Case 6 - 16 yo pre-participation evalulation Flashcards
What is the main body system to focus on in the pre-participation evaluation.
What are the two common triggers of hypotension among adolescent athletes?
volume depletion
skipping meals
What’s the cause of osgood-schlatter?
irritation of the growth plate at the tibial tuberosity
What is the most common cause of chest pain in children?
musculoskeletal: precordial catch syndrome and costochondritis
How does precordial catch present?
sudden, sporadic onset of sharp pain usually along the left sternal border, often exacerbated with deep inspiration. episodes last a few seconds to minutes and resolve spontaneously. pain can be “broken” with forced deep inspiration
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy inheritance is autosomal ______.
What are some strategies for talking with adolescents about performance-enhancing drugs?
- Lack of proof of efficacy
- They just increase aggressive tendencies
- They can cause testicular atrophy (and nobody wants small balls)
- “just say no” for pre-teens since they don’t think abstractly yet
- Warn them they could be caught with drug testing
- Give examples of consequences with recent high-profile course cases for professional athletes
When should you first think about giving the Tdap?
at the pre-adolescent visit around 11-12 years of age
What’s the difference between the DTap and Tdap?
DTap contains 3-5x more diptheria toxoid. and diptheria becomes less of an issue once you’re not a kid anymore
The meningococcal vaccine is recommended at age 11-12 with a booster at age ___
Which HPV vaccine is approved for boys: the quadrivalent or bivalent?
quadrivalent only
bivalent is just for girls (only prevents cervical cancer, not warts)
Too lazy to make Tanner Staging Cards…
Look it up…
What does HEADSS scand for?
Home Education/Employment Activities Drug Use Sex Suicide
What is the purpose of doing a genital exam in a pre-participation exam for a male?
look for inguinal hernia (would need to think carefully about sprinting and weight lifting) and undescended testicle (would need to be extra careful to wear a cup in a contact sport)
In any adolescent with a history of syncope, what diagnostic test should you obtain?