Case 11: Anaemia Flashcards
What test is done to cross match blood?
Indirect Coombs
A positive test means the donor red cells are incompatible and should not be transfused.
A blood sample from The donor and the recipients serum (containing antibodies) are mixed. Anti-human antibodies(coombs reagent) is added. If the cells agglutinate this is a positive result which means the cells are incompatible for transfusion
What is the direct coomb’s test?
Detects antibodies to the patient’s own serum.
Detects autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
Anaemia tests
FBC LFT Blood film Cross match Reticulocye count Coagulation screen U&E
Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia
Headache on exertion Fatigue Loss of appetite Weight loss Conjunctival pallor Koilonychia Brittle nails and hair loss Pica (craving for non food items)
Tests and investigations for iron deficiency anaemia
FBC and film Endoscopy - to rule out malignancy! Iron studies (serum ferritin, serum iron, transferrin saturation, zinc protoporphyrin)
Management of iron deficiency anaemia
Ferrous sulphate oral (or IV if can’t tolerate)
Increased dietary iron intake
Side effects of oral ferrous sulphate
Abdominal discomfort
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia
Physiological - rapid growth, menarche, pregnancy. Menorrhagia is the most common cause in premenopausal women if there is a positive history. Need to know length of periods, regularity of cycles, number of tampons or pads used
Neonatal - prematurity, low birth weight, blood loss, early cord clamping
GIT: NSAID induced. Must exclude colonic cancer is in males and postmenopausal women
Misc: renal tract bleeding, idiopathic pulmonary haemoisderosis
Blood film of an iron deficiency anaemia
Microcytic, hypochromic, Increased RDW (red cell distribution width)
Common causes of microcytic anaemia
Iron deficiency
Lead poisoning
Sideroblastic anaemia
Common causes of normocytic anaemia
Acute blood loss Anaemia of chronic disease Renal anaemia Haemolytic anaemia Marrow failure Pregnancy
Common causes of macrocytic anaemia
B12 deficiency Folate deficiency Alcohol excess Myelodysplastic syndromes Severe hypothyroidism
And iron deficiency anaemia how long should treatment last
For three months after iron levels have normalised