Case-Control Studies Flashcards
What is the hierarchy of Epidemiologic Study Designs (7)?
Case Reports (useless), Case Series, Ecologic Studies, Cross-Sectional Studies, Case-Control Studies, Cohort Studies, Randomized Controlled Trials
What are some of the differences between Case-Control and Retrospective/Prospective Cohort studies?
Case-control studies: you can’t use the RR, you can only use the OR, good for rare diseases; figure out what caused the disease
Prospective Cohort - monitor exposure and the onset of disease, conduct interviews, level of exposure is more understood, RR and OR are both relevant for this. Can test a new treatment
Retrospective Cohort - RR and OR are both relevant, looking backward
Definition of Case-Control Study
The case-control study in epidemiology is an analytic epidemiologic research design which the study population consists of groups who either have (cases) or do not have a particular problem or outcome (controls).
Where does the investigator look in a Case-Control study and what do they measure?
They look back in time to measure the exposure of the study subjects. The exposure is then compared among cases and controls to determine if exposure could account for the health condition of the cases.
Characteristics of Case-Control Studies (7)
Occasionally exploratory
Explanatory (Analytical)
Retrospective (Look backward)
Effect to Cause (What made them sick?)
Both exposure and disease have already occurred
Uses comparison group (Controls)
Basic overview of Case-Control design
The investigator selects cases with the disease, and the appropriate controls without the disease and obtains data regarding past exposure to possible etiologic factors in both groups. The investigator then compares the frequency of exposure of the two groups.
What are cases made up of?
Those exposed and not exposed WITH the disease
What are controls made up of?
Those exposed and not exposed WITHOUT the disease
Odds Ratio in Case-Control Studies
In CCS we ask whether certain exposures are more common among those with the disease. Here we are sampling only a portion of potentially exposed people. These differences mean that with CCS we rely on odds ratios to determine whether exposure to a risk factor is more common among cases or controls.
How does relative risk help a CCS?
Helps determine whether incident of disease is associated with certain exposures
Calculation for Odds
Odds for cases = # cases exposed to RF/ # cases NOT exposed to RF
Odds for controls = # controls exposed / # controls not exposed
Sources for controls (6)
Population of defined area
Hospital patients
Probability sample of the total population
Neighbors (walk, hone, letters)
Friends of cases
Siblings, spouses, relatives
Odds Ratio Calculation
Odds cases/Odds Controls
Odds Ratio Explanation
You had a ___ times greater chance of becoming ill if ____ as compared to those that did not
Calculating confidence interval for OR
- Calculate error factor e= e1.96x SqRt (1/a + 1/b +1/c +1/d)
- Lower limit = OR/EF
- Upper limit = ORxEF
- Explanation - There is a 95% probability that the true Odds Ratio for the entire population lies between ___ and ____.
Any systematic error in the study design that results in an incorrect estimation of the association between exposure and risk of disease
Information bias
Differences in the way exposure or outcome are measured between controls and diseased groups
What are observers’ impact on bias and how do researchers mitigate/reduce it (3)?
Observers are privy to the desired outcome and influence data.
Reduce bias by:
1. Blind studies
2. Strict protocols
3. Standardized questionnaires
Recall bias
The individuals being questioned have different levels of recall. Cases, due to the trauma of illness, are likely to better recall exposures than controls. (Children, elderly)
What does recall bias lead to?
Over or under estimations or associations between exposure and outcome
Selection bias
Poor selection of controls, in which there are differences beyond exposure
How do you reduce selection bias?
Choose controls with the same demographics and exposure
How do you calculate OR from a 2x2?
a x d / b x c = OR
Confounding is when another variable, outside the one being considered, may influence the outcome of disease (Ex - alcoholics more likely to smoke)