Career Flashcards
Who is considered the father of the vocational guidance movement?
Frank Parsons
Who developed early vocation guidance programs in schools?
Jesse B. Davis
The 1944 G.I. Bill offered what service to soldiers returning from World War II?
Higher education and training options to veterans
The National Defense Education Act (NDEA) of 1958 was launched in response to what event?
The launch of Sputnik by the USSR
In Doland Super’s theory, there are three substages in Stage 1 of development from ages four to fourteen. These include what?
Fantasies, interests, capacity
What theory is the Maintanence Stage for adults from?
Donald Super
In adults, the Maintenance Stage is defined by what actions?
Preserving gains and developing non-work interests
Super’s Life Career Rainbow included what aspect(s) of development?
Life roles and life space
What assessments were developed by John Holland?
The Strong Interest Inventory, Self-Directed Search, and Vocational Preference Inventory
Whose theory is the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory based from?
Carl Jung
What were limitations to eary career theories?
Lack of studies of women & minorities, Non-comprehensive theories, and a focus on white, educated males
Realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional are personality types from whose theory?
John Holland
Tiedeman and O’Hara’s developmental model encompassed what three concepts?
Differentiation, Integration, and Ego Identity
When working with individuals in the LGBTQ community, it’s important for a counselor to do what?
Consult with other professionals and refer out when necessary
Krumboltz’s theory of Planned Happenstance suggests what?
Many factors in life are out of our control, it’s essential to develop coping skills, opportunity can be created from a negative situation
Positive uncertainty is a paradoxical approach to decision making. What are its two main beliefs?
The future is uncertain, and one must be positive it’s uncertain
Positive uncertainty comes from which theorist?
A counselor would most likely fall into which of Holland’s personality types?
The hidden job market represents what percentage of open jobs?
50%-80% (Dr Pam says 60%)
The Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) was replaced by what resource?
The baby boomer generation represents what age group?
57-75 years old (years 1946-1964)
What does outsourcing refer to?
Companies replacing US workers with overseas workers
What are the main components of Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) career development theory?
Content and Process
Computer-assisted career guidance systems (CACGS) include what?
SIGI, Discover, Focus2, and Choices
Ann Roe’s theory of personality career development and its progression is most similar to which counseling theorist’s theory?
What is the correct order of broad to specific classifications of employment?
Career, occupation, job
The Strong Interest Inventory builds upon which theorist’s model?
______ is defined as one’s work and leisure that take place over the lifespan.
“Do you like to try new things?” This question most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI?
“Are you a logical person?” This question most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI?
“Do you like metaphors?” This question most closely coincides to which continuum of the MBTI?
Having a disability is an example of what, according to Schlossberg?
Chronic hassle
What necessity was career counseling born out of?
The need to classify skills of soldiers entering into the military
Frank Parsons (Father of Vocational Guidance) was the author of:
Choosing a Vocation
People become interested in careers in which they think they can perform well. This is based on the concept of:
What approach to career counseling involves studying the individual, surveying occupations, and matching the person to the occupations?
Trait and Factor
What are stages of Donald Super’s Developmental Tasks to Careers?
Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Disengagement
What tool was designed to assist an individual in understanding how their personal attributes can help identify career options and potential work environments that may be a good fit for them?
Career assessment
Why did Super change from the concept of career maturity to the concept of career adaptability?
The idea of flexibility and being able to adapt to changes in one’s environment was a more useful concept for adults
Crystallization, specification, implementation, stabilization, and consolidation are part of what?
Super’s five vocational developmental tasks
Edwin is studying criminal justice at the local community college in order to prepare to apply to a police academy. Which of Super’s vocational developmental tasks does he fit in to?
Amanda recently graduated with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. Amanda landed her first job in the field working as a counselor in a substance abuse program. Amanda finds it hard to work with the substance abuse population. She’s very unhappy and is currently looking for another job. According to Super’s theory of vocational development, what life stage is she in?
Joe is 65 years old and has worked for the same company driving a tanker truck delivering oil and asphalt long distance. Joe is diabetic and experiencing problems with his vision and cannot handle being on the road. He’s ready for retirement but still wants to work part time. Joe’s boss would like to keep him around because of his experience and transition him to dispach where he gives delivery orders to other drivers. According to Super’s theory of vocational development, what life stage is he in?
John Holland’s theory of career development is based on an assumption that:
Career choice is an expression of personality
The Holland Theory places a strong emphasis on _______ as part of career decision making.
A high school senior completed the Strong Interest Inventory and according to the Holland Code, scored ESA. Based on the Holland Code, what career could be of possible interest to this student?
According to the Holland Code, “People who prefer to work outdoors, or with tools, objects, or machinery are the _______ type.
Jenny is a veteran returning from Afghanistan. Prior to joining the army Jenny had no work experience. Jenny completed the Strong Interest Inventory and according to the Holland Code scored Social, Enterprising, and Realistic (SER). What may not be a good career option for her?
The thoery of Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma recognizes four factors that influence vocational choice. What are the four factors?
Reality, Educational process, Emotional and individual values
Dalia is five years old and received a toy medical kit for her birthday. Dalia loves to play doctor as she lines all her dolls up to give them examinations because “they are sick.” According to Ginzberg, Ginsberg, Axelrad, and Herma’s Theory, what stage of vocational development is Dalia in?