Case 3: Nuclear Energy (CASEnergy coalition) Flashcards
Mission of CASEnergy coalition, who supports Nuclear energy as a solution for climate change?
Mission: “educate all Americans about the benefits of nuclear energy”
o CASEnergy focuses on value of Nuclear Energy and tries to oppose the negative image of Nuclear Energy
o They reduce local opposition by social framing
o CASEnergy is looking for influential supporters
Goal + Problem of CASEnergy in order to spread its mission?
- Goal: Teaming up with Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) (Greenpeace,, etc.) who want to fight climate change could be a huge advantage for CASEnergy
o Problem: Most of them are against the use of nuclear energy as an alternative
o But: They also try to prevent climate change. Therefore, they might see an advantage in a collaboration with CASEnergy (if they consider climate change a bigger threat than nuclear power). Renewable energies also have negative impacts on nature.
o CASE should target ENGOs that are open to consider nuclear energy as alternative (
Why should CASEnergy team up with an ENGO?
o Gain legitimacy (ENGOs have good public image)
o More range
o Profit from synergies
o More Public awareness/support
Arguments pro Nuclear Power?
- Affordable and reliable
- Constantly available (unlike wind or solar power)
- Can be rapidly scaled (for huge amounts needed -> growth of polutation) unlike renewable sources
- clean: No GHG-Emissions while producing energy
- Constant flow of energy (in contrast to renewables, e.g. solar->day/night)
- Job creation (according to CASEnergy)
- Safe and secure (acc. To CASEnergy)
Arguments contra Nuclear Power?
- Long-term impact (nuclear waste) -> “badly managed”
- No long-term storage solutions for nuclear waste?
- Health concerns (exposure to radiation)
- Safety concerns (terrorist attacks, accidents such as Chernobyl)
- Nuclear proliferation as countries obtain resources and knowledge to build nuclear bombs
Link to CSR theory: CASEnergy in Caroll’s 4 part pyramid of CSR?
CASEnergy probably see themselves on the third stage of the pyramid (Ethical Responsibilities) as they try to prevent climate change and avoid its negative impacts. However, the coalition is not really a corporation, it’s more a lobbying organization. It is funded externally and does not aim at being profitable in any way. Instead, they try to support the nuclear energy sector and thus, indirectly try to make them more profitable. Nonetheless, by being funded by the NEI (nuclear energy institute), they are able to sustain themselves and continue their activities. As they do obey the law, they satisfy the required first and second stage.
Link to CSR theory: CASEnergy in visions of CSR?
In my opinion, CASEnergy is – if any - to be classified in the first view – “Win-win”/”Doing well by doing good”. CASEnergy argues that nuclear energy has economic benefits and serves to create a sustainable environment at the same time. But since CASEnuclear is a coalition of many nuclear energy stakeholders and not a company, their focus is not on profits but to educate people and raise awareness about the climate change issue and that nuclear energy could be the only feasible solution for the (short-term) future.
However, one could also argue that CASEnergy is to be classified in the third view “Insider-initiated philanthropy”. Since the founder is a former member of nuclear energy opposing ENGO Greenpeace, it is credible that he really wants to achieve awareness for this possible solution for the future and believes it to be the best alternative. In contrast to this argument is the fact that there are a lot of lobbyists involved in the collaboration.
Nonetheless, CASEnergy is not a real company and thus, no vision can be applied.