Cardiovascular Examination Flashcards
Cardio Exam - Intro
Introduce self
Explain examination
Gain consent
Get Vitals
Wash Hands
Check Patient Details
Ask about any pain
Cardio Exam - General Inspection
General mental state, alertness, respiratory effort
Supplemental oxygen?
Sweaty? colour? cyanosed? rash (shingels?) tenderness over location? Pulse? BP, resp, temp? pain? posture?
ECG, lines (IV), catheter, fluid/drugs
incisions, scars, dressings
Weight (BMI), cachexia, marfans?
Cardio Exam - Hands & Arms
erythema, pallor of palmar creases (anaemia), clubbing, nicotine
janeway lesions, osler’s nodes, splinter haemorrhages
radial artery (use brachial if grafted) pulse - rate and rhythm
BP sitting & standing
Cardio Exam - Head & Neck
Eyes: conjuntival pallor, jaundiced sclerae (CCF and hepatic congestion), arcus senilis
Mouth: lips & tongue (cyanosis), arched palate (Marfan’s)
Neck: JVP (<3cm), carotid (character, bruit)[bell]
Cardio Exam - Chest
Inspection - scars, apex pulsation, pacemaker
Palpation - apex beat (5th intercostal space, MAL),
Auscultation - heart sounds and murmurs, pericardial rub, lung bases (crackles), respiratory signs, pleural rub, pitting oedema of sacrum
Abdomen - liver tenderness (distension of capsule), palpate abdominal aorta
Chest Exam - Lower Limbs
Peripheral oedema (medial malleolus, anterior tibia)
Palpation of dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial
Cardio Exam - Completion
Murmur - Aortic Stenosis
pansystolic , crescendo-decrescendo
Murmur - Aortic Regurgitation
Soft A2
Murmur - Mitral Regurgitation
pansystolic, rectangular
Murmur - Mitral Stenosis
Loud S1
Heart Sounds - S1
Mitral and Tricuspid closure (mitral before tricuspid)
Indicates beginningo of ventricular systole
Heart Sounds - S2
Aortic and Pulmonary valve closure (aortic first)
Splitting of S2 may be audible in 70% of patients
Heart Sounds - S3
Turbulence during early ventricle filling, may be normal
Low-pitched [bell], mid-diastolic
Gallop rhythm - ‘Kentucky’
Sign ofleft ventricular failure and dilation, Aortic regurgitation, Mitral regurgitation, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus
Heart Sounds - S4
turbulence during atrial contraction - high pressure atrial wave reflected back from poorly compliant ventricle
late diastolic, low-pitch
‘Tennessee’ tripple gallop
Sign of stiff ventricle -> HTN, Aortic stenosis, IHD, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy