Career sources Flashcards
Arnold 1997
A career is a sequence of employment related positions
Wilensky 1960
Traditional careers are thought of a succession of jobs arranged in a hierarchy
What wrong with Hughes 1937 definition of careers
Outdated, and focus on just men having careers
“Cradle to grave” philosophy
Sparrow & Hiltrop 1994
Difference between a career and a job is that a job leads to nowhere
Leach & Chakiris 1988
Kanter 1989
3 key variations in career forms; bureaucratic, professional and entrepreneurial
Parker 1999
Reflects the progression to alternative forms of recognition and achievement
Movements within an organisation are lateral rather than a linear progression
Wilton 2013
The ‘Shamrock Approach’ - 3 main workforces
Charles Handy
Schein 1996
Shift in careers - “a subjective sense of where one is going in life”
Boudaryless careers
Arnold & Rousseau 1996
Protean careers - self innovation and frequent changes
Hall 1996