Cartas Marruecas Flashcards
why did he write them? quote
HAIDT - written and motivated by a concern for his national character
- ‘el asunto más delicado que hay en el mundo, cual es la crítica de una nación.’
Kitts - the use of the three characters
- they provide a coherent picture of his ideology and feelings towards life and society in Spain
- they are a reflection of his multiple identities as a member of the nobility, soldier, literary & ilustrado.
- Spanish, seen as the protagonist, most of the ideas are his even though they are expressed through Gazel
- Moroccan = foreign, helps in terms of impartiality
- emphasis on impartiality
Gazel’s Moroccan mentor, the primary receiver of the letters. His views and ideas broaden the context out from Spain to more universal questions.
- the hombre de bien is founded on the doing of good
Letter about nobility
Nuño mocking the education system, people only know one thing. As a member of the nobility this man has responsibility and should be allowed to mess around with the lower class who have no expectations within society
what is the justo medio
- the hombre de bien must adhere to the justo medio in order to make use of his reason.
what are the three approaches taken to the mean according to Haidt
Gazel - through the cultivation of unprejudiced observation
Nuño - through the reflection on the human potential for intemperance (lack of moderation) and excess.
Ben Beley - through the exercise of virtue.
Gazel’s first letter to Ben
- Gazel won’t describe Spain until he has acquainted himself thoroughly with Spanish culture.
- wants to avoid the rendering of Judgement
- –> example of bullfighting , wants to distance self from emotions before reaching a final opinion.
Gazel on varying accounts
- importance of diverse opinions for impartiality. Through the reading of other’s work - ‘creo que en ella podré fundar el dictamen más sano’
- sends his opinions to Nuño
- once opinions are taken into account as well as immoderations & extremes, he will arrive at ‘uni razón media’ - a reasoned judgement rendered according to the mean
Fama póstume & Ben-Beley quote
- legacy left after you die, gives an example for the future to follow.
- Ben says the only fama postuma worth having is that of an hombre de bien
- he wants to be remembered as - buen hijo, buen padre, buen esposo, buen amigo, buen ciudadano.
Aristotle on virtue friendships (HAIDT)
- friends bound by their virtue are called ‘other selves’, they are fundamental to living a rational & ethical life.
- this friendship is a model for the national ethical restoration
- the friendship makes the men better, he can overcomes subjectivity and become objective
what is virtue according to Aristotle (HAIDT)
- done through action, through virtuous deeds one cultivates a virtuous character - through conscious rational doings.
- its a state involving a choice
According to Nicomachean Ethics how is the greatness of the soul determined
- by the presence of reasoned choice
Nuño quote about excessive patriotismo
‘el amor de la partía es ciego como cual quiera otro amor … puede muy bien aplaudir lo malo, desechar lo bueno…’