Cardiology Pathology Flashcards
What types of diseases are referred to as cardiomyopathy?
non-inflammatory diseases of the heart that are not associated withHTN, congenital heart disease, valvular dysfunction, or CAD
Define Dilated Cardiomyopathy
four chamber hypertrophy, unexplained dilation, impaired systolic function of one or both ventricles
Etiology of dilated cardiomyopathy
Alcoholism (thiamine
Drugs: chemotherapy (doxorubicin), cocaine, heroin
Organic solvents (“glue sniffers”)
Peripartum (last trimester or within 6 mo postpartum)
clinical features of dilated cardiomyopathy
Massive enlargement of all chambers of the heart
Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation
L + R S3 and S4
Narrow pulse pressure due to dec SV
Arrhythmias (ventricular and atrial)
Sudden death
What causes the murmurs in dilated cardiomyopathy?
Block in bundle of His > atrial and ventricular arrythmias
Work up for dilated cardiomyopathy (and their purpose/findings)
BNP (monitor fluid
Myocardial necrosis markers (tropnonin, CK, CKMB) may be acutely elevated with myocarditis
CXR - enlarged heart, pleural effusion
Angiography - to exclude IHD
treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy
Similar to tx for CHF
Treat underlying disease (alcohol abstinence, diet change)
AGEi, ARBs, BB, aldosterone antagonists, cardiac glycosides, vasodilators, anti arrythmia
Acute + severe HF - oxygen, nitrates, furosemide en route to hospital
definition of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Unexplained hypertrophy of the ventricles
Etiology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Chromosome 14
Missense mutation that codes for cardiac sarcomere proteins
pathophys of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophy of the myocardium with greater hypertrophy of IVS than the left ventricular wall itself
(May lead to obstruction of blood flow below aortic valve)
Left ventricular outflow tract may be obstructed as the left ventricle has hypertrophied significantly combined with hypertrophy of interventricular septum
Sx of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Dizziness (rapid standing, valsalva during defacation)
Angina with exercise
SOB on exertion, CHF, arrythmias
Split S2, S4, harsh systolic ejection murmur (crescendo-decrescendo) along lower left sternal border/apex
Palpable double apical impulse
work up/findings for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ECG: abnormal and prominent Q wave, short P-R interval
2D echocardiography is diagnostic
Cardiac MRI is useful in dx and assessing severity
Treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Avoid strenuous exercise
Avoid drugs that decrease preload (diuretics) or increase force of contraction (digitalis)
Tx of ventricular arrythmias: amiodarone
define restrictive cardiomyopathy
Impaired ventricular filling or decreased ventricular compliance with normal systolic function
“Stiffening” of the heart system
etiology of restrictive cardiomyopathy
Amyloidosis, sarcoidosis
Myocardial fibrosis after open heart surgery