Caregiver- Infant Interactions Flashcards
What is meant by the term attachment? (2 marks)
Emotional Tie or bond between two people ( usually a primary caregiver) interaction is reciprocal, relationship endures over time/ closeness and security
Outline two features of caregiver infant attachment ( 4 marks)
* non verbal communication
* Turn Taking
* Response to the actions of caregiver
* babies have alert phases/mother’s pick up on
Feldman- (2007) reciprocity increases in frequency as the caregiver and infant pay more attention to each other’s verbal and facial expressions, showing sensitive responsiveness - will lay strong foundations for attachments to develop in later life between caregiver and infant - Brazelton ( 1975) “like a dance”
Intersectional Synchrony
*verbal communication
* infants mirror the actions
* stimiltaniously in a synchronised way- serves to sustain communication
Meltzoff and Moore (1977) - controlled observations/ adult model displayed one of three facial expressions/firstly child had dummy but then didn’t and response was immediate : filmed - is innate and not learnt!
Describe one way in which psychologists have investigated caregiver infant attachment/ refer to a study ( 3 marks )
Meltzoff and Moore (1977) controlled observations- infants 2 weeks old- an adult displayed one of three facial expressions or a gesture- the child’s response was filmed and identified by observers
An association was found between the expression or gesture the adult had displayed and the actions of the babies
Evaluate a Study for investigating caregiver infant interactions (3marks)
Methodological Problem
Using observational methods can create observer bias - researchers consciously or unconsciously interpret behaviour to support their findings- Korpke et al failed to replicate their findings ^ the lack of research support suggests that the results are unreliable and more research is recquired to validate their findings-
To improve this - Inter observer reliability *
Explain one reason why it is difficult to draw conclusions about the role of caregiver infant interactions in the development of attachments
( 2 marks)
Cannot over show cause and effect - ethically impossible to manipulate the amount
Extraneous variables - home life/ life events:temperament/ long term effect on attachment and can’t be controlled
Briefly discuss how researches might address any difficulties encountered when trying to study caregiver infant interaction ( 4 marks)
Context affecting behaviour / natural setting/ increase external validity
Rely on observational methods - prone to observer bias - using multiple trained observers
With reference to reciprocity and international synchrony , discuss infant caregiver interactions
(16 marks )
* define attachment
Reciprocity/ interactional synchrony
Evaluation Point - Infant Interaction- CULTURE BIAS
Vine et al (1994) not found in all cultures- reported that Kenyan mothers have little physical contact with their infants but have high proportion of secure attachments thereor research may be ethnocentric and ignores other cultures - can’t generalise!!
Evaluation - Strength - controlled observations
Fine details recorded
Babies don’t know and don’t care that they are being filmed/ behaviour doesn’t change and so there is good validity!
Observations don’t tell us the purpose of synchrony and reciprocity - shows behaviours (Feldman) not the purpose and can’t be certain if they were actually in interact ( babies always move there mouths) further research is needed
* Biopsychology- looking and seeing what areas of the brain become active when interacting!!
Isbella et al ( 1989)
Observed 30 mothers - assessed degree of synchrony
High levels of synchrony - better quality attachment
However small sample size / less representative