Cardiovascular Hemodynamics Flashcards
The heart is between the lungs, in the:
Behind the:
The apex of the heart lies:
diaphragm pointing to the left
Outermost layer, protects the heart. Made of 2 layers fibrous and serous pericardium
Between 2 layers there is fluid to prevent friction/injury
visceral surface of the pericardium
Middle Layer. Thick muscular tissue. Responsible for major pumping action. Contains contractile fibers
Thin layer of the endothelium and connective tissue. Lines the valves and chambers
4 Layers of the Heart (outer to inner)
- Pericardium
- Epicardium
- Myocardium
4, Endocardium
Direction of Blood Flow through the heart with valves and chambers
- inferior and superior vena cava
- right atrium
- tricuspid atrium
- right ventricle
- pulmonic valve
- pulmonic artery
- lungs
- pulmonic veins
- left atrium
- mitral valve
- left ventricle
- aortic valve
- aorta
- systemic circulation
Function of the valves
Maintain forward flow of blood
Open and close with pressure & volume changes in the heart chambers
Function of coronary arteries
Supply and drain blood to the heart muscle (anterior and posterior surfaces) itself
When does coronary artery flow occur?
3 Major Coronary Arteries
- right coronary artery
- Left coronary artery dissects into
a) left anterior descending
b) left circumflex
What does the RCA perfuse?
Perfuses right side of heart and inferior LV
What does the LAD perfuse?
left ventricle and left septum
What does the left circumflex perfuse?
Posterior surface and SA nose
the physical study of flowing blood and of all the solid structures (such as arteries) through which it flows
essentially the pressures and flows in circulatory sustem
Hemodynamic monitoring studies the relationship between what 4 variables?
- Heart rate
- Blood flow
- Oxygen delivery
- Tissue perfusion
2 components of successful delivery of oxygenated blood to tissues:
- Electrical impulse to stimulate a contraction
- Effective enough contraction to deliver appropriate cardiac output
Cardiac Output
The amount of blood the heart pumps each minute
CO = HR x SV
The delivery of oxygenated blood to tissues
Normal CO in adult
3 Factors Effecting SV
preload + contractility + afterload
Stroke Volume
Amount of blood ejected from the heart (LV) with each pump
Normal stroke volume
Pressure/stretch in the myocardial fibers (ventricle muscle wall) at the end of diastole
Preload is the end ________ volume
When is preload increased>
Valve Regurgitation
Heart Failure
Force/strength of the myocardial contraction
Effected by size of muscle
The pressure against which the ventricles pump to eject blood
Afterload is t amount of resistance to the ejection of blood from the ventricle; amount of pressure that the heart needs to pump against when _________ during ________
Pressure = _____ x ______
Afterload is increased in:
hypertension and vasoconstriction
Increasing afterload increases:
Cardiac workload
Ejection Fraction
the amount of blood expelled with each contraction (50-80%)
Frank Sterling Law
The more the heart is filled during diastole (within limits – if overstretched, there will be decreased contractility; similar to rubber band), the more forcefully it contracts.
What 2 systems regulate CO?
- Autonomic Nervous System
2 Receptors that monitor CO
- baroreceptors
- chemoreceptors
What do baroreceptors monitor?
Blood pressure/pressures changes/stretch
Location of baroreceptors
carotid sinus & aortic arch
When baroreceptors detect pressure changes/decreased CO, what occurs?
ANS compensation
Increased HR
What do chemoreceptors monitor?
Chemical changes
2 types (peripheral and central)
Location of peripheral chemoreceptors and what they sense
carotid sinus & aortic arch
PO2 and pH changes causing ANS compensation
Location of central chemoreceptors and what they sense
paCO2 and pH causing ANS compensaion
Goal of ANS and RAAS for CO regulation
Maintain CO through compensatory mechanisms (increase HR)
Neurotransmitter with sympathetic system
epinephrine and norepinephrine
Neurotransmitter with parasympathetic system
Receptors with sympathetic system
alpha and beta adrenergic
Receptors with parasympathetic system
1. nicotinic (skeletal)
2. muscarinic (smooth)
Chronotropic effect of sympathetic stimulation
Increased HR
Chronotropic effect of parasympathetic stimulation
Decreased HR
Inotropic effect of sympathetic stimulation
increased strength of contraction
Inotropic effect of parasympathetic stimulation
no major effect
Dromotropic effect of sympathetic stimulation
Increased conduction velocity
Dromotropic effect of parasympathetic stimulation
Decreased conduction velocity
How do you measure afterload
Mean Arterial Pressure
Equation for measure MAP
MAP= Cardiac Output x Systemic Vascular Resistance
SBP + 2(DBP)
Normal MAP
60 necessary for adequate perfusion
Arterial Pressure Monitoring
Invasive, real time BP monitoring
Indications for Arterial Lines
- Need for continuous BP monitoring related to hemodynamic instability or vasopressor requirement
- Frequent ABG draws
Complications of Arterial Lines
- Hemorrhage
- Hematoma
- Thrombosis
- Proximal and distal embolization
- Infection
How do you measure preload?
By assessing right atrial pressure
(central venous pressure/right atrial pressure): measurement of the amount of fluid in right side of the heart
CVP/RAP represents:
Right ventricular preload
How can CVP/RAP be monitored
central line or pulmonary artery catheter
Normal CVP/RAP
Normal PAP Values
- PAS: 20-30 mmHg (during systole)
- PAD: 10 mmHg (during diastole)
Normal Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure (PAWP)/Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure (PAOP) and what does it represent:
Reflects pressure in the left side of the heart (left filling)
Signs and Symptoms of Decreased CO
- Decreased capillary refill
- Compensatory of tachycardia
- Decreased blood pressure
- Weak pulses
- Decreased urine output
- Altered LOC (restlessness and confusion)
- Cool extremities
- Shortness of breath
- Arrhythmias
- Fatigue
- Edema
Heart Failiure = _______ Failure
Systolic LSHF Pathophysiology
The LV loses ability to contract effectively and cannot pump with enough force to push enough blood into the system.
* ↓CO
* ↑afterload
* ↑ preload (blood “backs up” and pools into the pulmonary system)
Diastolic LSHF Pathophysiology
The LV loses ability to relax; it is stiff, cannot fill
RSHF is a result of what 3 things?
- Pulmonary HTN
- RV problem
When cardiac output is insufficient in meeting the body’s the demands, how does the ANS respond?
Stimulates sympathetic nervous system
Increases HR through beta 1
Increases BP by vasoconstriction alpha
When cardiac output is insufficient in meeting the body’s the demands, how does the RAAS respond?
It is activated because decreased CO leading to decrease renal perfusion
Aldosterone and angiotensin I are released
Na/Fluid Retention and vasoconstriction
The body’s compensatory mechanisms to decreased CO of vasoconstriction (RAAS and SNS) and fluid retention (RAAS) effect on HF:
Increase in afterload and preload; not helpful when the pump is the issue
What 2 compensatory mechanisms to decreased CO does the heart undergo itself and why each can be maladaptive?
- Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: increases oxygen needs of heart due to increased oxygen needs of muscle
- Left Ventricular DIlation: frank starling law to a limit - exceeds limit and decreases CO
LSHF Symptoms and why
- wheezes/crackles (pulmonary congestion)
- decreased urine output (decreased perfusion)
- decreased LOC (decreased perfusion)
- cool extremities (diverting SV to vital organs)
- tachypnea (SNS activation and pulmonary congestion)
- tachycardia (SNS activation)
- diaphoresis (SNS activation)
RSHF Symptoms
- systemic congestion (edema, weight gain, distended neck veins, hepatosplenomegaly)
- confusion (deoxy blood back up into brain)
- tachycardia
- S+S of LSHF (LSHF causes RSHF)
Isolated RV failure not due to LSHF is called:
Cor Pulmonale
BNP Test Indicates
Protein released from ventricles with too much stretching; if not present can rule out HF
Why monitor electrolytes with HF?
with additional fluid volume, alterations to fluid status. Water accumulation and treated with diuretics themselves can cause shifts themselves
Why monitor urea and creatinine with HF?
Kidney’s are highly effected by CO; indicate damage secondary to decreased CO
Why monitor HgB/HcT in HF?
hemodilution effect; still may have normal RBC count but fluid conservation decreases ratio
What would be seen on CXR of HF?
Acute Management of HF
- Airway and breathing
- intubate if altered LOC
- oxygenation PEEP to force fluid out of pulmonary system
- diuresis to get fluid out of circulating volume - Circulation
- optimize hemodynamics
- increase contractility
- vasodilation
- regulate HR
How do you acutely manage circulation in HF (4 points)
- optimize hemodynamics (diuretics)
- increase contractility (digoxin and amiodarone)
- vasodilation
- regulate HR to decrease workload/oxygen needs of heart
Goal of HF management and 2 ways this is done:
Reduce the workload of the heart
- Improve perfusion and CO
- Improve gas exchange
How do you improve perfusion and CO of patient in HF?
- decrease preload (fluid management)
- decrease afterload
- improve quality of contraction
How do you improve gas exchange in patient in HF?
- ventilation assistance/supplemental O2
- positioning to reduce SOB
- evaluate causes of fatigue
- reduce activity
How is preload reduced in treatment of HF?
Fluid management
4 Points of Fluid Management for patient in HF
- Fluid/salt restriction (1.5L/24 hours)
- Assessment of symptoms
* Crackles
* Edema
* In’s and Out’s (want less coming in than going out)
* Pulses
* BP
* Mental status - Serum electrolytes/BUN/Creatinine
- Upright positioning
- Diuretics
Rationale for use of anti-diabetics in fluid management
Increases excretion of glucose in urine
Glucose is large molecule. Water follows large molecules – mild diuretic effect
Ramipril, enalapril; valsartan
- Block RAAS
- Decreased fluid retention and vasodilation
Beta Blockers
Metoprolol, carvedilol
* Effect rate and contractility
* Block beta 1 receptors in heart to decrease rate and contractility
Calcium channel blockers
- Decrease heart rate
- No effect on contractilityN
- Vasodilators to reduce afterload and secondary impact on preload
- Nitroglycerin
- Vasodilation in coronary arteries allows increased myocardial perfusion
(PO = Digoxin IV High Alert (ICU) = Dobutamine, Milrinone)
* Increased contractility
- Anti-arrhythmic and rate control
- Patients in HF can cause atrial fibrillation
HCN channel blockers
* Decrease spontaneous pacemaker activity
* Decrease HR
What is Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)
Biventricular pacing (if not contracting in unison)
Pacing: pace-making device (internal or external) sends electrical stimulation to stimulates contraction of ventricle
Ventricular Assist Device
mechanically pumps the blood out of the heart. Bypass ventricle doing any work.
Bridge to Transplant
If HF progresses to pulmonary edema, what cues would you see and what is the treatment?
- Pink frothy sputum
- Acute respiratory deterioration
- Inability to exchange gases: decreased sats, SOB
- Treatment= IVP furosemide (plus increase supply, decreased demand)
How does the process of infective endocarditis begin?
with damage to endothelium of a valve
Pathophysiology of Infective Endocarditis
- Some form of damage occurs to valve attracting platelets
- Some bacteria enters bloodstream from various source
- bacteria settle on valve and form vegetation, which are similar to emboli
- alteration to valve function as vegetations grow
What 2 conditions commonly occur as a result of IE
Aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation
3 Types of Valvular Disease
- stenosis
- insufficiency
- Prolapse
Treatment of valvular disease is based on:
Symptom Severity
Valvular Stenosis
tissue thickening narrows valve opening causing poor delivery of blood throughout the chambers
Valvular Insufficiency/Regurgitation
incomplete valve closure. Opposite to stenosis, blood can flow from atria to ventricle, but incomplete closure sends blood backwards and forwards (decrease CO)
Mitral valve prolapse can progress to
Mitral regurgitation
What occurs in mitral valve prolapse
Leaflet (half of valve) bends opposite direction leading to backflow/regurgitation
Symptoms seen in mitral valve prolapse
- Often called “click-murmur syndrome”
- May have palpitations or chest pain
Mitral Regurgitation
Valve doesn’t close completely during systole– blood flows back through the valve into LA when LV contracts
* Systolic murmur: hearing blood going the wrong way
Aortic Regurgitation
Valve doesn’t close completely during diastole, so blood flows back from aorta into LV
* Diastolic murmur
Treatment of Regurgitation/Insufficiency
medications for symptom relief (HF); valve repair/replacement
Mitral stenosis and S+S
- L atrial pressure increases; L atrium dilates; pulmonary artery pressure increases; right ventricle hypertrophies
- Signs & Symptoms: right HF, diastolic murmur
Aortic stenosis and S+S
narrowed valve opening obstructs blood flow from LV to aorta during systole
* Most common cardiac valve dysfunction – “wear and tear”
* Signs & Symptoms: left HF, systolic murmur
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
- Most common congenital cardiac malformation
- Usually has 3 leaflets; only 2 in this condition
- Usually benign, if develop HTN later in life can cause issues due to high pressure state of aorta
- Often not diagnosed until adulthood
Cues of Infective Endocarditis
- fever (infection)
- new murmur (different associated murmur with aortic/mitral stenosis/regurgitation_
- acute fatigue due to decrease in CO
- evidence of systemic embolization (bursting of tiny capillaries)
- positive BC if bacterial
Diagnosis of IE
- +BC
- New murmur
- echo to see structural defect
3 Points of IE Treatment
- aggressive antibiotics (bacteremia and valve infection)
- manage complications associated with decreased CO/HF
- Surgery
Describe biologic valves
- last shorter (8-10 years)
- no anticoagulation
- no click
Describe mechanical valves
- last over 20 years
- lifelong anticoagulation (warfarin)
- click
Priorities of care of IE
- infectin
- HF symptoms
- systemic embolization
Complications of IE
- Cardiac: valve damage, HF, emboli, pericarditis, myocarditis, AV blocks, cardiogenic shock
- stroke
- systemic embolization