Case Facts Flashcards
Kindler v. Canada (1991) Facts
Kindler beat his victim to death with a baseball bat and then sunk him in the river while he was still alive. He escaped prison after his sentencing to death and fled to Canada where he was apprehended a later. The minister approved extradition without seeking assurances that he would not be executed.
United States v. Burns and Rafay (2001) Facts
Burns and Rafay had gone to Rafay’s family home. Rafay’s sister, mother, and father were found bludgeoned to death in their home in Washington. Burns and Rafay claims they were out of the house when the tragedy happened. They were arrested in British Colombia and Washington ask for extradition, which was granted without assurance that the death penalty would not be executed.
Soering v. United Kingdom (1989) Facts
Jens Soering, a German national, was detained in England pending extradition to the US to face murder charges in VA. The victims were Soering’s girlfriend’s parents. At the time of the murders was 18 years old.
Roper v. Simmons (2005) Facts
Simmons committed murder when 17 and was sentence to death nine months later, when he was 18.
Abbott v. Abbott (2010) Facts
The Abbotts had a son for which the mother got custody after their separation. The father had visitation and ne exeat rights (that is the authority to consent before the other parent may take the child to another country). The mother left with the son for Texas without getting the prior consent of the father.
The Paquete Habana (1900) Facts
A Spanish fisherwomen was detained by the Americans when crossing the blockade.
Medellin v. Texas (2008) Facts
Medellin, a Mexican national, was not informed of his right under the VCRC to contact his consulate or embassy, when arrested. He was sentenced to death.
The Island of Palmas Case: United States v. The Netherland (1928) Facts
The US claimed the same island as the Netherlands. The US based it on discovery, while the Netherlands based it on possession and use.
Nottebohm Case (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) (1955) Facts
Nottenbohm had German citizenship until 1939, his naturalization as a Lichtensteinian citizen. He traveled back to Guatemala where he was conducting business. When WWII broke out the US and Guatemala blacklisted him and Guatemala deported him to the US where he was detained. After retiring to Lichtenstein he discovered that Guatemala had taken measures against his property.
The Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company (Belgium v. Spain) (1970) Facts
Belgium brought suit against Spain for behavior(seizing of assets) that hurt the shareholder of Barcelona Traction, which were primary Belgian. [Incorporation=Canada, Shareholders=Belgian, Business=Spain]. This voided shareholders value.
Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstić (2004) Facts
Approximately forty-thousand male Bosnian Muslims were slaughtered in Srebrenica by Serbian force under Krstić.
United States v. Belfast (2010) [aka Taylor case] Facts
Emmanuel Belfast was the leader of the Anti-Terror Unit (Demon Forces) in Liberia, while his father was president. He tortured and killed people during his time leading the ATU from 1999-2002. When he tried to re-enter the United States after his father’s downfall, he was detained by US law enforcement. Belfast was convicted for over 1000 months prison under the Torture Act, which was passed to execute the Convention Against Torture (CAT). He appeals.
Azanian People Organization (AZAPO) v. President of the Republic of South Africa (1996) Facts
After the end of apartheid in South Africa the Truth and Reconciliation Commission granted amnesty to perpetrators of crimes against humanity during the apartheid time and in its name in exchange for a full confession and disclosure of the truth.
Almog v. Arab Bank PLC (2007) Facts
American and foreign nationals sued the Arab Bank for contributing to terrorist organizations in Palestine under the Alien Tort Claim Act (ATS).
National Bank of Jordan -> involved because it was a practice by Hamas to deposit 10,000 dollars with them for the family member of a suicide bomber.
Key question: is material support of terrorism (terrorism financing) a violation of customary international law?
Morrison v. National Australia Bank (2010) Facts
An Australian Bank bought a Floridian mortgage servicer. They misrepresented and overestimated the payback rates to increase profit projections. They changed the projections after plaintiffs bought securities of the bank.
Daimler AG v. Barbara (2014) Facts
Argentinian plaintiffs brought suit in California against a German company for their behavior in Argentina.
Bond v. United States (2014) Facts
The US ratified the Convention of Chemical Weapons in 1997 and implemented it domestically in 1998. In 2006 Bond discovered that her close friend was pregnant from Bond’s husband and attempted to revenge by using an arsenic-based compound and potassium dichromate against her (nothing serious happened).
RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Community (2015) Facts
26 European Countries tried to sue the RJR under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) for a racketeering scheme they were running in Europe.
Sosa v. Alvarez (2004) Facts
Plaintiff = drug runner. Mexico didn’t want to extradite him, so the US kidnapped him.
Kioble v. Royal Dutch Petroleum (2013) Facts
Plaintiff were former residents of Ogoniland in Nigeria. Shell was engaged in oil exploration and production there. Plaintiff alleges that Shell enlisted the Nigerian Government to suppress protests against the environmental effects of the oil explorations. The Military attached Ngoni villages, beating, raping, killing, looting, people and property and Shell allegedly aided and abetted this by providing foods, transportation, compensation, and accommodation. They tried to sue in the US (after beaming asylum seekers there) under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS).
Jesner v. Arab Bank, PLC (2018) Facts
Several aliens where kidnapped and killed and their families brought suit against the Arab Bank of Jordan under the ATS for financing and facilitating terrorist.
Nestle v. Doe (2021) Facts
Plaintiffs allege that they were trafficked into Ivory Coast as child slaves to produce cocoa. Nestle, a US based company, does not own or operated cocoa farms in Ivory Coast, but they to buy from farms located there. Plaintiff alleged that they provide those forms with technical and financial resources and this aids and abets child slavery. They sue under the ATS.
Samantar v. Yousuf (2010) Facts
Plaintiffs are members of the Isaaq clan in Somalia, where they were subjected to systematic persecution during the 1980’s by the military regime. Defendant was the Vice President and Minister of Defense, as well as the Prime Minister of Somalia in the 80s and 90s. Plaintiffs allege that he exercised control over the regime and aided and abetted their torturer.
OBB Personenverkehr AG v. Sachs (2015) Facts
Carole Sachs, a resident of California, purchased a Eurail ticket in March of 2007. When she was trying to board a train in Innsbruck she fell onto the tracks and her legs where crushed by the moving train. They had to be amputated.
Federal Republic of Germany v. Phillip (2021) Facts
The heirs of jewish art dealers filed suit against Germany to recover damages for alleged forced sale of the Welfenschatz in 1935, after two cultural commission for the return of property seized by the Nazis came to the conclusion that the sale was done without duress at a fair market price.
Animal Science Products, Inc. v. Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co. (2018) Facts
Chinese based sellers of Vitamin C were accused by a number of US sellers that they violated the Sherman Act by fixing prices and quantify of Vitamin C exports. The trial court agreed and judgement to pay $147 million in damages was entered. The appeals court reversed, arguing that conclusive statements of law by foreign governments are binding on US courts.
Bank Markazi v. Peterson (2016) Facts
The Iran Threat Reduction and Syrian Human Rights Act of 2012 allows access to certain assets for satisfaction of judgments rendered in terrorism. § 8772 requires a court, before allowing access to assets, to determine whether Iran holds title or is the beneficiary of interests of the asset.
Manco Contracting Co. v. Bezdikian (2013) Facts
Bezdikian, together with a partner, founded Manco in Qatar in the 80s. After their relationship soured, Bezdikan left Qatar and did not return. Manco filed an action in Qatar court against Bezdikan for embezzlement and the court entered judgment against him. Manco now tried to domesticate the judgment in a Californian court.
Texaco v. Libya (1977) Facts
Libya issued decrees nationalizing all rights, interests, and property of Texaco Overseas Petroleum Company. The affected companies argued this violates their Deeds of Concession. The companies wanted to bring this to arbitration, Libya refused.
Methanex Corporation v. Unites States Facts
Methanex brought a claim against the US for the ban of MTBE, which is produced using methanol, and Methane is the world’s largest producer of methanol.
The Loewen Group Inc. v. U.S. Facts
Contracts breach case. Jury adds punitive damages up to $500,000,000 on top of $10,000,000 in Mississippi trial court. Loewen is unable to post bond for appeal. Loewen argues that it’s a taking, which has to be done by the state, and cannot be arbitrary, the judge failed to control the courtroom => national treatment violation.
United States—Import prohibition of certain Shrimp products Facts
The US had a Shrimp import ban on Shrimp that was not caught in accordance with it’s own Sea Turtle protection protocol.