Cardiovascular Flashcards
Describe the central neural control of the cardiovascular system reflexes
Cortical influences- emotion
Complex reflex patterns originate in nuclei in the brain- exercise, feeding/satiety, alerting, thermoregulation, reproduction
Simple reflexes originate from the medulla
Reflexes also influence catecholamines, vasopressin, renin I angiotensin system
Describe the autonomic supply of the CVS
Rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM)- nucleus, organotopically organised- descending excitatory activity to T1➡ L1-2- increases HR via beta1 receptors, stimulates adrenaline secretion, and vasoconstriction
Vagus- decreases HR via muscarinic receptors
Describe the baroreceptor reflex pathway
Decrease ABP, decrease baroreceptors firing
Input from CN 9&10 to nucleus tractus solitarius
➡ inhibit nucleus ambiguus less
➡ inhibit RVLM less
Increase HR and vasoconstriction
➡ inhibit SON and PVN➡ inhibit pituitary less➡ ADH release
What are the functions of the baroreceptor reflex
Continuously buffers changes in ABP
Increase during exercise, coughs, sneezes
Decrease during standing up, dehydration or haemorrhage , digestion, thermoregulation in high temperature
Describe the atrial stretch receptor reflex
Decrease blood volume- decrease afferent activity to NTS➡ paraventricular nuclei➡ increase sympathetic activity to kidney via a pathway that by bypasses RVLM and via renal nerves from the RVLM➡ increases renal vasoconstriction➡ decrease GFR➡ renin➡ angiotensin➡ ADH➡ increase blood volume
Describe the 2 main mechanisms that regulate the respiratory influence on the heart
Central nervous mechanisms- central insoiratory drive (CID) excites the phrenic nerve and inhibits the nucleus ambiguus decreasing vagus influence in the heart increasing HR
Reflex from pulmonary stretch receptors- inspiration➡ pulmonary stretch receptors➡ NTS➡ inhibit nucleus ambiguus➡ decrease vagus➡ increase HR
Briefly describe the two reflexes from peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation?
From hypoxia
When respiration cannot increase- primary cardiovascular reflex response to chemoreceptor stimulation dominates to decrease HR, vasoconstriction (except brain) to conserve oxygen
When respiration can increase- effects of increase respiration increases HR
When might someone get systemic hypoxia when respiration cannot increase?
Under muscle relaxant- ventilated at a constant rate and depth
High spinal transection
Long dive underwater
Fetus in utero
Severe respiratory disease
Superimposed upon local effects of hypoxia- decrease HR and contractility, cerebral, muscle and coronary vasodilation, pulmonary basic instruction (pulmonary oedema, right ventricular failure, systemic oedema)
When might someone get systemic hypoxia when respiration can increase?
Hypoxia atmosphere
High altitude
Less severe respiratory disease
Increase in respiration and heart rate plus vasocontriction in GIT, kidney, helps to restore PaO2 so systemic tisdures do not become as hypoxic and pulmonary vasoconstriction is less severe
Describe the diving reflex
Reflex evoked by trigeminal receptors
Cold water on face/nose
Inhibition of central inspiratory neurones➡ expiratory apnoea and decrease HR, vasoconstriction
O2 conserving
Clinically receptors stimulated by sinus washing, irritant vapours, intubation, lumps of food in the pharynx
Describe the changes in oxygen consumption in dynamic exercise
Requires an increase in ventilation and cardiac input
O2 consumption is graded with work load up to a maximum the anaerobic threshold
Recovery after exercise to repay the oxygen debt
Describe the change in cardiac output with dynamic exercise
Heart rate increases in a graded manner with graded dynamic exercise up to a max ~220 beats/min minus age
Increase SV is dependent on contractility and venous return which is greater when supine with the skeletal muscle pump and respiratory pump
Greater proportion of output goes to skeletal and cardiac muscles at the expense of the viscera- muscle contraction interferes with vasodilation
Describe the local effects of exercising muscles on the cardiovascular and respiratory system
Exercise hyperaemia- local vasodilation
K, P, adenosine released by muscle into interstitial space
Graded with exercise intensity
PGI2, NO from endothelium
Causes relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
Counteracted by mechanical influence of contracting muscles
What is the exercise reflex?
K, P and adenosine released stimulate metaboreceptors
Joint receptors are also stimulated in dynamic exercise
Reflex tachycardia
Metaboreceptors➡️ medulla ➡️subthalamic locomotor region (hypothalamus) the exercise integrating area
Increase motor activity to diaphragm and intercostal muscles to increase respiration, increase sympathetic and decrease parasympathetic to the heart
Increase sympathetic noradrenergic activity- Reflex vasoconstriction in GIT, kidney, skin and all skeletal muscles
Via connections with central respiratory neurones, cardiac vagal motor neurones and RVLM to sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurones
Describe the central command involved in dynamic exercise
Subthalamic locomotor region (SLR) in the hypothalamus
Exercise integrating area received inputs from the cortex
Result in increase respiration, HR CO and vasoconstriction in GIT
Also increase set point of baroreceptors
Describe static exercise
Metabolites get trapped in the contracted muscle and cause greater stimulation of metaboreceptors
Exercise reflex is greater of a given work load than during dynamic exercise
Large increase in ABP
Exercise hyperaemia occurs after static exercise
Time limited- fatigue occurs relatively quickly
Oxygen delivery is limited
Carries cardiovascular risk