Cartilages of the Larynx Flashcards
What is the Larynx
It is a 2 inch long tube that opens into the pharynx above and trachea below. it also houses the vocal folds.
What are the functions of the larynx
Respiration (breathing), Airway protection (coughing), Deglutition (swallowing), Phonation(speaking) , Sphincteric function (straining and fine motor.
What are the structural components of the larynx?
- Cartilaginous skeleton (connective)
- Membranes and ligaments (connective)
- Intrinsic and extrinsic muscle (muscle)
- Mucosal lining (epithelial)
What are some important facts regarding the Hyoid Bone?
- Only bone in the human body that doesn’t articulate with other bones.
- Has a sling like function to allow for wider ranges of movement for the tongue, laryngeal, and pharyngeal movements
How does the hyoid bone assist in swallowing?
- During swallowing, it pulls the larynx upward and aids in opening the junction b/w the pharynx and esophagus.
What are the cartilages of the Larynx?
3 single Cartilages
1. Thyroid
2. Cricoid
3. Epiglottis
3 Paired Cartilages
1. Arytenoids
2. Corniculates
3. Cuneiforms
Name and compare the 2 different types of cartilages
- greater flexibility
- Can withstand bending
- does not ossify
- firmer
- more stable structure
How are cartilages connected and how do they move?
Connected by:
- Joints, Membranes, ligaments
Move by;
- Muscle
Name the 3 types of connections between articulating bones.
- Sutures
- Synovial Joints
- Cartilaginous Joints
Explain the connection at a Suture:
It is a fixed Joint at the connection. They are connected by a white fibrous tissue.
Explain the mechanisms of the connection at a Synovial Joint:
A smooth convex surface of a bone moves against a smooth concave surface of another. (Wide range of movement)
Explain the mechanisms of the connection at a Cartilaginous joint:
2 bones with relatively flat surfaces (limited movement)
Briefly describe the epiglottis’ anatomy:
Leaf-shaped, elastic structure, behind the root of the tongue.
1. Front connects with the hyoid bone as well as ligament and mucosa. ( glossoepiglottic folds)
2. Stalk connects to inner surface of the thyroid (thyroepiglottic ligament)
3. Laterally attaches to Aryepiglottic fold
4. Upper edge + posterior are not attached to anything and are covered in mucosa.
What are the functions of the epiglottis
- Locks the airway when you swallow
- Protects your Airway
What are the Valleculae and what is their function
2 pockets made of 3 glossoepiglottic folds attached to the epiglottis that prevent food and drinks from entering the airways.