Cardiorespiratory development Flashcards
Describe the earliest events of cardiac development
A. Cardiogenic mesoderm migrates to cranial-most extent of embryo.
B. As a result of embryonic folding, the heart migrates caudally though neck and into thorax.
Describe heart tube formation
A. Initially forms as paired endothelial-lined tubes.
B. As the embryo folds laterally the paired tubes fuse, forming one continuous heart tube.
C.Receives venous blood at caudal end and pumps arterial blood to body at cranial end
Describe the formation of the cardiac loop
A. Heart elongates and develops 4 dilations: bulbus cordis, ventricle, atrium, sinus venosus.
B. The ventricles grow faster than other regions, causing the heart to loop.
a. The cranial portion bends ventrally, caudally, and to the right. b. The caudal portion bends dorsally, cranially, and to the left.
What does the sinus venosus form
- Composed of left and right venous horns (receiving blood from major veins).
- Left sinus horn forms coronary sinus.
- Right sinus horn is incorporated into right atrium (sinus venarum).
How does the primitive atrium form the auricles of the right and left atria?
- Final steps in development of right atrium
a. Sinus venosus is incorporated into right atrium and forms sinus venarum.
b. Original embryonic atrium forms atrial auricle. - Final steps in development of left atrium
a. Proximal portion of pulmonary vein is incorporated into left atrium and forms smooth walled portion of chamber.
b. Original embryonic atrium forms atrial auricle.
What will the primitive ventricle form
Primitive ventricle will form trabeculated portion of left ventricle
What does the bulbus cordis form
- Caudal portion forms trabeculated region of right ventricle.
- Conus cordis (midportion) will form outflow region of both ventricles (right ventricle – conus arteriosus; left ventricle – aortic vestibule)
- Truncus arteriosus (cranial portion) will form pulmonary trunk and aorta.
Explain the circulation through the primitive heart
A. Coordinated contractions of the heart begin in week 4.
B. Blood enters through sinus venosus → primitive atrium → primitive ventricle → bulbus cordis → aortic sac → to embryo.
What are the steps in the partitioning of the atrium
Step 1 – septum primum forms; this is a thin, membranous septum.
Step 2 – ostium primum forms; this is a short-lived opening along the inferior portion of the septum primum.
Step 3 – ostium primum closes as endocardial cushions fuse to septum primum.
Step 4 – ostium secundum forms from small area of apoptosis in upper portion of septum primum.
Step 5 – septum secundum forms; this is a thick, muscular septum which forms to the right of the septum primum. This will form the bulk of the interatrial septum.
Step 6 – foramen ovale forms within the septum secundum.
Septum primum becomes the valve of the foramen ovale
What is patent foramen ovale
Results when the valve of the foramen ovale does not completely fuse to the septum secundum. Usually asymptomatic. However, any increase in pulmonary pressure (coughing, sneezing, pulmonary hypertension) can cause the foramen ovale to re-open.
Explain the steps leading to communication of primitive atria w/left and right ventricles
a. Initially, only primitive left ventricle is in contact with atria.
b. Right ventricle is separated from atria by the bulboventricular flange.
c. Bulboventricular flange regresses during 5th week; at the same time the atrioventricular canal enlarges and shifts to the right.
d. These two events provide communication of atria with left and right ventricles.
Explain the partitioning of left and right atrioventricular canals
a. Endocardial cushions (superior, inferior, left, right) are derived from neural crest.
b. Superior and inferior endocardial cushions project into the atrioventricular canal and fuse, separating the AV canal into right and left orifices
What forms the atrioventricular valves
Atrioventricular valves form from neural crest of endocardial cushions
Explain the partitioning of the ventricles
- Muscular portion of septum derived from muscle of ventricle walls.
- Membranous septum derived from endocardial cushions.
Explain the partitioning of conus cordis and truncus arteriosus
- Conotruncal ridges (2) derived from neural crest.
- Conotruncal ridges undergo 180° of spiraling.
- Conotruncal ridges fuse to form aorticopulmonary septum (spiral septum).
a. Conus cordis forms conus arteriosus (right ventricle) and aortic vestibule (left ventricle).
b. Truncus arteriosus forms pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta. - Semilunar valves form from neural crest of conotruncal ridges.
What are some ventricular septal defects
- Membranous septal defect (most common)
- Muscular septal defect
- Severity depends on size of defect; often results in left-to-right blood shunt.
What is Ostium secundum defect
a. Large opening between left and right atria
b. Cause: excessive degeneration of septum primum
c. Cause: insufficient proliferation of septum secundum
What causes an Ostium primum defect
Ostium primum defect due to endocardial cushion defect
What is a common atrium
a. Complete absence of atrial septum
b. Almost always associated with other major heart defects
What is an Endocardial cushion defect
- Cause: underdeveloped endocardial cushions.
- Results in :
a. Persistent atrioventricular canal
b. Ostium primum defect (ASD)
c. Membranous interventricular septum defect
What is Pulmonary/Aortic valve stenosis
- Pulmonary trunk or aorta very narrow or completely occluded due to malformation of semilunar valve.
- Often present with both patent foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus.