Cardiology & Pulmonary Flashcards
Viral, post-MI, dressler syndrome (2-3 wks post MI)
Pleuritic pain, friction rub on exam
diffuse ST elevations and PR depressions on EKG
Echo may show pericardial effusion
Tx with aspirin (post-MI) or NSAID (viral)
Pericardiocentesis if tamponade sx
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Sharp, sudden, nonradiating pleuritic chest pain
On side of pneumothorax: hyperresonance, decreased breath sounds, decreased chest wall expansion
CXR to diagnose
primiary - ruptured subpleural apical bleb, in tall thin young men
secondary - in COPD, trauma, TB, PCP, thoracentesis, subclavian line, bronchoscopy, PPV
What is the treatment for stable angina? Which drugs have mortality benefit?
Aspirin, beta-blockers - mortality benefit
Also tx with sublingual nitroglycerin
What are the TIMI score components, and how do you use TIMI score?
1 point each for: Age >65 Three or more CAD risk factors Known CAD aspirin use in past 7 days 2+ episodes in 24 hours ST deviation >0.5mm Positive cardiac marker
If TIMI greater than 3, give heparin or enoxaparin and schedule for angiography and possible PCI vs CABG (invasive)
When is PCI used in managing STEMI? What if you can’t use PCI?
PCI is preferred if can be performed within 90 minutes of presentation or within 120 minutes if needs transfer to a PCI capable hospital
If can’t use PCI (or too far), and no contraindications, thrombolytic therapy
What are the common post-MI complications, and how many days after MI do they occur?
Day 1 - heart failure
Day 2-4 arrhythmia, pericarditis, ventricular-septal defect
Day 5-10 LV wall ruprutre, papillary muscle rupture
weeks - ventricular aneurysm, dressler syndrome
What are physical exam findings in a VSD?
Narrow S2
Harsh holosytolic murmur at left lower sternal border, possibly associated with a thrill
Mid-diastolic apical rumble
What are physical exam findings in an ASD?
Wide, fixed split S2
Systolic ejection murmur at left upper sternal border
What is appropriate medical therapy for ACS?
dual antiplatelet therapy, betablocker, nitrate, anticoagulation
What is the difference between mobitz 1 and 2 second-degree heart block?
I - progressive prolongation of PR
II - no progressive prolongation; may suddenly progress to complete heart block, needs pacemaker tx
What is the cause of second-degree heart block type 1?
usually drugs - digoxin, beta-blockers, CCBs
Tx by stopping drugs, atropine PRN
Also possibly due to RCA ischemia or infarct
What is the treatment of lyme carditis?
IV ceftraixone, then 21 day oral therapy
Presents with AV block
Which drugs can you use to treat afib with RVR?
Rate control first line: metoprolol/esmolol (beta blockers) or diltiazem/verapimil (calcium channel blocker)
What are the EKG features of WPW?
Short PR interval, delta wave, symptomatic tachycardia
What are the EKG features of multifocal atrial tachycardia?
3 or more p wave morphologic patterns
variable PR interval
What is the first-line treatment for ventricular tachycardia?
Second lines: procainamide, sotalol, lidocaine
(may be wide complex tachycardia)
What is the treatment for PVCs?
If symptomatic- beta blockade
When should spironolactone be added to HF regimen?
NYHA class III-IV, serum K<5, creatinine <2.5 Associated with reduction in mortality by 30%, reduction in hospitalizations
Which factors influence BNP levels, and how?
Obesity - decreases BNP
Renal failure, old age, female - increase BNP
Mitral regurgitation murmur
Holosystolic, high-pitched “blowing murmur.” Loudest at apex and radiates toward axilla. Enhanced by maneuvers that increase total peripheral resistance or expiration.
Tricuspid regurg murmur
Holosystolic, high-pitched “blowing murmur.” Loudest at tricuspid area and radiates to right sternal border, Enhanced by maneuvers that increases total peripheral resistance and with with inspiration.
Aortic stenosis murmur
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur following ejection click. Radiates to carotids/apex. Pulses are weak compared to heart sounds.
Ventricular septal defect murmur
Holosystolic, harsh-sounding murmur worse with inspiration. Loudest at tricuspid area. Newborns
Mitral prolapse
Mitral prolapse Late systolic crescendo murmur with midsystolic click loudest at S2. Enhanced by standing or valsalva.
Aortic regurgitation
Immediate high-pitched diastolic murmur. Wide pulse pressure when chronic; can present with bounding pulses and head bobbing
Mitral stenosis
Follows opening snap. Delayed rumbling late diastolic murmur.
Patent ductus arteriosis
Continuous machine-like murmur loudest at S2.
How do you treat prinzmetal / variant angina?
Calcium channel blockers or nitrates
Acute onset heart failure following a URI suggests what?
Dilated cardiomyopathy secondary to acute viral myocarditis (coxsackie B, adenovirus, enterovirus, HHV6, parvovirus B19)
Features of severe aortic stenosis
Delayed/weak/slow rising carotid pulse (parvus et tardus)
single, soft S2
mid-late peaking systolic murmur, radiating to carotid, best heart at right 2nd intercostal
Exertional syncope
Constrictive pericarditis
Progressive peripheral edema ascites elevated JVP Middiastolic sound (pericardial knock) Pericardial calcifications
Etiolgy: viral, post-cardiac surgery, post-radiation therapy, tuberculosis (endemic)
Atrial septal defect
Wide fixed splitting S2
Paradoxical split S2
Aortic stenosis or LBBB