Cards Flashcards


What are the responsibilities of OC Exhibits


OC exhibits is responsible for establishing the required standard for:

  • Recovery, handling, labelling and storage of exhibits
  • Submission of exhibits to experts
  • Presentation of exhibits at Court
  • Disposal of exhibits
  • Ensuring these processes are completed in accordance with the requirements set by OC investigation and the Serious Crime Template.
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What is the purpose of a crime scene examination

  • To determine if a crime has been committed
  • Key elements as a basis for enquiry
  • Identification of people associated with the crime
  • Establish if the victim has had contact with the scene
  • Exonerate the innocent
  • Corroborate or contest witness and victim accounts
  • Corroborate or exclude other evidence relating to the crime or incident
  • Verify confessions and admissions
  • Exclude possible defences
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How should a preliminary interview be conducted?

  • In accordance with the investigative interviewing guide
  • Limited use of appropriate open ‘TEDS’ questions
  • Framed to elicit a brief account of the events witnessed, including 5WH (What, where, when, who, why and how)
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Describe the role of OC body during a post-mortem?


The primary role of OC body during a post-mortem is to observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body in a structured manner.

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What matters should the OC area canvas record in the detailed master record of the ongoing process?

  • Addresses visited
  • Occupants interviewed
  • relevant comments made
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Explain your understanding of an initial action risk assessment?

  • Before initial action can be safely undertaken, those in charge of the scene must conduct an appreciation on the known information.
  • Subject to the appreciation of risks, a reconnaissance should be done to establish who is present at the scene, EG: injured people, offenders
  • First priority is to ensure the safety of attending Police staff
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Initial action at serious crime (SUSPECT)

  • Isolate suspect
  • Ask suspect to remain and co-operate
  • Consider arrest
  • Consider Search and Surveillance Act 2012 powers
  • Identify route suspect used to arrive/leave
  • Note the suspects appearance, demeanour and condition
  • Record suspects comments
  • Consider a preliminary interview where appropriate and return to a Police station as soon as possible
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What is the purpose of a scene guard and the log maintained by that person?

  • To ensure there is no unauthorised entry into the scene
  • Integrity of evidence or potential evidence is secured
  • Intelligence opportunities are maximised
  • Contamination issues are managed
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What is the primary function of Initial Police responders at a serious crime scene?

  • Police responders must assess the situation quickly and carefully and decide what the important things to do are, and what order they should be done in
  • Primary functions are:
  • Attend the scene at an early stage
  • Take control of the situation
  • Coordinate tasks
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Upon completion of the area canvas phase, the OC area canvass must submit a report to the OC investigation outlining the circumstances of this aspect of the investigation, what matters must the report contain?

  • Summary of all actions taken
  • Any significant findings are highlighted
  • Attention drawn to any action that has been undertaken which was outside of the original phase strategy
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What is the purpose of reviewing an area canvas?

  • An area canvas must be regularly reviewed and amended accordingly as new evidence is gathered
  • Subsequent canvasses of the same of different areas may be required as facts and circumstances change
  • Changes may be required to questions used in any subsequent enquiries
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What are the key responsibilities of the disclosure manager?

  • Ensure all relevant disclosable material is provided to defence counsel
  • Ensure all relevant and non-disclosable material is identified, listed and defence counsel is advised
  • Continually asses the risk to ensure that non-disclosable is identified and not disclosed
  • Continually review ensuring you have ongoing lawful justification to withhold, and this exists for each document that is withheld
  • Manage disclosure timeframes within the provision of the act, or otherwise directed by the Court
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Before attending the scene of a serious crime you should…?

  • Decisions must be driven by circumstances, not the requirements of a checklist
  • Get all available information
  • Consider requesting the Complainant to assist/ Observe, if safe to do so
  • Make an appreciation
  • Make a plan considering relevant factors such as:
  • Safety of self and others
  • Identify and apprehend Suspects
  • Contain and control Witnesses
  • Preserve the scene
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List he the duties of a Family Liaison Officer in their role as an investigator?

  • Profile the Victim
  • Preparing the family tree
  • Gathering all relevant information from the family
  • Taking statements to identify the Victim
  • Updating the family with the progress of both the investigation and Court proceedings, as directed by 2IC
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List 6 ways Suspects may be identified?

  • Area enquiries
  • Intel analysis
  • Fingerprints
  • DNA samples
  • Witness evidence
  • CHIS information
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In smaller investigations, the OC exhibits, in conjunction with OC investigation may conduct an appreciation, and facilitate a thorough interrogation of every exhibit, what is the purpose of this procedure?

  • To establish the:
  • Evidential value of each exhibit
  • Investigation opportunities presented by each exhibit
  • Further enquiries that are needed
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What action must the OC exhibits take when becoming aware that further enquiries are required in relation to a particular exhibit?


• Highlight this to the 2IC so that follow up enquiries can be initiated

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Crown Disclosure?

  • The Crown should be supplied with an identical copy of the material that is disclosed to defence counsel
  • The Crown should also review the unedited copy of the material where appropriate
  • The material should remain under the control of the file manager, while it is being reviewed
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Describe why it is important for the Family Liaison Officer to identify the cultural origins of the Victim’s family, and to ensure they are familiar with relevant cultural beliefs and protocols?


• To enhance the relationship with the family and to contribute to the Victim’s profile

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During an interview of a Suspect, what must the OC Suspect ensure?

  • The interview is conducted in accordance with the investigative interviewing suspect guide
  • The interview is monitored by a supervisor or experienced detective to ensure all the points are covered
  • Ensure an explanation is sought from the Suspect in relation to any exhibits that are found
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When skeletal remains are found, what information can the pathologist provide?

  • Whether the remains are actually bones
  • Whether the bones are human
  • The age, gender, height and racial origin of the person
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How can specialist Police units assist the OC area canvas during the area canvas stage?

  • Criminal profiling units
  • Geographical profiling units
  • Behavioural Science unit
  • May be consulted to assist with setting up parameters or identifying locations where suspects are likely to frequent or reside
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What are the two main purposes for Police attending the scene of a death?

  • To investigate thoroughly
  • To gather sufficient evidence to satisfactorily explain the circumstances of death
  • Using an investigative mindset
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List 4 things to consider that may benefit an area canvas?

  • Use of experts, ILO’s etc
  • Use of Aide memoir and script, anything to ensure the staff have everything they need
  • Leaflets, especially for those reluctant to talk initially
  • Other options such as:
  • Media
  • Poster campaign
  • Mail drop
  • High profile police presence
  • Use of mobile Police base
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How do you determine the priorities when investigating Suspects?
* Investigate Suspects in order of priority as determined by OC investigation, aspects that might influence priorities are? * Weight of evidence against a person * Likelihood of the leaving the area * Urgency in solving the case of staffing * Where no Suspect, priority should be given to anonymous information
What do you do if the Suspect puts forward an alibi?
* Whenever an alibi is put forward by an Offender concerning a matter in respect of which proceedings have commenced, it is the responsibility of the OC Suspect to make thorough enquiries to determine the veracity of the alibi * Fully report the results of the enquiry to the Crown solicitor
The term family includes:
* Partners * Parents * Siblings * Children * Guardians * Whanau * Other person who has a direct and close relationship with the Victim * Chosen family * Should reflect the Victim’s culture and lifestyle
What are some of the considerations of a dying statement under section 16 (1) Evidence Act 2006? And how can Police satisfy that the statement is admissible?
* Nature of the statement * Content of the statement * Circumstances around the making of the making of the statement * Circumstances around the veracity of the person making the statement * Circumstances relating to the accuracy of the observations made by the person The Court must be satisfied that the content of the statement and the person who made it are reliable. Police taking the statement must record any factors which demonstrate the reliability of the statement or its maker
Section 10(4) of the Criminal Disclosure Act 2008 governs the disclosure of material to defence, What does the section state about how disclosure can be supplied?
* Disclosure may be supplied in whatever form, including electronically or in whatever form the information is held in at the time of the request, provided this will be readily available to the Defendant * Consideration must be given to whether the defendant has ready access to a computer to access the electronic document.
A priority at a serious crime incident is to establish the physical condition of the Victim, what are the three categories of the Victim’s medical status?
* Alive and uninjured * Alive and injured * Shows no signs of life
During the course of some criminal trials it is necessary for Police to consider the Witness intimidation may occur, by maintaining contact with a Witness who may be the subject of intimidation, what information can the OC case or OC Witness ascertain?
* More likely to be aware of threats/ intimidation/ interference * Take appropriate action (Witness protection)
What specific instructions must be given to the Witnesses in a criminal trial relating to their conduct at Court?
* Do not discuss the case with Witness after giving evidence * Do not discuss the case in public areas while waiting to give evidence * Don not have any contact or communication with jurors
Why is it important to develop a forensic strategy for the examination of exhibits?
• It allows the OC exhibits to prioritise tasks in line with the direction of the investigation
Explain what a common approach path is used for at serious crime scenes?
• It is the path for all movement into and out of the scene, avoiding any route possibly taken by the Victim or the Suspect
Who may be present at a post-mortem?
* Pathologist * Assistant pathologist is authorised by the coroner * Coroner * Police * A doctor representing the interests of a Suspect that has or may be charged in relation to the death, if authorised by the coroner * Any other doctor or trainee doctor if authorised by the coroner * Any other person authorised by the coroner
Should there be a delay in Police attending the scene, what are the 5 things the informant may be asked to do in the interim?
* Return and guard the scene if safe to do so * Not to enter the obvious boundaries of the scene * Not to touch or move anything * Prevent others from touching or moving anything * Await Police arrival and identify themselves to the first police at the scene
When dealing with a Suspect at the scene of a serious crime, what specific physical matters relevant to the Suspect must you consider?
* Consider the condition of the Suspect * Whether they are injured * Whether they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs * Whether they suffer from a medical or mental impairment, or other special consideration
List 6 things you should obtain from an informant?
* Identification and location of the Suspect * Firsthand account of what the informant knows * Identity of the Victim * Full contact details of the informant * Details of actions taken by the informant and where they have been * Demeanour of the informant
What specific experts must be notified and their attendance requested for a post-mortem?
* Police photographer * Fingerprints Officer * ESR scientist
Who should be appointed OC Suspects?
• A CIB supervisor of Detective Sergeant rank in common with those of other phases, this may be OC Generals where resources are limited
What are 6 benefits of an appreciation?
* Informs all Police what they are expected to achieve * Establishes a sequence of activities to be carried out * Manages risks * Reduces uncertainty * Eliminate duplication * Ensure nothing is overlooked * Effective use of resources
Describe 4 matters that must be recorded in a crime scene log to maintain the integrity of the scene?
* The identity and details of the record keeper * Movements around the scene * Names of those entering the scene * Times of those entering the scene * Reasons for entry and exit to the scene
What is an appreciation?
* A proven method of problem solving where a series of steps are followed to ensure the optimum course of action is decided upon * It considers the appropriate factors and weighs the benefits and risks of alternative solutions
What is the purpose of the OC Suspects team?
* Profile and investigate suspects and POI and determine involvement in the offence * Seek evidence to cover ingredients of the offence * Eliminate defences * Provide basis for further investigation
What are the steps of making an appreciation?
* Aim- An aim is a short one line statement which is clear, accurate and concise and succinctly demonstrates a single objective * Factors- A factor is any circumstance of fact that could affect the aim, ask ‘So what’ ‘What does this mean”? * Courses open- a list of all possible ways the aim could be achieved, weighing the advantages, disadvantages and the risks involved * Plan- the proposed course of action to achieve the desired aim
What is the investigative mentality?
• No matter what the circumstances of the death are, eg accidental, suicide, apparent natural cause, workplace accident or unexplained death, Police purpose is always to investigate thoroughly and gather sufficient evidence to satisfactorily explain the circumstances of death
OC body note taking?
• The OC body must not take any notes of discussions concerning the post-mortem examination unless specifically directed to by the OC investigation and or pathologist
Describe your understanding of a suspect medical examination?
* OC suspect will arrange, in consultation with OC investigation for a Police doctor to examine the Suspect, the doctor will: * Note injuries like scratches and bruising * Take samples as necessary using the MEK, including blood, saliva, head hair, pubic hair, body hair, fingernail scrapings and swabs of hands * Swab hands for firearm residue using detection kit, if it is suspected a firearm has been used in the offence * Provide professional opinion on the Suspects condition * Record comments and explanations made by the suspect about the offence and cause of injuries * Photograph Suspects injuries and marks
Prior to a criminal trial relating to a serious offence, who makes the decision as to what exhibits are to be prepared and produced at the trial?
• OC investigation and OC exhibits decide what exhibits are to be produced and how they are to be produced
What issues should you consider when appointing an interviewing Officer?
* The interviewers level of experience in interviewing a witness of serious crime * The suitability of the interviewer, welfare issues, previous experiences * Interviewing Officers should be informed of their role at an early stage and given the opportunity to plan
What are the main objectives of an area canvass?
* GLOW * Gather information * Locate and identify evidence such as vehicles, discarded clothes and weapons * Offender identity * Witness identity
Describe your understanding of cross contamination?
* It is vitally important Officers involved are fully aware of cross contamination issues and where possible, separate Officers should be assigned to each suspect * Suspects must be kept apart including during travel in vehicles and when placed in cells * All clothing should be packaged and labelled and sealed in accordance with standard procedures, before transfer to OC exhibits
What is the purpose of a methodically conducted area canvass?
* There are often links between Offenders, Victims, Witnesses and the scene * A methodically conducted area canvas therefore presents a high likelihood of identifying or contacting the Offender or an associate of the Offender, significant Witness, identify exhibit, or evidence, and establishing significant fact
What must the OC Suspect phase include when providing brief and debriefs?
* Must regularly debrief their team members on the enquiries they have conducted and the results of those enquiries so that they can maintain a constant flow of information * At conference between the members of the Suspect team and the other investigation staff, priority information must be brought to the attention of the OC investigation
What is the purpose of a forensic strategy meeting and what are the topics covered?
* Forensic strategy meetings are held to determine which exhibits or other forensic examinations are required and the priority of those examinations * Topics covered are: * What examinations ESR or others could conduct * The priority each examination should be given * Whether further work is needed to assist a reconstruction * An agreed reconstruction of events relevant to the crime under investigation
What should a scene guard be briefed on?
* Brief- OC and others upon arrival * Scene: * Don’t disturb it * Protect it, eg from animals * Secure it, deny entry to people not authorised * Control it, Common approach path and supervision * Record details: * Names * Designations * Authority to enter * Purpose of visit * Record movements of people and vehicles to/ from/ near the scene * Do not discuss events with Witnesses, Bystanders or media * Be courteous
What is the purpose of an Iwi liaison Officer?
* An Iwi liaison Officer should be involved from the earliest stage possible * This will enhance relations with the family throughout the investigation by providing an understanding and awareness of Maori culture, protocol and beliefs * The ILO may be involved in arranging formal identification, and communicating the post-mortem arrangements
Who should be appointed as OC body?
* An experienced investigator with an awareness of forensic issues * Where this is not possible, OC body may require additional supervision
What things should OC exhibits update OC investigation on?
* What exhibits have been found and their movements * Any examination results * Whether any further enquiries are required
What are the steps of stripping the body?
* Stripping of the body takes place immediately before the post-mortem, but only at the direction of the OC investigation * It happens after a visual examination and collection of evidence
When should you take bodily samples at the scene?
* The decision to take samples at the scene is made by OC investigation * It is advisable where evidence would otherwise be lost or contaminated by moving the body * Samples may include: * Insects, larvae * DNA swabs * Firearm residue * Hair, fibre, glass, paint * Finger prints on skin or clothing
What is TENR?
* Threat, threat assessment, intent, opportunity, capability, environment * Exposure, Exposure to the Officer, Police, Victim or to the public * Necessity, whether to intervene now, or a delayed response or to take no action * Response, action based on the threat, exposure and necessity
What 6 points should be established from a Witness at the scene?
* What has happened * Where did the incident happen * When did the incident happen * Who was involved * Descriptions of those present * What the Witness did
Why is it important that police who have had first contact with the informant should be debriefed?
* Officers who have initial contact with the informant/ complainant should take great care in recording what they say and their demeanour and description * These notes could be critical, particularly if the informant is later identified as a Suspect
In addition to photographs taken at the scene, the OC body must ensure the photographer at the mortuary takes photographs of?
* The body before it is stripped * The body after it is stripped * Close up of any wounds, marks, internal injuries and unusual features * Include a measuring scale to the features being photographed and record the dimensions
What are some other ways of conducting an area canvas?
* On occasion OC investigation may decide to limit the extent of the area canvas and give consideration to alternative methods such as: * Poster campaign * Media * Mail drop * High Police presence
What steps can be taken to ensure the integrity of the exhibit register?
• For an electronic exhibit register the OC exhibits and typist should have a password access to make alterations, although every member of the investigation team should be able to view it (IMT)
What should you do before establishing the Victims medical status?
* Having ensured the safety of those present, the next priority is to establish the physical condition of the Victim * Are they? * Alive and uninjured * Alive and injured * Show no signs of life
Where the Victim is likely to die from their injuries and you are considering taking a verbal statement, how can Police satisfy the court that the statement is admissible?
* Section 18(1) of the Evidence Act 2006 | * Take steps to ensure that both the content of the statement and the person who made the statement are reliable
How can the OC area canvas ensure that staff morale remains high?
* Give regular feedback on how the area canvas is contributing to the progress of the investigation * Give updates on progress made in other phases of the enquiry
What action must Police take when attending a scene where the body has been disturbed?
* Do not attempt to restore the scene to its original unchanged condition * Make sufficient enquiries to enable the original unchanged scene to be later reconstructed and photographed if required
At the conclusion of a post-mortem, the OC body must hand all exhibits to the OC exhibits, list three things the OC body must also provide?
* The post-mortem scene exhibit schedule * Copies of notebook entries * A formal written statement
Describe what is meant by the ‘chain of custody’ and state the purpose?
* The chain of custody includes every individual who has had custody of an exhibit from the time it was first discovered until the time it is produced in Court * It is used to demonstrate integrity, and therefore admissibility of exhibits
In a serious crime investigation it may be necessary for a Police doctor to examine a Suspect. Apart from taking samples and noting injuries on the Suspect, what other matters can the doctor attend to?
* Provide professional opinion regarding the condition of the Suspect * Record any explanations or comments made by the Suspect about the offence or the cause of any injuries
The OC body is responsible for arranging the formal identification of the Victim, what instruction must the OC body provide to the family or friends who are making the identification?
• They must be fully informed of what is required of them and what they should expect to see when they view the deceased, especially after a post-mortem has taken place
How do Witnesses refresh their memory in Court?
• At Court, request the Witness to refresh their memory by reading any previously signed statement made by them, or the interview transcript
While most offence of homicide are identified as a result of a body being found or by a person responsible for the offence making admissions, some incidents notified to the Police are not initially identifiable as a homicide. Describe four such instances?
* Missing person * SUD infant * Unexplained death * Abduction * Violence where no fatalities are anticipated * Hit and run vehicle collision * Suicide * Fatal fire * Drugs * Crime scene without a body
* Victim- Identity and location * Appreciation- including risk * Witness- locate and contain * Scene- preserve * Exhibits- not evidence and preserve any that would otherwise be lost * Ingredients * Powers * Offender- identify and apprehend
What may the preliminary interview lead to?
* Early identification and arrest of the offender * Recovery of evidence * Prevention of disposal or destruction of evidence * Prevention of further offences
What do you do if members of the media are present at the scene?
* Keep them away from the immediate scene, cordon and make no comment about the incident * Consult with OC investigation on arrival and explain what happened * Identify media members and where they are located
State two reasons why it is important to conduct a risk assessment relating to a Witness to a serious crime?
* A risk assessment must be conducted to establish the extent to which a Witness might be a risk of: * Intimidation * Physical harm
Initial action at a serious crime, Witnesses?
* Contain, isolate and seek Witnesses cooperation * Prioritise interviews by investigative importance * Conduct scoping interviews * Photograph Witnesses injuries * Consider whether Witnesses are scenes
What is the purpose of OC Suspects?
* OC suspects is responsible for supervising the members of the Suspects team for the purpose of: * Obtaining information about the Suspects and POI as they are identified * Profiling and investigating Suspects and POI to enable the OC investigation to establish their involvement in the offence or eliminate them from the enquiry * Seek evidence to cover all ingredients of the offences * Providing the basis for future investigation
Describe two types of information that can be obtained from Police intelligence systems when carrying out a risk assessment during the planning phase of the area canvas?
* Violent offenders * Persons wanted by Police for other crimes or wanted on warrants * Groups with particular linguistic or cultural needs * Local incidents or issues which residents may raise with Police
In the case of a homicide, who takes the victim impact statement from the family?
• A homicide trained victim support volunteer takes the victim impact statement from the surviving family members for Police
A Victim impact statement should be no longer that how many days old at sentencing?
• A Victim impact statement should no more the 28 days old at the time of the sentencing
If a Witness may have evidence for the Victim or Suspect or scene on them, what must the interviewing officer do before an interview? What types of physical evidence may be present on the Witness?
* Prepare a plan to preserve and recover all physical evidence from the Witness * Physical evidence may be: * DNA * Fingerprints * Clothes * Footwear * Fibres * Body fluids * Glass * Other material
What are the duties of the file manager?
* Depending on the system used to store information, but includes * Set up and maintain the HQ * Deal with paper flow and documents * Read all documents and highlight important information to the 2IC * Identify and record evidential material * Synopsis of all documents received * Assist with prosecution files * Assist with the trial
Prior to removing the body, the OC body should make an appreciation in respect of the body which considers the following factors?
* Notification/ response to Coroner * Views of attending pathologist, ESR, Forensic scientist, Crown Solicitor who are attending the crime scene * Consultation with other relevant experts * Requirement for any examination or action needed before removal based on the known facts of the case * Best method and route for the body removal to minimise contamination of the scene and body. EG sterilized stepping plates * Supervision of the body removal * Chain of custody of the body from the scene to the mortuary * Safe custody of exhibits * Family and cultural considerations
What is the primary role of the family liaison Officer?
* The primary function of an FLO is that of an investigator and not a support person * However, in performing this role the FLO must offer, facilitate and coordinate support that addresses the needs of the family * Role involves day to day management of partnerships between the family of the deceased and Police
How can a body be identified when decomposed, dismembered, or otherwise unsuitable for visual identification?
* Fingerprints * DNA profile * Dental records * Medical examination such as: * Scars * Birthmarks * Tattoos * Amputations * Prosthetic limbs * X-rays * Surgical wounds
Whose responsibility is it to: - Notify the coroner early of the death, as detailed in the Police manual chapter ‘contacting a coroner’ - Arrange the post-mortem examination in consultation with the coroner - Consult the pathologist before the post-mortem commences regarding the relevance and benefit of conducting an x-ray or CT/ Cat scan of the body?
• OC investigation
What are the key points of the initial action checklist?
* Appreciation process * Preserve life, preserve scene * Identify and apprehend Suspects * Secure evidence * Identify Victim
Initial action, how to preserve the scene?
* Identify: * Initial assessment of the scene * Consider warrantless powers * Establish the actual scene * Note and record observations * Secure/ preserve: * 4 x C * Clear, cordon, common approach path, Crime scene log * Consider: * Initial photographs of the scene and person * Record: * Crime scene log integrity * Sketch the scene * Photograph or record * Identify what has been moved
What steps should be followed at hospital if attending with the Victim?
* Obtain medical opinion of Victims condition * Seize clothing and possessions * Establish the identity of the victim * Get a pre transfusion blood sample * Seize bandages used to cover gunshot wounds and record their positions on the body * Get firearms residue sample if firearms are suspected * Note and photograph any injuries * Consider DNA swabs from Victim if relevant * Get details of people who visit the Victim * Conduct scoping interview, consider hearsay statement * Preliminary interview with emergency staff who treated the victim
What steps should be taken if the victim shows no signs of life?
* Get ambulance, consider CPR, note body position if moved * Remain with the body until relieved * Arrange doctor to provide life extinct if obvious * Treat the Victim as a scene * Medical staff should leave clothes on the body * Medical staff should leave medical items in situ * Scoping interviews with medical staff * Details of anyone the Victim spoke to before dearth * Record body position, lividity, injuries and clothing * Record everything observed with senses * Sketch a plan of body and exhibits * Record all exhibits * Provide information to OC investigation at an early stage
What must the file manager consider when setting up the investigation headquarters?
* Where there is no logistical officer appointed, the file manager will liaise closely with the 2IC to establish the requirements for the investigation headquarters, including: * Location * Transport * Equipment * Communication * Office support staff * ICT requirements
What is the purpose of a post-mortem?
* The primary reason for conducting a post-mortem is to establish the cause of death, a post-mortem can also: * Determine mode and time of death * Establish how injuries or events at the scene have contributed to the death * Determine the size and nature of the weapon used * Determine the height and stature of the Suspect * Negate possible defences * Identify Victim
Initial action at a serious crime: On arrival?
• Log arrival with comms • Appreciation • Ensure the safety of yourself, colleagues, Victims and others • Sitrep and SFP if needed Then: • Establish common approach path • Record relevant information • Control the scene • Control people • Consider Search and surveillance Section 12 powers • Locate and preliminary account from Complainant
What initial action can you do while enroute to a serious crime?
* Look out for Suspects * Note/ stop any vehicle;es attempting to leave the scene * Priorities tasks and assign duties * VOWES
OC exhibits has a responsibility to maintain an awareness of the significance of each exhibit and what examinations are available. What other matters regarding each exhibit must OC exhibits determine?
* OC exhibits must ensure all exhibits are fully examined in accordance with the forensic strategy decisions * The OC exhibits will determine plan, and record the examination and interrogation of every exhibit and establish its relevance to the investigation
Detail the responsibilities of the OC body regarding exhibits taken from the body at the mortuary?
* Recording * Labelling * Sealing * Securing all physical exhibits relating to the body, including samples taken during the post-mortem * All exhibits must be packaged and sealed before leaving the mortuary without exception and will be recorded in a post-mortem scene exhibit schedule
What is the initial action of the disclosure manager when they are appointed to the role?
* Read the disclosure managers desk file * Use IMT for investigation * Receive brief from 2IC what is and is not disclosable
What needs to be done with an exhibit before it is received by OC exhibits and placed in the exhibit room?
* Labelled with: * Exhibit number * Operation name * Exhibit description * Name, time date, location it was found * Exhibit schedule updated * Correctly packaged and sealed and the label is visible * Any action necessary to preserve the exhibit has been taken (eg drying blood)
The OC body is responsible for preparing the sudden death file and submission as soon as possible, What are the four documents that must be included on the file?
* Victims formal ID statement * Copy of POL47 report for the coroner or POL47a for infant * Copy of deceased person certificate POL265 * Copy of deceased person ID form POL265A
Initial response Police at serious crime incident must make a risk assessment, what is the key priority of this risk assessment?
• The safety of Police, other responders and those present at the scene
Why is it important in some cases to conduct an area canvas at the same time as the original offence occurred?
• To capture people who regularly pass through that area at that time of day
During a briefing for an area canvas, what is the appropriate instruction to give staff who may speak to a Witness who has evidence of possible probative value?
• Take a formal written statement and not a notebook
What is the first thing to consider when undertaking a course of action at a serious crime scene?
• What risks may exist
Area canvas, what is the difference between the A and B form?
* A form records the street name, house number, flat number, occupant details, including those visiting the address and vehicle details * B form is the questionnaire for the investigation and records occupant details, work details, home details and answers specific questions
What are the responsibilities of OC body?
* Ensure death has been certified by a doctor or qualified paramedic using deceased person certificate * Maintain security and continuity of the body samples and exhibits from the scene to the commencement of the post-mortem * Secure and guard the body, samples and any exhibits relating to the body with dignity and respect * Note and record observations in relation to the body * Note details of medical staff who have attended the body * Complete 1S procedure
What initial action at a serious crime should you do if a victim is injured?
* First aid * Preliminary interview * If expected to die, consider taking a statement from the victim * Treat the Victim as a scene, do not move them * Take DNA swabs from the victim’s skin if appropriate * Record and photograph any injuries * If the victim is taken to hospital, Police must: * Accompany the victim to the hospital * Ascertain the Victim’s medical condition * Preserve clothing * Debrief medical staff * Update OC investigation
To maintain high standards in the investigation process you must:
- have an investigative mindset - have the ability to apply the Appreciation Technique to think through issues to ensure the best possible course of action is followed - always consider how your decisions will look under cross-examination 18 months later in the High Court when the case proceeds to trial - pay meticulous attention to detail - carry out your assigned tasks efficiently - value the importance of professionalism, integrity and objectivity in conducting investigations - have good communication skills (written and oral), and - work as a team
The two key tasks of any investigation are:
- gathering and preserving evidence, and | - documentation
The purpose of holding team conferences when investigating a major crime is to:
- keep all members of the team up to date with developments in the enquiry - give team members the opportunity to exchange views and pass on important information - give the 2IC the opportunity to pass on instructions to staff on file management and other administrative matters - give the officer in charge the chance to brief the team on important investigative topics, priorities and which lines of inquiry to follow
Team conferences are usually chaired by the officer in charge. They must be carefully:
- planned - recorded, and - focused and managed so they are not overly drawn out
Different types of conference include:
- initial conference - regular conference - debriefing conference - phase team conferences - run by the OC Phase and attended by his/her staff only
Note taking
Notes made by staff at conferences are generally not subject to disclosure. It is good practice to clearly identify which entries were made at conferences so that the disclosure officer can exclude them from disclosure material.