tender in RLQ with significant involuntary guarding. Best treatment for this condition
Surgery (laparotomy due to pregnancy
Location of the abdominal appendixin acute appendicitis in pregnancy
- superior and lateral to the McBurney point
- This is due to the effect of the enlarged uterus pushing on the appendix to move it upward and outward toward the flank, at times mimicking pyelonephritis
What is the most frequent and serious complication of a benign ovarian cyst
ovarian torsion
What is the most common cause of hemoperitoneum in early pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy
When the corpus luteum is excised in a pregnancy of less than 10 to 12 weeks, what should be supplemented?
A 24 y/o G1P0 at 28 weeks gestation complains of a 2 week duration of generalized pruritus. She is anicteric and normotensive. The skin is without rashes. The fetal heart tones are in the range of 140. Most likely diagnosis?
Intrahepatic cholestatis of pregnancy (ICP)
A 24 y/o G1P0 at 28 weeks gestation complains of a 2 week duration of generalized pruritus. She is anicteric and normotensive. The skin is without rashes. The fetal heart tones are in the range of 140. Best treatment?
-Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)
A 24 y/o G1P0 at 28 weeks gestation complains of a 2 week duration of generalized pruritus. She is anicteric and normotensive. The skin is without rashes. The fetal heart tones are in the range of 140. Management of hte pregnancy?
-Fetal testing such as a biophysical profile once a week with consideration of delivery at 37 to 38 weeks due to increased risk of stillbirth associated with ICP
Describe the mechanism of ICP
-Bile salts are incompletely cleared by the liver, accumulate in the body, and are deposited in the dermis, causing pruritus
This is a common skin condition of unknown etiology unique to pregnancy characterized by intense pruritus and erythematous papules on the abdomen and extremities
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP)
Rare skin condition only seen in pregnancy; it is characterized by intense itching and vesicles on the abdomen and extremities
Herpes Gestationis
In ICP, the risk of fetal demise and adverse fetal outcomes increases with higher what?
bile acid concentrations and increasing gestational age
This is a rare, serious condition involving microvesicular steatosis of the liver thought to be due to mitochondrial dysfunction in the oxidation of fatty acids, which leads to its accumulation in liver cells
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy (AFLP)
Normal PCO2 in pregnancy and why?
- 28
- Higher tidal volume leads to increased minute ventilation
Normal HCO3 in pregnancy and why?
-Renal excretion of bicarbonate to partially compensate for respiratory alkalosis, leads to lower serum bicarbonate, making the pregnant woman more prone to metabolic acidosis
What is the most common overall etiology for maternal mortality
embolism of all types
How do you manage a pregnant patient who is heterozygous for Factor V leiden and no Hx of clots
expectant management and not given anticoagulation
-If homozygous or has hx of clots then heparin