Case 67 - MRI and Down Syndrome child Flashcards
what are important devices that are considered unsafe for MRI?
- pacemaker
- tissue expanders with metallic ports
- implantable infusion pumps
- cochlear implants
- intracrainal aneurysm clips (certain types)
what anesthesia monitor problems are encountered in the MRI suite?
- disruptions in EKG signals
- wire leads act as atennas
- can cause patient burns
Pulse ox
- intereference of pulse ox
- place on distal extremity (far from scanner as possible)
- long tubing required to connet to machine
- great lag time betwen actual event and time of detection
What are patient related considerations for MRI?
- patient inaccessibility (airway not accesable readily)
- lack of patient visibility
- noise
- burns (from EKG leads)
- Gadolinium related side effects:
- thrombophlebitis, hypotensin, n/v, headache
- complicatoins: nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
- anxiety/claustrophobia in awake patient
what are clinical manifestations of Down Syndrome (airway, cardiac, pulm, musculoskeletal, GI)?
1) Airway
- difficult airway
- macroglossia, small mouth, micrognathia
- small subglottic area
- short, broad neck
2) Cardiac
- endocardial cushion defect
- no separation between the chambers of the heart. Without the separation, oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood mix causing the heart to work harder.
3) Pulm
- pulm HTN 2/2 congenital hear disease
4) musculoskeletal
- hypotonia
- atlantoaxial instability
5) GI
* duodenal atresia
How do you asses for atlantoaxial instability?
- atlanto = c1
- axis = c2
- odontoid process referred as the Dens
assess AA instability by neuro assessment and imaging
1) Neurologic deficits associated with AA instability
- gait abnormalites
- neck pain
- torticollis
- mild extremity weakness
- hyperreflexia
2) lateral c-spine radiograph
- Atlas-dens interval
- posterior margin of anterior arch of C1 to anterior margin of dens (c2)
- normal is < 4.5mm
- screening for AA instability should be performed at 3-5 yrs of age

Should you take cervical spine precaution for down syndrome patients?
- all precautions must be taken to maintain the cervical spine in neutral position
How would you pre-med a down syndrome patient? what anes options do you have for a down syndrome patient undergoing MRI?
- oral or intranasal midazolam
- IM ketamine
- parental presence
Anes for MRI
- inhalation or IV induction
- ETT or LMA
- propofol infusion