Carotid Disease Flashcards
What is the duplex criteria for a significant carotid stenosis?
PSV > 125 ICA/CCA > 2
> 70%
PSV > 230 ICA/CCA > 4
Give 5 indications for CTA for carotid evaluation
Heavy calcification (shadowing)
High bifurcation
High resistance ICA (outflow lesion?)
Dampened CCA waveform (inflow lesion?)
CAS planning
How can you improve distal operative exposure (5 techniques)?
Nasotracheal intubation
Extend incision behind ear
Divide ansa, post belly digastric, occipital artery, ascending pharyngeal artery
Divide SCM from mastoid, elevate/resect parotid
Remove styloid process
Sublux mandible
If a patient is scheduled for CABG and carotid stenosis found, what would you do?
Symptomatic only, CEA first
Combined w CABG for 3 vessel disease and left main.
What are some complications of shunting?
Dissection, vasospasm
When are patients at high risk of hyper perfusion syndrome?
Severe Contralateral stenosis/occlusion
What are the contraindications to CEA following acute stroke?
Significant neuro deficit without recovery
Cerebral hemorrhage
> 30% hemispheric stroke
Chronic ICA occlusion
ICA stenosis < 50^
What percentage of strokes are due to ICA disease?
Up to 40%
What are 8 indications for carotid stenting?
CHF (class 3 or 4), LVEF <30%,recent MI, unstable angina, high bifurcation, irradiated neck, previous CEA, contralateral occlusion.
What are 4 contraindications for carotid artery stenting?
Contraindications to anticoagulant or antiplatelet, age > 80, shaggy aorta (thrombus), eggshell aorta (severe calcification).