Carotid, jugular, and vertebral vessel injuries Flashcards
Steps to expose the carotid artery?
-incision on anterior border of SCM from clavicular head to retromandibular area
-lateral rectraction of SCM
-division of omohyoid and common facial vein
-preserve hypoglossal and vagus nerves
Positioning and prep steps to remember for exposure.
-arms tucked
-shoulder roll
-head rotated to contralateral side (if no c-spine injury suspected)
-prep neck, torso, and groin in case sternotomy or saphenous vein harvest needed
What are the borders of neck zone 1?
inferior aspect of cricoid cartilage to thoracic outlet
How do you access zone 1 injuries?
sternotomy or anterior thoracotomy
What are the borders of neck zone 2?
cricoid cartilage to the angle of the mandible
How do you access zone 2 injuries?
anterior border of SCM
What critical structures are found in zone 2?
-jugular veins
-distal common carotid arteries and bifurcations
-proximal external and internal carotids
-vertebral arteries
-thyroid gland
-proximal esophagus
-spinal cord
-vagus, phrenic, recurrent laryngeal nerves
What adjuncts can/should be used to help identify injuries in a HD normal patient with a zone 2 injury?
-CT angio
What muscle is divide to expose the carotid artery?
What critical structure is typically found just deep to the facial vein?
carotid bifurcation
What percent of the population does not have an intact Circle of Willis?
What are the borders of neck zone 3?
bony structures of skull and mandible
What structures are found in zone 3?
-vertebral arteries
-distal internal carotid arteries
How is hemorrhage controlled for most zone 3 injuries?
What are some examples of blunt mechanisms that can cause vertebral artery injuries?
-basilar skull fx
-axial injuries
-ligamentous disruption
-direct blow to the neck
-chiropractic manipulation
-yoga exercises
-central line insertion
-spine operations
Which part of the vertebral artery is NOT protected by the cervical vertebrae?
What incision is used to expose the vertebral arteries at their origin off the subclavian?
transverse supraclavicular
What incision is used to expose the distal portion of V1?
vertical anterior cervical incision
-along anterior border of SCM
-retract carotid sheath medially
-retract scalene fat pad laterally to expose anterior scalene muscle
-retract or divide anterior scalene
What is one way to temporize bleeding from a stab wound in the posterior triangle of the neck? What has been injured?
-V2 injury
-place a foley balloon in the wound to temporize until endovascular repair can be performed
What are the borders of V1 of the vertebral artery?
origin from subclavian to the transverse process of 6th cervical vertebrae
What are the borders of V2 of the vertebral artery?
runs intraosseous from TP of C6 to C2
What are the borders of V3 of the vertebral artery?
runs intraosseous from C2 to base of skull
What are the borders of V4 of the vertebral artery?
intracranial from foramen Magnum