Caries prevention Flashcards
What are some preventive interventions required for all children?
- Encourage parents/carers to register child with dentists as early as possible, before or as soon as first tooth appears and attend regular
- Ensure all children receive Standard prevention appropriate to age
- If child at increased risk of developing caries, in addition to Standard prevention ensure they get Enhanced Prevention
- When giving preventative advice, ensure both child and parent/carer is involved in discussion
- After relief of any pain, carry out preventive interventions for permanent teeth before treatment of primary (e.g. fissure seal first permanent molars before managing carious primary teeth)
What is a key recommendation and what evidence is there for it?
- Provide all children with personalised oral health promotion advice
- SIGN guideline 138
- Facilitate daily toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste
- Based on recognised oral health behaviour theory and models
- Be specific to individuals and tailored to their needs and circumstances
What are the five steps for health behaviour change using motivational interviewing?
Step 1
- Explore current practice and attitude using a motivational interviewing approach
- Gain empathy (SOARS)
Seek permission
Open questions
Reflective listening
- Develop discrepancy, roll with resistance
- Elicit change talk
Step 2 - Educational intervention
- Improve knowledge and skills
Step 3 - Action Planning
- Set time, date and place to start
Step 4 - Encouraging habit formation
- Achieve sufficient repetition
Step 5 - Repeat at each recall visit
How do you develop an individualised action plan to encourage Childs habit formation?
- Identify good time and place for preventative behaviour to start e.g. toothbrushing after breakfast and last thing at night
- A date (ideally from day of appointment) and who will carry it out
- Identify a trigger to remind child/parent/carer when to carry out e.g. when child gets ready for bed
- Agree a date to review
- Agree action plan and write down for child/parent if necessary
- Record in notes
- At next visits, encourage and give further support whilst reviewing current, change if needed
- Assess parent/ carer or childs ability to comply with action plan, if in doubt collab with other healthcare professionals like school nurse, childsmile dental health support worker and include in action plan
What is a key recommendation regarding toothbrushing?
- Encourage and support all children to brush their teeth or have teeth brushed for them at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste
- Use of amount of toothpaste and fluoride conc suitable for childs age and caries risk level
- Supervised brushing until child can brush his/her teeth effectively
- Children don’t rinse mouth after toothbrushing (spit don’t rinse)
What is the fluoride toothpaste recommended for child under 3 years?
- Use a smear of toothpaste
Standard risk = Standard prevention = 1000-1500ppmF-
Increased risk = Enhanced prevention = 1350-1500ppmF-
What is fluoride toothpaste recommendation for child aged 3 and over?
- Use pea-sized amount
Standard risk = Standard prevention = 1000-1500ppmF-
Increased risk = Enhanced prevention = 1350-1500ppmF- (Age 10+ consider 2800ppmF-)
What are the Standard Prevention recommendations for Fluoride toothpaste for all children?
- At least once a year advise or remind child and parent/carer all of these recommendations
- Brush thoroughly twice a day, first thing in morning and last at night (no food or drink after nighttime)
- Use age appropriate toothpaste containing fluoride
- Spit don’t rinse
- Supervise young children until they can brush teeth effectively
- Demonstrate toothbrushing on child for approx 3mins annually
- Use action planning to encourage toothbrushing
- Advise parent/carer to start brushing as soon as first primary tooth erupts
- Advise parent/carer not to allow child to eat or lick toothpaste
- Emphasis to teenagers importance of reg brushing or oral health and additional positive effect on appearance and general health
What are the Enhanced Prevention recommendations for Fluoride toothpaste for children at increased risk of caries?
- At each recall visit provide Standard Prevention toothbrushing advice
- Give hands on brushing instruction approx 3 mins to child and parent/carer at each recall visit
- Consider additional preventative interventions e.g. 1350-1500ppmF- for up to 10years and prescribe 2800ppmF- for 10-16years for limited period. Reg review required
- Utilise community/home support for toothbrushing that is available locally e.g. health visitor, school nurse, Childsmile dental health support worker
What is involved in the toothbrushing instruction technique?
- Empathise with parent/carer how hard it can be to brush small children teeth but give advice and reinforce importance
- Choose whether all same surfaces of one arch are brushed before moving on to another or all surfaces of a sextant of the mouth
- Demonstrate technique with child using mirror and ask them to show you on themselves or a toy teeth set
- Instruct short, scrubbing motion
- Two minutes and using a timer can help motivate child
- Eating or drinking something acidic then wait 30mins before brushing
- When first or second molars partially erupted empahsise getting occlusal surface as this can be missed
- Will child benefit from disclosing tablets or brushing charts where it can be recorder
- Consider providing free toothbrush and free toothpaste to children at increased risk
What is a key recommendation regarding diet in caries prevention?
- Advise all children and parent/carer about how healthy diet can help prevent caries, at intervals determined by their risk of developing dental caries
What is the Standard prevention dietary advice given to all children?
- At least once a year advise or remind about how healthy diet can help prevent caries including;
- Limit consumption of food and drinks containing sugar (less acid-attack)
Drink only water or milk between meals
- Cows milk virtually non-cariogenic
- Drinks with free sugars increases risk of caries
- Breastfeeding only recommended for first 6months, with appropriate supplements introduces up to 2years or beyond
- Full fat cow milk from 12months, after age of 2 can introduced semi-skimmed
- Skimmed milk only suitable for over 5years as it contains too few calories and minimal vit A
- Snack on healthier foods, low in sugar
- Don’t place sugary drinks, fruit juices, sweetened milk or soy formula in feeding bottles of pacifiers (only water at bedtime)
- Don’t eat or drink apart from tap water after brushing at night
Be aware hidden sugars in food
- Processed foods bad as contain free sugars
- Be aware acid content of drinks and restrict carbonated drinks to meal times
On food labels what is a high sugar content?
> 22.5g/100g in food
11.25g/100ml in drinks
- may be coloured red
On food labels what is a low sugar content?
<=5g/100g in food
<=2.5g/100ml in drinks
What are the Enhanced prevention dietary advice for children at increased risk of caries?
- Provide standard prevention advice at each recall visit, some may need more in-depth support such as motivational interviewing
Assess if beneficial to have;
- Diet diary over 3-5 day period with at least one at weekend
- Action planning to encourage change
- Utilise any community/home support for dietary change that’s available locally
What is some advice you can give for general health?
- In addition to standard and enhanced prevention the following can be given;
- Reduce amount of fat, saturated fat, salt and sugar in diet and try and choose foods labelled Low in sugar/salt (sodium)/ fat/ saturates
- Base meal on starchy foods like bread, rice, potatoes and choose wholegrain where poss
- 5 portions fruit and veg at least
- Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein including two fish a week for omega-3 oils
- Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat in small amounts
- 6-8cups of water a day
- If foods high in fat, salt or sugar then have less often and small amounts
- Support and promote breast feeding
What is the key recommendation for Fissure sealants?
- For all children, place fissure sealants on permanent molars as early as poss after eruption
What is the Standard prevention fissure sealant advice for all children?
- Place sealants in all pits and fissures of permanent molars as soon as poss after eruption
- Resin-bases sealants first choice of material
- Ensure buccal pits of lower first permanent molar and palatal fissures upper first permanent sealed
- Fully erupted teeth where child is uncooperative use glass ionomer fissure sealants and fluoride varnish application
- Check existing sealants for wear and integrity/leakage at every visit
- Top up worn or damaged sealants
What is the Enhanced prevention Fissure sealant advice for children at increased caries risk?
- Provide Standard prevention
- If can’t provide fissure sealants (pre-cooperative or learning disabilities) then ensure fluoride varnish application and attempt again as cooperation improves
- Consider glass ionomer as temporary sealant on partially erupted first and second permanent molars until tooth fully erupted
- Fissure seal palatal pits on upper lateral permanent incisors and occlusal and palatal surfaces of D, E, First and second perm molars if assessed as beneficial
What is the technique for Resin Fissure sealant application?
- Clean tooth to ensure free from obvious debris (wiping with cotton wool, cleaning with toothbrush no toothpaste, bristle brush, gently pulling probe through fissure but not push as this will cause irreversible damage to enamel) 3-in-1 alone usually insufficient to clean debris
- Check air line is free from water by blowing air onto mirror surface to reveal any water contamination
- Isolate tooth with cotton wool rolls, mouth mirror and saliva ejectors and use dry guard if appropriate
- Etch tooth for 30 secs then wash off
- Apply resin sealant to etched enamel, ensuring resin flows without air inclusions to cover approx third of the incline of the cusp
- Don’t allow resin to overflow into gingival sulcus as this might compromise seal
- Light cure sealant
- Check sealant and wipe it with cotton wool
- Check for flash and integrity of sealant with probe, if can be picked off then its leaking and needs to be removed
How do you monitor Fissure Sealants over time?
Visually check fissure sealant
- Opalescence visible at sealant/tooth interface usually indicates leakage and demineralisation and sealant should be removed
Physically check with probe
- If probe can be inserted under sealant then needs to be removed
- Caries can develop if fissure isn’t done correctly as bacteria can get under the sealant
- Top up any fissure sealants as required
- Failure to monitor and maintain sealants can allow caries to develop that could have been prevented
When would you consider using a Glass ionomer sealant material for a fissure sealant?
- When child is pre-cooperative
- When resin sealant indicated but concerns about moisture control
- On partially erupted tooth
How would you apply Glass ionomer resin sealant?
- Use the press finger technique
- Place small amount of glass ionomer on one finger tip and petroleum jelly on adjacent finger
- Wipe surface with cotton wool roll
- Firmly press finger with glass ionomer on tooth to be sealed
- Keep finger in place for 2mins
- Place second finger in mouth and switch quickly to allow coverage of glass ionomer with petroleum jelly before moisture contamination
What is the key recommendation of Topical fluorides?
- For all children aged 2 and over
- Apply sodium fluoride varnish at least twice per year
What is the Standard prevention fluoride varnish advice for all children?
- Apply sodium fluoride varnish (5%) twice a year to children aged 2 and over
- Acceptable for children to have varnish applied up to 4 times per year
- If residual varnish is visible or child has had varnish in past 24hrs e.g. from childsmile leave application until next visit
What are the Enhanced prevention Fluoride varnish advice given to children at increased risk of caries?
- Ensure sodium fluoride varnish applied 4 times per year for children aged 2 and over
- Two applications can be done by childsmile, two dentist
- If recommending use of alcohol free sodium fluroide mouthwash for children from 7years in addition to fluoride varnish, advise it should be used at diff time from toothbrushing
- Important to ensure fluoride varnish application is optimal when fissure sealant placement not poss
What can a child who has been hospitalised due to sever asthma or allergy in last 12 months or who is allergic to sticking plaster be at risk of?
- At risk of allergy to colophony (e.g. Duraphat)
- Consider using colophony free varnish that is licensed for caries prevention in UK
- Or suggest fluoride mouthwash or higher conc fluoride toothpaste
What concentration of fluoride does Duraphat varnish contain?
- 22,600ppmF-
- 0.25ml used for children 2-5years
- 0.4ml used for 5 and above
What is the Fluoride Varnish application technique?
- Isolate and thoroughly dry teeth a quadrant at a time to optimise adhesion of varnish to tooth
- Apply small amount of varnish using small brush including Interproximal
- Advise soft foods and liquids may be consumed 30min-hour after application
- Wait at least 4 hours before brushing teeth or chewing hard food