Cardiothoracic Surgery Flashcards
Vascular Rings
Put pressure on tracheobronchial tree & esophagus
Causes stridor, respiratory distress w/ crowing respiration (hyperextended position)
Difficulty swallowing
Barium swallow shows extrinsic compression from abnormal vessel
Bronchoscopy shows segmental tracheal compression
Surgery divides the smaller of the 2 aortic arches
Atrial Septal defect
LT to RT shunt-overloads pulmonary circulation Minor low pressure, low volume shunt Typically present in late infancy Faint pulmonary flow systolic murmur Fixed split S2 Hx of frequent colds Dx w/ echocardiogram Surgical or cath closure
Ventricular septal defect
LT to RT shunt-overloads pulmonary circulation
Most common-high in septum, early presentation
Failure to thrive
Pansystolic murmur at LT sternal border
Increased pulmonary markings on CXR
Echo dx and surgical closure
If small & low in septum may spontaneously close
Patent ductus arteriosis
LT to RT shunt-overloads pulmonary circulation
Symptomatic in 1st few days of life
Bounding peripheral pulses
Mechanical heart murmur
Echo to dx
In premature infants not in CHF indomethacin close
If full term or in CHF, surgical closure
Tetralogy of Fallot
RT to LT shunt- diminished vascular markings in lungs and cyanosis
Most common cyanotic anomaly
Children small for age, blue lips/fingers, clubbing & cyanosis relieved by squatting
Systolic ejection murmur LT 3rd intercostal space
Small heart & EKG signs of RT ventricular hypertrophy
Echo to dx and surgical repair
Transposition of Great Vessels
RT to LT shunt- diminished vascular markings in lungs and cyanosis
Severe trouble early on
Kept alive due to ASD, VSD or patent ductus
Suspect in 1-2day old w/ cyanosis & sick sick
Echo to dx complicated surgery to tx
Aortic stenosis
Angina & exertional syncopal episodes
Harsh midsystolic murmur at RT 2nd intercostal space and along LT sternal border
Workup w/ echo
Surgical valve replacement if gradient >50mmHg or at 1st indicaiton of CHF, angina or syncope
Chronic aortic insufficiency
Wide pulse pressure
Blowing high pitched diastolic murmur best heard at 2nd intercostal space & along LT lower sternal border in full expiration
Medical therapy
Surgery at 1st sign of LT ventricular dilation
Acute aortic insufficiency
Due to endocarditis in drug addicts
Suddenly develop CHF & loud diastolic murmur at RT 2nd intercostal space
Emergency valve replacement needed & long term antibiotics
Patients w/ prosthetic valve need antibiotic prophylaxis for subacute bacterial endocarditis
Mitral stenosis
Hx of rheumatic fever
DOE, orthopnea, PND, cough, hemoptysis
Low pitch rumbling diastolic apical murmur
Progresses & become thin, cachectic, w A fib
Dx w/ echo
Tx w/ mitral valve repair (annuloplasty) preferred over valve replacement
Mitral regurgitation
Most commonly from valvular prolapse
Present w/ DOE, orpthopnea A fib
Apical high pitched holosystolic murmur radiating to axilla & back
Dx w/ echo
Tx w/ mitral valve repair (annuloplasty) preferred over valve replacement
Coronary Disease
Typical in middle age sedentary man w/ family hx, hx of smoking, DM2, HLD
Progressive unstable angina main reason for cath
Intervention if 1+ vessel >70% occluded but good distal pulses
Preferably pt has good ventricular fxn
Simpler problems can have angioplasty w stent
More complex problems req surgery
Single vessel not LT main or anterior descending are perfect for angioplasty
Triple vessel dz makes multiple bypass using internal mammary for most important the best
Post op care of heart surgery patients
Optimize cardiac output
If CO 5, pulmonary wedge pressure should be monitored (LT atrial pressure)
Low #s (0-3) suggest need for fluids; High numbers suggest ventricular failure
Chronic constrictive pericarditis
DOE, hepatomegaly and ascites w/ classic square root sign
Equalization of pressures-RT atrial, RT ventricular diastolic, pulm art diastolic, pulm capillary wedge, & LT ventricular diastolic
Tx w/ surgery
Coin lesion of the lung
80% chance of malignancy in people >50; higher if hx of smoking
workup not needed if older CXR shows same lesion same size so always look for older CXR
Suspected Cancer of the lung
Workup starts w/ CXR-shows suspicious lesion- coin or infiltrate
If not seen on older CXR, get sputum cytology & CT scan including chest and liver
Diagnosis of cancer in the lung
Req bronchoscopy & biopsy for central lesion; percutaneous biopsy for peripheral lesions
If those unsuccessful then video assisted thoracic surgery & wedge resection
Decision based on probability of cancer, assurance that surgery can be done, and chance that surgery may be curative
Small cell cancer of the lung
Tx w/ chemo & radiation so no worries for operability
Operability of lung cancer
Predicated on residual fxn after resection
Central lesions req pneumonectomy
Peripheral lesions can be removed w/ lobectomy
Minimum FEV1 of 800ml needed
If clinical findings suggest this may be the limiting factor, then pulmonary studies done
Determine FEV1; determine fraction coming from each lung (ventilation-perfusion scan); Figure out what left after pneumonectomy
If <800ml then tx w/ chemo & radiation
Potential cure by surgical removal of lung cancer
Depends on extent of mets
Hilar mets can be removed w/ pneumonectomy
Nodal mets at carina or mediastinum precludes curative resection
CT & PET can locate mets in LNs
Endobronchial U/S is more invasive option to sample mediastinal nodes
Cervical mediastinal exploration rarely needed
Mets to other lung or liver seen on CT