Cardiovascular Flashcards
Mid-systolic high-pitched musical, vibratory, noisy, twangy murmur
Still’s Murmur
Where is Still’s Murmur best heard?
LLSB & Apex (still’s murmur is thought to be 2/2 M&T valves vibrating
At what age is Still’s Murmur heard?
2 YO - preadolescence
What is the most common innocent murmur?
Still’s Murmur
Still’s murmur accentuated with _______
Still’s murmur diminished with ________
Accentuated: supine, fever
Diminished: standing, sitting, Valsalva
Qualities of innocent murmurs (4)
Soft w/o thrill
Not a/w symptoms
Position dependent
Occur during systole
Note: Venous hum only non-pathologic murmur that may occur during diastole - usu a SEM tho)
What are the three most common innocent murmurs
MC = Still’s murmur
2nd MC = Venous hum
3rd = Pulmonary ejection murmur
Innocent murmur that’s grade I-II harsh systolic murmur
Venous hum
Thought to be 2/2 sound of blood flowing from head & neck thru jugular veins to the heart - which is why best heard at right tor left upper sternal border - may also be diastolic
Venous hum accentuated with ______
Venous hum diminished with _______
Accentuated: Upright or seated w/ head extended
Diminished: Valsalva, pressure on juguar veins, supine or turning head fully
Mid-systolic harsh murmur heard best at 2nd intercostal space
Pulmonary ejection murmur
Thought to be due to blood flow across the pulmonary artery
Where is the venous hum murmur best heard at?
Accentuated: Upright or seated w/ head extended
Diminished: Valsalva, pressure on juguar veins, supine or turning head fully
Where is the pulmonary ejection murmur best heard at?
Second left intercostal space
Name the 5 cyanotic congenital heart defects
Known as the 5 T's [1] Truncus Ateriosus [2] Transposition of the great arteries [3] Tricuspid atresia [4] Tetralogy of Fallot [5] Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
Describe VSD murmur & where it is best heard at
Loud high-pitched, harsh, holosystolic murmur
Best heard at LLSB
PE Findings PDA
Continuous machinery murmur loudest at pulmonic area
Wide pulse pressure - bounding peripheral pulses
Loud S2
Most asx - poor feeding, weight loss, frequent LRTI, pulmonary congestion
Dx PDA (CXR, EKG, Echo)
Echo = gold standard dx
CXR - normal or cardiomegaly
EKG - LVH, left atrial enlargement
IV Indomethacin (dec prostaglandins)
Definition coarctation of the aorta
Congenital narrowing of thoracic descending aorta
Male: Female 2:1
Usually non-cyanotic
Pathophysiology of Coarctation of aorta
Inc LV afterload with SNS activity & RAAS activation = HTN, LVH & CHF
CP Coarctation of aorta
Bilateral claudication, DOE, syncope
Infants: FTT, poor feeding, shock
Murmur of coarctation of aorta
Systolic murmur that radiates to the back/scapula/chest
PE Findings Coarctation of aorta
Systolic murmur that radiates to the back/scapula/chest
Inc BP in UE > LE
Delayed/weak femoral pulses (2/2 dec flow distal to obs in lower extremities)
Diagnosis coarctation of aorta
Rib notching (2/2 inc collateral circulation to intercostal aa)
“3 sign” Narrowed aorta looks like the notch of number 3
MCC Congenital heart disease
Tx coarctation of aorta
Surgical correction
Balloon angioplasty +/- stent
Prostaglandin preoperatively to reduce sx & improve LE blood flow
MC Cyanotic CHD
Cyanotic = key word TOF = MC cyanotic CHD VSD = MC overall
4 Features of TOF
- RVOT obs - pulmonic stenosis
- VSD (large, unrestrictive)
- Overriding aorta
Blue baby syndrome (cyanosis)
Odler: DOE, cyanosis worsens w/ age
“Tet-Spells” - paryoxysms of cyanosis - older children relieve by squatting
Murmur a/w TOF
Harsh holosystolic murmur heard best at LUSB (like PS)
PE Findings TOF
Harsh holosystolic murmur at LUSB
RV heave
Digital clubbing
Murmur of VSD = Loud, high-pitched, harsh holosystolic murmur at Left LOWER sternal border
CXR: Boot-shaped heart (prominent RV)
Surgical repair performed in first 4-12 mo of life
PGE1 infusion - prevents ductal closure if pt cyanotic prior to surgery
Prostaglandin E1 analog & it’s indications
Prostaglandin E1 analog = Alprostadil
Indications: Pt w/ cyanotic heart defects where it is beneficial to keep ductus arteriosus open (pulmonary atresia, TOF etc)
Definition hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Inherited genetic disorder of inappropriate LV and/or RV hypertrophy (especially septal)
Pathophysiology hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Subaortic outflow obs:
Narrowed LVOT 2/2 hypertrophied septum
Diastolic dysfunction:
Stiff ventricular chamber - impaired ventricular relaxation/filling b/c thickened walls lead to smaller LV volume & dec LV filling
CP Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (5)
- Dyspnea = MC initial complaint w/ fatigue
- Angina pectoris -75%, in setting of normal angiogram
- Syncope - including pre-syncope/dizziness (2/2 inadequate CO on exertion)
- Sudden cardiac death - esp in adolescent/preadolescent children during extreme exertion - 2/2 ventricular fibrillation - DO CPR!!!
Murmur of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Harsh systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur best heard at LLSB (similar to AS)
Murmur of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
Accentuated with _______
Diminished with ________
Accentuated with decreased venous return (valsalva, standing) - may have loud S4, mitral regurg, S3 or pulsus bisferiens
Murmur diminished with increased venous return (squatting, lying supine) b/c increased LV volume preserves outflow (inc fluid pushes septum out of way & dec SAM of mitral valve)
Dx Studies hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Echo - asymmetrical wall thickness > 15mm, systolic anterior motion of mitral valve, small LV chamber size, dynamic outflow obstruction +/- mitral regurg
EKG: LVH, atrial enlargement, anterolateral & inferior pseudo q waves
CXR: Cardiomegaly
Tx hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Focus: Early detection, medical management, surgical and/or ICD placement. Counseling to avoid dehydration & extreme exertion and exercise is VERY IMPORTANT
- Medical - BB = 1st line medical tx , also CCB, disopyramiide (negative inotropes that inc ventricular diastolic filling time)
- Surgical - myomectomy - in pt w/ severe , refractory sx despite medical management
- Alcohol septal ablation - alternative to surgical management w/ good outcomes