Cardiorespiratory Fitness Flashcards
What is the single most important component of health-related fitness?
cardiorespiratory fitness
what is cardiorespiratory fitness?
measures how the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular systems work together during exercise
how is cardiorespiratory fitness measured?
Explain the basic physiology of CR fitness
O2 breathed in and diffused into blood, transported around the body in blood using hemoglobin, heart pumps blood to tissues and organs, at cells, O2 is used to produce ATP (energy).
as intensity increases, so does volume of oxygen
aerobic endurance
ability to do prolonged work
aerobic fitness
amount of O2 that is delivered to muscles which allows them to work longer
aerobic power/capacity
max amount of energy that can be produced from the aerobic energy system per unit of time (mL/min/kg)
anaerobic exercise
intensity of exercise so high that not enough O2 can be delivered to support the work. can only be performed for short period of time
benefits of aerobic training (10)
higher maximal oxygen uptake
increased oxygen carrying capacity in blood
decreased RHR
lower HR at given work load
increased number and size of mitochondria
increased number of functional capillaries
faster recovery time (HR)
lower BP and blood lipids
increased fat burning enzymes
too little cardiorespiratory training:
heart has to work harder when at rest
wear and tear
too much cardiorespiratory training:
people w underlying heart issues could be at risk of heart failiure
what is VO2?
Volume of O2 used at rest or sub-maximal activity
5kcal of energy used for every litre of energy consumed
what is VO2max?
what is it affected by?
volume of O2 used at MAXIMAL activity
ability of body to take in, deliver, and utilize oxygen
affected by: genetics, sex, training, age, body composition (weight)
Fick equation:
VO2max = HR x SV x a-v O2 difference
SV: stroke volume
a-v O2 diff: atrial-venous oxygen difference
Measuring VO2:
maximal vs submaximal
maximal: until volitional exhaustion
sub-maximal: until a certain HR is achieved, record hr and load, estimate VO2max
Measuring VO2max:
direct vs indirect
direct: gas analyzer analyzes expelled air for CO2/O2 concentration (expensive, need to be trained how t use, needs constant calibration)
indirect: estimated based on predetermined values (max or sub-max)
why measure fitness? (4)
educate individuals
motivate individuals
provide a staring point
monitor changes
Explain the principle of individuality
individuals who participate in exercise programs show a wide variety of physiological responses
must be taken into account when planning
responders vs nonresponders
are there improvements?
genetics (60%), age, gender, baseline fitness (20%), other
How is fitness developed?
the system must be overloaded
Variables of exercise prescription
FITT: frequency intensity time type
FITT: Frequency
starting a program: 20-30min sessions 3-5 times a week (improves VO2max)
disease prevention: at least 30 min low-mod most days of week
weight loss: 60min low-mod most days of week
people should think of exercise as medication
people should engage in PA 6-7 times a week 20-60min
FITT: Intensity
muscles need to be overloaded to develop
CR development: 40-85% HRR (MHR - RHR)
use HRR to find zones
RPE 6-20 to monitor intensity
FITT : Time
20-60 min/session (based on intensity, can be accumulated in shorter bouts like 10 min)
weight management: 60min or more most days of the week
should include warm up and cool down
FITT: Type
aerobic (increase HR) involve major muscle groups rhythmic and continuous at least 30 min daily greater muscle mass used, the greater the effect
Fitness benefits:
contributions of different activities to health vary
nature of activity usually dictates aerobic benefit