Carson (2000) - Contemporary Study Flashcards
Review dopamine hypothesis and role of glutamate in sz
Considers 2 main areas - hyperdopaminergia (high dopamine) and hypoglutamatergia (low glutamate)
To investigate relationship between dopamine and glutamate
Review anti-psychotics that could be more effective
Literature review of 33 studies
Investigating neurochemical levels in sz patients
Studies into drugs known to induce psychosis (angel dust)
Variety of methods eg. brain scanning animal studies
LAURELLE - gave sz patients in acute episodes an amphetamine = induced release of dopamine
MILLER AND ABERCROMBIE - used rats to test NTs levels where competitive NMDA inhibited dopamine release
Sz patients have higher dopamine compared to controls especially in BASAL GANGLIA
PCP leads to psychosis and blocks glutamate receptors = glutamate deficiency has a role in psychosis
Clozapine effective treatment - especially in treatment resistant patients as it targets serotonin
Subpopulations of sz that could be caused by other NTs not just dopamine
Further research needed in developing drugs that avoid negative side effects
HIGH - Uses patients with positive/negative symptoms, acute episodes etc
LOW - Uses animal studies
HIGH - 33 studies all support each other
LOW - Publication bias 14/33 studies were his own = low internal validity = know his studies will support his own hypothesis
YES - Improving drug treatments, found clozapine useful - improved conditions for 13% of resistant patients