Cardiomyopathies Flashcards
What is cardiomyopathy
Myocardial disorder in which THE HEART MUSCLE IS STRUCTURALLY AND FUNCTIONALLY ABNORMAL in the absence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular disease, and congenital heart disease
What are the three main types of CM
Dilated cardiomyopathy pathophysiology DCM
Symmetric left ventricular LV dilation
Impaired LV systolic function
Can involve the right ventricle RV
Not caused by CAD, valvular disease or HTN
DCM presentation both symptoms and possible PE findings
Symptoms: EXERTIONAL INTOLERANCE WITH SOB, FATIQUE Chest pain Palpitations, presyncope/syncope Peripheral edema Abdominal pain
Posible PE findings: Mitral/tricuspid regurg murmur S3 gallop Increased jugular venous pressure Basal crackles
Etiologies of DCM
IDIOPATHIC Familial Infectious Peripartum Alcoholism Drugs [tachycardia-mediated Endocrine dysfunction Nutritional deficiencies
What is the most common etiology of DCM
Idiopathic DCM up to 50% (no identifiable cause
Primary indication for cardiac transplantation
Familial DCM criteria and important points
(+) FH of DCM in 2+ relatives
Seen >= 50% of patients with idiopathic DCM
Cardiac protein antibodies present in 30%
Infectious DCM important points
Myocarditis= inflammatory process 2 degree to infectious or non-infectious causes
Viral-most common in US
Parasitic (changes DZ) most common cause of DCM in Latin America
Present w/ viral sxs and/or heart failure sxs
Endomyocardial biopsy is GOLD STANDARD for diagnosis
Peripartum DCM risk factors and presentation
>30 African descent Multiparous H/o preeclampsia, eclampsia, postpartum HTN Maternal cocaine abuse >4wks use of oral tocolytic
Generally 36 wks of gestation - 5 mos. post-partum
Dyspnea, orthopnea, PND, pedal edema, cough, hemoptisis
*diagnosis: Inc. BNP, Echo= EF <45
Alcoholic DCM risk factors, presentation, prognosis
Risk factors: 6 drink/day for 5-10 years
Presentation: HF symptoms, signs of long-term EtOH use
Prognosis: abstinence can lead to significant improvement in heart failure
If continue EtOH = poor prognosis, mortality 50% at 3-6 years
Cocaine-related DCM
Toxic effects on myocardium
Causes myocarditis
Chemotherapy-induced DCM
-including adriamycin (doxarubicin) -> breast CA, sarcoma and lymphoma
Early detection improves outcomes
Can present with HF symptoms
*obtain baseline echo to measure EF and continue to monitor
Tachycardia mediated DCM cause and treatment
Caused by sustained rapid ventricular rates (130-200)
May follow any type of chronic cardiac arrhythmia
Treatment of tachycardia/arrhythmia reverses myocardial dysfunction
Endocrine dysfunction DCM
-initially myocardial fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction(restrictive CM) later stages systolic dysfunction
Thyroid dysfunction
-thyroid hormone can alter preload, afterload, heart rate and contractility
-adrenal tumor secreting catecholamines
*cardiac dysfunction usually can be reversed by correction of endocrine disorder
Nutritional deficiencies DCM
Thiamine B1 deficiency
-consider in alcoholic or malnourished pt (diarrhea, dialysis, poor intake)
Carnitine deficiency
-impairs oxidation of fatty acids, resulting in lipid accumulation in myocete cytomplasm
*cardiac dysfunction usually can be reversed by correction of nutritional deficiency
DCM diagnostics
-non-specific changes -> sinus tachycardia, left bundle branch block, atrial/ventricular arrhythmia
-cardiomegaly (globular heart), pleural effusions
-BNP, TSH, CBC, CMP, (+/-) endomyocardial biopsy
- dilated ventricle, reduced LV systolic function
- exclude unsuspected valve disease