Cards Flashcards
What is Quartz?
A common rock forming material with large crystals that can be many different colors
What is photosynthesis?
The process by which plants transform energy from sunlight into chemical energy
What is a volt?
A unit of measurement of the strength of a power source
What is topography?
Surface landforms of an area
What is a scavenger?
A living thing that feeds on dead organisms
What is a metamorphic rock?
A rock made from any other rock that has been changed by pressure, heat, boiling water, or a combination of these factors
What is meteorite?
A meteor that hits Earth
What is an organelle?
A structure that performs specific functions in the cell
What is pollution?
The addition of harmful materials to the environment
What is revolution?
To move around another object in a circular way
What is Xylem?
A vascular tissue that conducts water and minerals through a plant
What is a vacuole?
A part of the cell that stores water and nutrients
What is a taiga?
A forest biome characterized by long severe winters and short, cool summers
What is matter?
Anything that has mass and takes up space
What is an omnivore?
An animal that eats both plants and animals
What is plate tectonics?
The theory that Earth’s crust is divided into plates that are always moving
What is a reservoir?
A natural or artificial pond or lake used to collect and store fresh water
What is weight?
A measure of the pull of gravity on an object
What does unicellular?
Made up of only one cell
What is subduction?
The downward movement of one plate at a convergent boundary
What is a marine?
Another name for a saltwater environment
What does nocturnal mean?
Active during the night
What is a pistil?
The parts of a plant that produce the female sex cells
What is a rain forest?
An ecosystem where it rains a lot
What is a watt?
A unit of measure that tells how much electrical power is used
What is a Tsunami?
A huge wave produced by an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption on the ocean floor
What is a seismograph?
A tool that records the strength of energy waves in an earthquake
What is a mammal?
A vertebrate animal with hair that feeds its young milk
What is a neutron?
An atomic particle that lacks charge
What is permafrost?
A layer of soil that is always frozen