Cartilage Fish Flashcards
Study of fish
Characteristics of placodermi fish
- Extinct fishes
- Called plate skinned fishes
- Body coverd by abony armour
- First fishes (coccosteus)
Characteristics of chondrichthyes
- Cartilaginous fishes
- Endoskeleton
- Skin with placoid scles
- Mouth ventral and teeth are modifid -placoid scales
- sexual reprodaction with internal fertilization
- example: shark,rays,skates
Characteristics of osteichthyes
- Bony fish
- mouthis terminal
- had ctenoid or cycoid scales
- tile homocercal or diphycercal
- bony operculum
- example:sardinella
What is the difference between chondrichthyes & osteichthyes
- loss of bone
- gill are lamellary
- example:sharks
- bone present
- gill are filamntous
- example:sardinella
Important characteristics of cartilaginous fishes
- torpedo shape ,countershading (top:dark/bottom:light)
- placoid scales
- buoyancy
What is the benefit of placoid scales?
- dermal in orgin and form the exoskeleton
- has basal plant and spine —-dentine—-enamel——pulp cavity
- rowarda the tail
- helps to reduce friction frome surroundings water when the shark swims
What is the 5 major fins of shark
-dorsal fins —> Stabilizaing
-pectoral fins. —> life steering
-pelvic fins —->. Stabilizaing(clasping in males)
-anal fins —->. Stabilizaing
Causal fins ——> forward momentum (propulsion)
Oil store in ————
Most shark have ———- tails
What is the benefit of claspers?
Deliver sperm from the male to female
What is the difference between the of female and male?
-the skin of Female 3-4 timer thicker than male.
-female have thicker skine than male
Matting in female is faster than male
How is the shark respiration
By gill slits( 5-7)
When sharks are on ocea floor they are able to breath using ———-
Shark teeth are ——
Embedded in the gums