Cardiovascular Exam Flashcards
Sections in a cardiovascular exam?
Initial Assessment Introduction and Consent General Overview Peripheral examination - Hands - Arms - Head - Lung base - Lower limbs JVP Precordium Peripheral Pulses Closure Documentation
What do you do in the initial assessment, and introduction?
Initial assessment
- does patient need life-saving intervention?
- are they well enough to proceed with examination?
- inspect environment (oxygen, vomit, sputum, medication)
- Clean hands
- My full and role
- Check patient’s full name and date of birth
- Confirm with wristband
- Explain procedure and obtain informed consent
- Position bed at appropriate height and patient at 45deg
- Check charts if available
What do you look for in the hands and arms during a cardiovascular exam?
- tar staining
- peripheral cyanosis
- clubbing
- splinter haemorrhages
- capillary refill
Fine tremor
Warmth of hands
Compare with own hands
- Rate
- Rhythm
- Volume
- Character
- collapsing pulse
What do you look for in the head/face during a cardiovascular exam?
Malar flush Conjunctivae pallor - anaemia Xanthelasmata and corneal arcus Central cyanosis - tongue/lips Sore/red tongue - anaemia Angular stomatisis
What do you look for in the thorax/lower limb cardiovascular exam? (not including precordium exam)
Listen to lung bases for crackles
- vertical height from sternal angle
- normal <4cm
Pitting oedema - legs/sacrum
Arterial disease
- ischaemia (cold, smooth, hairless, ulceration, poor capillary refill)
Varicose veins - ask patient to stand
What do you do during the examination of the precordium?
- Chest deformities - kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum
- scarring
- pacemaker
- tracheal position
- cardiac pacemaker
- apex beat
- heaves (L sternum) with palm
- thrills -valve areas with fingertips
- listen in 4 valve areas with diaphragm then bell
- palpate carotid simultaneously
- listen for systolic radiation in both carotids (AS), apex and L axilla (MR)
- listen for diastolic murmurs with bell at apex (lying on side, MS) and lower L sternum (sitting forward, AR)
What is the procedure for examining peripheral pulses in a cardiovasular exam?
Compare both sides for each Radial - rate, rhythm, character, volume (radial/radial delay) Brachial Carotid - auscultate for bruit Femoral - radial/femoral delay, femoral/femoral delay, bruits Popliteal Posterior Tibial Dorsalis Pedis