Cardiovascular Diseases Flashcards
Right side of the heart
un oxygenated blood
Left side of the heart
Oxygenated blood
Blood Flow
Vena Cava ( un oxygenated) Right Atrium Tricuspid Valve (to lungs) Pulmonary Arteries (o2/Co2 exchange) pulmonary veins Mitral Valve Left Ventricle Aorta
closing of atrioventricular veins
closing of semilunar veins
Congenital Cardiac Diseases
patent ductus arteiriosus arterial and ventricular septal defects (ASD/VSD) stenotic valves (narrow) tetrology of fallot persistent right aortic arch sub aortic stenosis
Ductus arteriosus
important in fetal development
normally closes first 12-24 hours
blood flows from aorta to pulmonary artery/lungs
young female dogs
emergency: blood not oxygenated, patient cynotic
Atrial and ventricular septal defects
mixing of oxygenated and un
oxygenated blood
common in cats
left side=overload of heart, CHF
stenotic valves
malformed leading to narrowing of outflow
pulmonic stenosis
narrowing of right ventricular flow tract
aortic stenosis
narrowing of left ventricular outflow tract
syncope, exercise intolerence, right sided CHF (ascites/abdomen), jugular pulse
balloon valvuloplasty, patchy graft
subartic stenosis
thickening of endocardial tissue just below aortic valve
obstruct left ventricular outflow tract
large breed dogs
left sided CFH, endocarditis, sudden death
Tertology of Fallot
genetically transmitted malformation of heart
- right ventricular outflow obstruction (pulmonic stenosis)
- secondary right ventricular hypertrophy
- sub aortic VSD (ventricular septal defect)
- overriding aorta (dextropositioned aorta)
keeshond, English bull dog, cats
stunted growth, exercise intolerence, collapse, cynosis, sudden death
can tolerate for years or sudden death
regular phlebotomy or surgical correction
Persistent Right Aortic Arch
common (fetal) malformation of vascular system
“trapping” of esophagus and restricts passage of food
large breed dogs
surgical correction, radiology with barrium
Chronic Mitral Valve Insufficiency
most common cardiovascular disorder dogs
rare in cats
progressive CHF in small dogs
Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease
stiff, malformed leaflets fail to close
coughing, dyspenia
Mitral Valve Insufficiency
small breed/toy dogs
cough: worse at night or exercise
pulmonary edema
mitral valve leaflet thickened
Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency
plural effusion, abdominal distension (ascites), hepatomegaly
atrial fibrillation could develop
Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy
large and giant breed dogs
myocardium weak and flabby
murmur mitral regurgitation
progressive fatal 6 mo to 2 yrs
Feline Dilated Cardiomyopathy
taurine deficiency
older, mixed breed cats
good prognosis in first 2 weeks…
Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
cats-esp. neutered males
left side predominant
thickened and stiff ventricle
Feline Thromboembolism
secondary to heart disease in cats
decreased circulation/paralysis rear legs
prognosis guarded to poor
Heartworm Disease
3-8 years ave age detection outdoor male dogs right sided heart failure cats more resistent- antigen test may not detect adulticide not recommended
deviations from normal heart rate or rhythms from abnormal location in heart
reduce blood flow