Carol Ann Duffy - Originally Flashcards
“We came from our own country in a red room”
- We, Vague, this happens to many
- Word choice of red = Fear, Danger, Anger, Stop
“Which fell through the fields”
-Image, Lack of control, Desperate
“our mother singing”
-Comforting childhood image
“to the turn of the wheels”
-emphasis on the journey
“bawling, Home, Home”
- onomatopoeia, highlights distress
- Italics of HOME, Duffy’s child voice speaking directly to the reader calling for home
“as the miles rushed back to the city, the street, the house, the vacant rooms where we didn’t live any ore”
- Word choice of rushed = speed, change was quick
- List = blunt/impact of things left behind
“I stared at the eyes of a blind toy, holding its paw”
- Childhood image
- looking for childhood comfort
“All childhood is an emigration”
-Central concern, childhood is constant change
“Some are slow leaving you standing, resigned, up an avenue where no one you know stays”
-Long sentence to emphasise slow change
“Others are sudden”
-Short sentence = sudden change
“Your accent wrong”
-Blunt, Duffy feels different
“Corners, which seem familiar, leading to unimagined pebble-dashed estates, big boys eating worms and shouting words you don’t understand”
- Long sentence, to show confusing manner of a new home
- Weird childhood image (Eating Worms)
“My parents’ anxiety stirred like a loose tooth”
-Simile = Parents worried, Duffy cant stop thinking she is upsetting them
“I want our own country”
-Italics, Young Duffy voice speaking directly to you = impact
“But then you forget, or don’t recall, or change”
- But = change
- Stream of consciousness = gradual change
“seeing your brother swallow a slug”
-Her Brothers have settled into new home and adapted
“feel only a skelf of shame”
-Alliteration, Quick sound = Duffy feels slight guilt for leaving her original home behind
“my tongue shedding its skin like a snake”
-Simile: Duffy is losing her Scottish accent and sounding English = change
“in the classroom sound just like the rest”
-Duffy now fitting in, the change she had feared has disappeared
“I lost a river”
- Lost = Change has forced her to leave important things behind
- River Clyde = symbol of Glasgow
“Originally? And I hesitate”
- Young Carol Ann Duffy voice again uses title to show she is thinking about where she is really from
- Hesitate: Change complete. Where is home? CAD is no longer sure, Childhood in a nutshell, things always change and you move on , survive and change with it.