Cardiovascular Flashcards
abnormal involuntary contraction of the atria – it reduces the contraction of the ventricles
-Too many stimuli to the atrium, causing rapid quivering of atrial myocardium which results in ineffective pumping of blood into ventricles.
Atrial fibrillation
↓ O2 saturation levels (‹80) (blue colored)
Cyanosis Central Bluish tint
Ears and mucous membranes
Exercise intolerance noted more with central
Cyanosis Peripheral Bluish tint
usually swelling of hands and feet and abdomen
-side effect of cardiac disease
Pitting Edema
pain in calf during walking and prolonged standing – relieved with rest – will discuss in cardiac rehab
-Insufficient blood supply to muscles affected by diseased artery
Intermittent Claudication
decreased cardiac output of blood with contraction of ventricle - exercise tolerance decreased
Reduced Ejection Fraction
lightheaded or fainting episode
Medical Emergency – call the codeThe electrical shock to the heart is intended to override the abnormal rhythm, stop the heart, and stimulate a return to normal rhythm.
Ventricular Fibrillation
catheter is inserted through an artery and passed to the heart – a contrast fluid is used and x-rays taken to see narrowing of vessels
Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography
Diagnostic Ultrasound images of the heart
An ECG recording of the heart rhythm. We will cover this in rehab techiniqes
ECG with leads that are attached to a portable unit that measures heart rhythm for 24 hours .
Holter Monitoring
Nuclear imaging technique - creates a three dimensional image or shows the function of the cell.
Positron emission tomography (PET)
An exercise test used to evaluate patients cardiac and respiratory response to physical stress
Stress Test