Carpus arthroscopy Flashcards
Carpal arthroscopy can be performed in LR?
yes LR or DR
Dr is universally adopted
What is the angle of flexion for middle carpal evaluation?
name the landmarks for portal in the middle joint
Lateral portal is halfway between the extensor
carpi radialis tendon and the common digital extensor tendon
and midway between the two rows of carpal bones.
Medial arthroscopic portal is made approximately 10 mm
medial to the extensor carpi radialis tendon, to avoid its tendon
sheath, and creates an opening dorsal and lateral to the
medial dorsal intercarpal ligament
Do you create distension before skin incision of middle joint?
In contrast to other joints, the skin incision for these portals is made before distention of the joint to avoid damage to the tendon sheaths.
how do you check the middle carpal joint?
commencing medially and moving the
arthroscope in a circular motion with the lens moving from
medial to lateral to inspect the distal row of carpal bones and
then from lateral to medial to examine the proximal row
where is situated the medial intercarpal ligament
dorsal medial intercarpal ligament extends between the radial and
second carpal bones - predominantly intracapsular with radial insertion intrasynovial
the intermediate carpal bone is divided in ?
The articular surface of the intermediate carpal bone is
divided by a dorsopalmar ridge into two facets.
where is located the lateral palamr intercarpal ligament
ulnar, intermediate, fourth, and third carpal
What is the angle of flexion for antebrachio carpal evaluation?
120-130º (less flexionthan middle carpal)
are the lateral and medial portals of the antebrachial different from middle?
Same portals but different row the dorsolateral arthroscopic portal is halfway between the common digital extensor and the **extensor
carpal radialis tendons, and the dorsomedial portal** is medial to
the extensor carpi radialis tendon
medial portal is at the center of a triangle formed by the extensor carpi radialis, the distal rim of the radius, and the dorsal rim of the radial carpal bone.
on the antebrachial joint, on a close lateral view, the articular groove
between the lateral styloid process and the
distal epiphysis of the radius
how much flexion has the carpus for palmar approach
20-30º for both ACB and MC joints
what is the most common reason for palmar approach to the antebrachiocarpal joint?
The most frequent target is a fracture of the palmaromedial corner of the radial carpal bone, for which the instrument portal is made closer to the medial collateral
name the portals for palmar arthrocopy of the middle antebrachiocarpal joints
It is approached** palmar to the medial collateral ligament**
at the level of the distal radius,
** dorsal to the tendon of insertion of flexor carpi radialis**
and medial palmar vein.
The arthroscope cannula is inserted in a 45-degree palmaromedial to dorsolateral trajectory to avoid
entry to the carpal sheath