Cardiovascular Flashcards
Observation around bed
Appearance of patient - pain/scars/unwell
Hands and nails
Radial pulse, collapsing pulse, radio-radial delay + resp rate
Blood pressure
Face, eyes, mouth, neck
Chest - inspection, palpation, auscultation
Base of spine for oedema
Listen at base of lungs
Feet and ankles
Hands and nails
Clubbing - caused by endocarditis, cyanotic congenital heart disease, atrial myxoma (CVS), lung cancer, empyema, abscess, bronchiectasis, CF, fibrosing alveolitis (Resp)
Cap refill - should be < 3s
Tar staining
Splinter haemorrhages - infective endocarditis
Osler’s nodes and Janeway lesions - infective endocarditis
Dupuytren’s contracture - age, smoking, alcohol excess + cirrhosis, diabetes, trauma (pneumatic drill use)
Radial pulse - rate and rhythm - regular, irregularly irregular (AF), regularly irregular (heart block)
- if irregular, feel for 30s not 15s
Resp rate at same time
Collapsing pulse (aortic regurgitation) - lift arm for 30s with finger over pulse
Radio-radial and radio-femoral delay
+ Blood pressure
Face - pallor, malar flush (mitral stenosis)
Eyes - xanthelasmata (white lumps around eyelids, high cholesterol), corneal arcus (white ring around edge of cornea - normal sign of ageing)
Mouth - tongue for central cyanosis
Neck - carotid pulse (volume and character)
- JVP (elevated in heart failure)
Apex beat - 5th intercostal, midclavicular
(lean to left side if can’t feel)
Thrills - palpable murmur, vibration
Heaves - left ventricular hypertrophy lifting chest wall, abnormally large beat
Aortic - 2nd IC space, right sternal edge
Pulmonary - 2nd IC space, left sternal edge
Tricuspid - 4th IC space, left sternal edge
Mitral - 5th IC space, mid-clavicular line
(S1 is tricuspid and mitral closing, systole starts, S2 is pulmonary and aortic closing, systole ends)
If hear murmur, palpate carotid at same time to see if systolic murmur
Lean onto left side, breathe out and hold, listen over apex for mitral stenosis
Sit upright, hold breath, listen over carotids for radiation of aortic stenosis
Breathe out and hold, listen over left sternal edge for aortic regurgitation
Bruits - inferior and either side to umbilicus (renal artery bruits), over femoral artery and aorta
Feet and ankles
Ischaemia signs - blue, hair loss, ulcers
Venous disease - dilated veins, ulcers
Peripheral oedema - pitting or non-pitting
Palpate dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses