Cardiovascular Diseases Flashcards
Cardiovascular Diseases
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Pulmonary Edema
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
Acute Coronary Syndrome
A term used to describe a spectrum of clinical presentations which result from impairments in the blood supply to the heart
Conditions include: myocardinal ischemia & myocardial infarction
Myocardial Ischemia
Insufficient blood flow to the myocardium
- Typically presents with angina pectoris - chest pain / pressure due to insufficient blood flow
- When no symptoms are present it is referred to as silent myocardinal ischemia
Diffuse retrosternal pressure, heaviness, rightness or constriction in the chest caused by reduced blood flow to the myocardium
- Patient may clench their fist over their sternum (Levine sign) - fist or claw
- May radiate to the LT jaw, LT arm, &/or upper back between the scapula
What is the Levine Sign?
When a patient may clench their fist over their sternum
Angina: Types
1. Stable Angina
- Precipitated by activities that increase myocardial oxygen demand (ie physical activity, secual activity, emotional stress, cold (vasoconstriction > prevent heat loss by constricting), or lying down in supine (INC venous return = INC preload).
- Relieved by rest or nitroglycerin (NTG) - oral (sublingual) or spray
- Demand > supply
Stress = release of hormones (cortisol & adrenline) > INC BP - vessels vasoconstrict… 2 affects:
1. Peripheral vasoconstriction= INC BP & heart has a harder time pumping out blood because of INC resistance = contracting harder = need fore more O2 > need more energy
2. Coronary arteries constrict = DEC supply of blood to the heart mm = DEC supply of oxygen to heart mm
2. Unstable Angina - Chronic mismatch
- Occurs at rest without any obvious precipitating factors or with minimal exertion
- Not relieved by rest - tissue is still alive but VERY ischemic
- May not be relieved by nitroglycerin (NTG)
- Required immediate medical attention as there is a high risk for myocardial infarction
3. Varient Angina
- Vasospasm of coronary arteries
- Does not respond to NTG
Frank-Sterling Law
Frank-Sterling Law
INC EDV = INC SV independent of everything else = greater CO
Myocardial Infarction
Death of cardiac mm cells d/t lack of blood flow - tissue death b/c lack of O2 = necrosis
- Caused by a sudden complete occlusion of one or more coronary arteries
- The term injury refers to acutely injured myocardial tissue during a sudden heart attack
- The term infarction referes to myocardial tissue that was injured & progressed to irreversible dead tissue as seen in old heart attacks
MI: Evaluation Triad
- Symptoms
- ECG changes
- Cardiac Biomarkers
- Angina pectoris
- Anxiety
- Diaphoressi (unusal amount of sweating)
- Dyspnea
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Nausea
MI: ECG changes
(3 Scenarios)
If ischemia (decreased perfusion) is present:
- ST-segment depression
- Inverted T-wave
** Only present while the heart is ischemic
Small acute MI w/ no injury to myocardial tissue:
- No ST-segment change (small = not going to show a visual representation)
- Referred to as non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction (NQMI)
Large acute MI w/ injury to myocardial tissue:
- 1st = ST-segment elevation > once the infract is not acute…
- Pathological Q-wave (hours or days following the acute process)
- Referred to as ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) or Q-wave myocardial infarction (QMI) ** May not even have a Q-wave (pathological)
MI: Cardiac Biomarkers
The following cardiac biomarkers found in blood work may determine the presence of a MI:
1. Troponin I
2. Troponin T
3. Myoglobin
4. Creatine kinase - Myocardial Band (CK-MB)
MI: Medical Management
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)
- Stunt in the artery - keeping the vessel open
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
- Take a vessel from somewhere else in the body - used to pass the coronary artery - this provides a new way to provide blood to the area
Donor Vessels:
- Saphenous vein
- Internal throacic artery
- Radial artery of nondominant arm
MI: Medications
Vital signs will be impacted by these medications
- Betablockers
Less energy required by the heart = DEC HR & contractility - Calcium Channel Blockers
DEC BP & prevent smooth mm vasospam - Nitrates
Vasodilator = INC BF to myocardial & less resistance for the heart to overcome - Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
Inhibit/ prevent vasoconstriction = DEC BP - Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ABR)
Inhibit vasoconstriction & sympathetic activity = DEC BP - Supplemental oxygen
Myocardium may need more O2 along w/ other organs (muscles)
Common theme = decrease BP
MI: Physical Therapy Management -
- Improve exercise capacity (ability to do more work)
- Improve exercise efficiency (ability to do same work with less cost)
- Improve exercise tolerance (ability to do same work with less signs & symptoms)
- Improve self-management
- Improve quality of life
Cardiac Rehabilitation
A comprehensive exercise, education, & lifestyle modification program designed to optimize physical, psychological, social, and vocational functioning
Beneficial to reduce disability. Not only exercise training but EDUCATION
Phases of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Phase I: Acute/ Inpatient Phase
Phase II: Subacute/ Conditioning
Phase III: Intensive Rehabilitation Phase
Phase IV: Maintenance Phase