Cardiovascular System Flashcards
In closed circulatory system where does blood stays?
Blood vessels
Blood is separated from?
body tissues
This system has a heart that pumps blood through a
continuous circulation pattern.
Closed circulatory system
Two parts of the circulatory system of frogs
cardiovascular system and
lymphatic system
The main function of this system is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and to aid in the elimination of metabolic wastes
cardiovascular system
The main function of this system is drain the remaining plasma to the heart
lymphatic system
how many chambers does the heart of the frog has?
situated mid-ventrally in the anterior part of the body cavity in between two lungs
Describe the heart
dark red colored conical muscular organ
how is the heart situated?
Two membranes of the heart
inner epicardium and outer pericardium
What do you call the space between two membranes enclosing the heart.
Pericardial cavity
What fills the Pericardial cavity?
Pericardial fluid
Functions of pericardial cavity
- Protects the heart from mechanical injury
- Keeps the heart moist
- Allows the free movement during beating
- Also keeps in keeping the heart suspended in its proper position
Structure of the frog’s heart
Anterior broader part of the frog’s heart
What separates the auricles?
Interauricular groove / septum
How many chambers does auricle has?
two chambers
posterior pointed part of the frog’s heart
number of chambers of the ventricle
how is ventricle separated from auricle?
coronary sulcus
What is the most important part of the heart?
Describe the ventricle
thick muscular walls
What are the two additional chambers of the frog’s heart?
sinus venosus and truncus arteriosus
a tubular structure arise from the right side of the ventricle
truncus arteriosus
On the dorsal surface of the heart, what will fuse to form wide chamber
Two precaval and a postcaval
thin walled dark colored triangular structure which opens into the right auricle
Sinus venosus
receives deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body
Sinus venosus
How many branches does truncus arteriosus divides to have two branches to form aortic trunks
Aortic trunk is consists of?
carotid arch
systemic arch
pulmonary arch
What consists the blood vessels
veins, arteries and capillaries
These are System of pipelines through which blood flow
Blood vessels
Blood vessels has three layers which are?
– tunica externa
– tunica media
– tunica intern
What is the direction of flow of all blood in veins
Towards the heart
Describe veins
thin walled and collapsible
What prevents the backflow of blood in veins?
semilunar valves
Pressure of blood flow in veins
very low pressure
like arteries but with a thin and more elastic wall and large lumen
What type of blood does veins carries?
deoxygenated blood
- Precaval Vein or anterior vena cava
- Postcaval Vein or posterior vena cava
- Pulmonary Veins
- Abdominal Vein
- Hepatic Portal Vein
- Renal Portal Vein
Formed by the union of 3 veins
Precaval Vein or anterior vena cava
What are the three veins of precaval
- External jugular vein
- Innominate vein
- Subclavian vein
most anterior formed by lingual vein and mandibular vein.
External jugular vein
formed by joining of brachial and musculocutaneous vein
Subclavian Vein
Formed by union of internal jugular vein and subscapular vein. runs dorsally
Inominate vein
This vein is near midline from tongue and floor of mouth
Lingual vein
This vein is lateral from lower jaw
Mandibular vein
This vein is from the arm
This vein is anterior o skull
Internal jugular vein
vein that is lateral from lower jaw
mandibular vein
From muscles an skin on dorsal and lateral part of head and trunk
Subscapular vein
Formed by the confluence ofefferent renal veins and hepatic veins
Post caval vein
On from each lun, both enter left auricle just anterior to the sinus venosus
Pulmonary Veins
What are the major Veins?
Precaval Vein, Postcaval Vein, Pulmonary Vein, Absominal Vein, Hepatic Portal Vein, Renal Portal Vein
This is a vein formed by union of pelvic veins and vesicular veins
Abdominal vein
Posterior and coelum, each as branch from femoral vein
Pelvic vein
From the bladder, a portal system comprises veins that divide into capillarie within an organ before returning to th heart.
Vesicular veins
These are veins from digestive organs that join to form this
Hepatic portal vein
This runs laterally along each kidney and gives off several
Renal portal vein
This vein of the renal portal vein is formed from anterior side of the thigh
Femoral vein
This vein of the renal portal vein is formed from Posterior sid of the thigh
Sciatic vein
This vein of the renal portal vein is formed from The abdominal wall
Forso-lumbar vein
These are vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Describe the arteries
Strong an thick walled vessels
Blood is trasported to different parts of the body with?
High pressre and great speed
Do arteries have valves?
What is the color of arteries?
Pinkish color
What type of blood do arteries carry?
Oxygenated blood.
What are the three major arteries?
- Common carotid artery
- Pulmonary-cutaneous artery
- Systemic Arch
What arch is the common caroti artery?
Anterior arch
2 divisions ofcommon carotid artery
External carotid artery
Internal caroti artery
This artery is to tongue and floor of the mouth
External carotid artery
This artery is dorsal to posterior roof of the mouth
Internal carotid artery
This is the artery found at the roof of the mouth
Palatine artery
This is the artery found Into cranium to brain
Cerebral artery
This is the artery found at Eye to eye
Ophthalmic artery
Division of the pulmo-cutaneous artery
- Pulmonary artery
- Cuaneous artery
Short arteries branching into the lung
Pulmonary Artery
Arteries from skin to back an side of the body and side of the head
Cutaneous Artery
This passes dorsally beside esophagus and turns posteriorly to unite with its mate and form dorsal aorta
Aortic arch or Systemic Arch
Vein Fromposteriorsideofthigh
Sciatic vein
This is an artery that is dorsal to larynx
Layngeal artery