Cardiology - Arryhthmias Flashcards
Definition of AF
Uncoordinated atrial contraction
Irregular and frequently fast ventricular rate
Epidemiology of AF
Commonest cardiac arrhythmia - 1.2%
Prevalence increases with age - 10% > 70yrs, 23% > 80 yrs
ECG appearance in AF
No distinct P wave
Irregularly irregular
Classification of AF
First-diagnosed AF Paroxysmal AF Persistent AF Long standing persistent AF Permanent AF
First-diagnosed AF
AF that hasn’t been diagnosed before
Paroxysmal AF
Self-terminating, usually in 48 hrs
Persistent AF
AF lasting longer >7 days
Long-standing persistent AF
Continuous AF lasting >1 yr when its decided to adopt a rhythm control strategy
Permanent AF
AF accepted by pt and Dr
Rhythm control interventions aren’t pursued
AF symptoms
Palpitations Dyspnoea Chest tightness Fatigue/ lethargy Sleeping disturbances Psychological effects
Modified EHRA symptoms scale
1 - 4
No symptoms to disabling symptoms
Aetiological factors of AF
Aging (structural remodelling) Heart failure HTN and DM Valvular heart disease (esp mitral) CAD Alcohol excess Hyperthyroidism (trigger) Obesity and sleep apnoea Autonomic activation
Autonomic activation of AF
Sympathetic - increased ectopic activity
Vagal - reduced APD and increased spatial heterogeneity
Target BP for AF pts
130/80 mmHg
Mx of wt in AF pts
10% reduction in body wt (BMI < 25)
Increased physical activity
Diet (low-calorie food)
Mx of lipids in AF pts
Lifestyle measures if LDL >100mg/dL after 2/12 started on statins
Glycaemic control in AF pts
HbA1c > 6.5% after 2/12 - metformin
Mx of OSA in AF pts
Sleep study
Nocturnal CPAP
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Diagnostic workup for AF
12 lead ECG BP Bloods Echo Holter monitoring
Bloods for AF
FBC U&Es LFT TFT Coagulation
Why do we measure U&Es for AF
Abnormal K can ppt AF
Holter monitoring
Symptoms/ rhythm correlation
AF burden
Ventricular rate control
Potential consequences of AF
Morbidity associated w/ symptoms
AF +/- tachycardia mediated CM
Increased mortality
Rship between AF and stroke
Blood pools in atria –> blood clot forms –> whole/ part of blood clot breaks off –> travels to brain occluding cerebral artery
Mechanisms of AF
Ectopic activity (trigger + AF driver) Re-entry - can be single or multiple circuit
Ectopic activity in AF
Enhances automaticity
Early or delayed after depolarisations
What tissue properties are required before re-entry can cause AF
Shortened & heterogenous ARPs
Areas of slow conduction - fibrosis
Conduction barriers - anatomical vs iatrogenic (scars from catheter ablation/ surgery)
AF induced remodelling
Electrical remodelling
Contractile remodelling
Structural remodelling - irreversible
Mx for AF
- Rhythm control
- Rate control
- Anti-coag
- L atrial ablation and/or ICD placed
Rhythm control for AF
Flecanide is 1st line (Class Ic)
Amiodarone (class III) w/ structural heart disease
Ablation (once drugs have failed)
Rate control for AF
BB - LVEF <40%
Rate-limiting Ca channel blockers (Class IV) - LVEF > 40%
Digoxin (used in combination w/ another drugs as 3rd line)
What must be considered before anticoagulating an AF pt
CHADVASC (2 for women and 1 for men)
Main anticoagulants given in AF
Congestive heart failure HTN Age >75yrs - 2 points DM Stroke/ TIA - 2 points Vascular disease (MI. PVD, aortic plaque) Age (65-74 yrs) Sc - sec category (female)
HTN Abnormal renal/liver function - 1/2 points Stroke Bleeding tendency Labile INR Age > 65 Drugs - 1/2 points
High score is 3/3+
Features of L Bundle of His
Large, diffuse structure
Rare to be damaged unless underlying heart disease
Features of R Bundle of His
Smaller, discrete structure
More commonly damaged without sig underlying heart disease
What part of the cardiac conduction system is supplied by sympathetic nerves
All of it - so drugs that stimulate SNS can increase HR even in heart block
What part of the conduction system is supplied by parasympathetic nerves
Hierarchy of pacemakers
Cardiac cells that polarise fastest will drive HR (60 - 100bpm)
SAN is usually fastest then AVN (40-60bpm) then Purkinje network in ventricles (20-40 bpm)
Bradycardia definition
HR <60 bpm
Physiological causes of bradycardia
High vagal tone (sleep, athletes)
Pathogical causes of bradycardia
Fibrosis - occurs in aging
IHD - a/c (MI) and c/c
Drugs - BB, CCB, digoxin, antiarrhytmics
Electrolyte/ metabolic disturbance - esp K
Post cardiac surgery (esp aortic valve surgery)
Infection e.g. IE
What symptoms do pts with bradycardia present with
Dizziness Fatigue Difficulty concentrating Exercise intolerance Falls Syncope Breathlessness
Where is the SAN found
Under epicardium at junction of SVC and RA
What are SA nodal cells set in
Dense, fibrous tissue
Why is the SAN easily damaged in cardiac surgery
Its superficial location
What can go wrong at the sinus node
It can fail to generate an impulse or conduct an impulse at the atrium
Sinus bradycardia
Fewer impulses generated than usual
Pts are usually asymptomatic
Sinus arrest
No impulse is generated at SAN
Sinus arrest on ECG
Period with no wave
Escape rhythm from AVN
Types of escape rhythms
Junctional - normal QRS
Ventricular - broad QRS
Both have no p waves present
Sinoatrial block
Impulse generated but not conducted out of SAN to atrium
Pause is longer than P-P interval
Tachycardia- bradycardia syndrome
Sick sinus syndorme
Alternating bradycardia and tachycardia
Usually seen in AF and another bradycardia
How many types of AV block are there
1st to 3rd degree
1st degree AV block
PR interval is prolonged, but all impulses are conducted to the ventricle
2nd degree AV block
Some (but not all) impulses are conducted to the ventricles
Two types - Mobitz type I, Mobitz type II
3rd degree AV block
No impulses are conducted to ventricles
AV dissociation
1st degree heart block on ECG
Prolonged PR interval
Rship between every P wave and QRS complex
3rd degree heart block on ECG
Rship between QRS complexes
Rship between P waves
NO rship between p waves and QRS
AV dissociation
Any situation in which atria and ventricles beat independently
Can be caused by complete heart block
Mobitz type I heart block on ECG
PR interval gets more and more prolonged until one P wave isn’t followed by QRS complex
What is Mobitz type I caused by
Block in AVN
Mx for Mobitz type I
No mx required
Mobitz Type II heart block on ECG
Sudden loss of AV conduction - one P wave isn’t followed by a QRS but PR interval doesn’t get progressively more prolonged
What is Mobitz type II caused by
Block in His-Purkinje system
Can lead to complete heart block
Mx of Mobitz Type II heart block
Mx with pacemaker required even if asymptomatic
Symptoms of Mobitz Type I
Lightheadedness/ dizziness
Symptoms of Mobitz Type II
Chest pain
Postural hypotension
Symptoms of 3rd degree heart block
Feeling faint
Extreme tiredness, sometimes w/ confusion
Chest pain
2: 1 AV block
Type of 2nd degree AV block
Every other P wave is conducted
Treatment of 2:1 AV block
Advanced AV block
AV conduction ratio of 3:1 or higher
Always needs a pacemaker
Emergency treatment of bradycardia
ABCDE approach
Atropine 500 mcg IV
If not responding to atropine, give drugs that stimulate SNS
If haemodynamically instable, pace pt
Which bradycardia condns have a risk of asystole
Mobitz II AV block
Complete heart block w/ broad QRS
What does atropine do
Blocks effect of vagus nerve on heart - increases HR in sinus bradycardia and AVN disease caused by block within AVN
What is atropine not effective for
AVN disease caused by block in His-Purkinje
Drugs that stimulate SNS
Types of temp pacing
Central vein - internal jugular, subclavian, femoral
Performing transcutaneous pacing w/ defibrillator
Attach pads and connect defibrillator lead
Set defibrillator to pacer
Set pacer rate and output
Conform electrical capture
Confirm mechanical capture - feel femoral (R brachial) pulse
Cardiac devices
Devices implanted for dx or treatment of cardiac arrhythmias or unexplained syncope
Example of a diagnostic cardiac device
Loop recorder
Cardiac devices that treat and dx
Pacemaker (low heart rhythm)
Defib (treat fast and slow heart rhythm)
Cardiac resynchronisation therapy (treat heart failure - either pacemaker or defibrillator)
Electronic device implanted in body that regulates the heartbeat
Roles of pacemaker
Detect pts own intrinsic impulses (withhold pacing pulse) - capture
Depolarise the heart if there aren’t any impulses - capture
Limitations of traditional pacemakers
Device can become infected
Leads can fail over time
Leadless pacemakers
Only pace RV
Indicated mainly in pts with AF and slow HR
Implantable Cardioverter Defib
Specialised pacemaker that treats life threatening ventricular arrhythmias
Who needs an ICD - primary prevention
Severe LV impairment
Inherited cardiac condns
Who needs an ICD - secondary prevention
Survivors of a VF/VT cardiac arrest
Sustained VT with haemodynamic compromise
Sustained VT and severe LV impairment
ICD vs anti arrhythmic drugs in SCD
ICD is superior to drugs in preventing Sudden Cardiac Death
Anti-arrhythmics are still important to reduce need for ICD therapies
How does an ICD recognise arrhythmias
ICD looks at HR
If above certain threshold, delivers shock
What do ICDs do in ventricles
Anti-tachycardia pacing
Limitations of conventional ICDs
Leads can become damaged and may not be straightforward to remove
What can ICDs NOT do
Treat bradycardia
Provide anti-tachycardia pacing
Prevent death from progressive heart failure
Where are conventional ICDS implanted
Venous system
Treatment for pts with severe systolic heart failure and a broad QRS who remain symptomatic despite medical therapy
Also used in CRT
Improves symptoms and survival
Indications for pacemaker
Either symptomatic bradycardia or high risk e.g. advanced/ complete heart block (but asymptomatic) bradycardia
Indications for ICD
Ventricular arrhythmias e.g. VT/ VF
High risk of ventricular arrhythmias e.g. severe LV impairment
Indication for CRT
Severe heart failure w/ broad QRS (>120 ms) continuing symptoms despite meds
Mx of sick sinus syndrome (tachycardia-bradycardia)
Treat w/ pacemaker for Brady
Rate lowering drug (BB) for tachycardia
Types of cardiac cells
Pacemaker cells - conducting cells (SAN)
Non-pacemaker cells - contracting cells
What does the resting membrane potential of cardiac cells depend on
K ions as the membrane is semi permeable to K
Atrial vs ventricular action potential
Channels in atria are slower and Ca2+ drives depolarisation
Channels in ventricles are faster and Na+ drives depolarisation
Ventricular ap has plateau phase
How many stages does the ventricular ap have
0 - 4
Starting membrane potential of atria
-70 mV
Starting membrane potential of ventricles
-85/90 mV
Stage 0 of ventricular ap
K+ outflux (-ve cell) triggers: Rapid influx Na+ Slow influx of Ca+ Via VG ion channels Causes depolarisation to +20mV
Stage 1 of ventricular ap
VG Na+ channels close quickly
VG K+ channels open for K+ outflux
Causes repolarisation
Stage 2 of ventricular ap
Ca+ continues influx
K+ outflux
Membrane potential remains steady = plateau
Stage 3 of ventricular ap
VG Ca2+ ion channel closes
K+ outflux continues
Membrane potential repolarises
Stage 4 of ventricular ap
VG K+ channel closes however a steady flux of K+ remains
Resting membrane potential is restored
Main methods of pharmacological intervention for arrhythmias
Interfere with ap by blocking certain ion channels
Block sympathetic effects of ANS on heart
Effective Refractive Period
Time within which a new ap cannot be released by same cells (stages 0 - 3)
Acts as protective mechanism
ERP as a protective mechanism
Keeps HR in check
Prevents arrhythmias
Coordinates muscle contraction
Classification of anti arrhythmic agents
Class Ia/ Ib/ Ic - Na channel blockers Class II - BB Class III - K blockers Class IV - Ca blockers Class V - misc
Anti-arrhythmic drugs have cross-class activity
What do Class I anti arrhythmic do
Bind to and block Na channels responsible for depolarisation
- Slower depolarisation
- Increased ERP
- Reduced AV conduction
- Reduced automaticity
Example of Class Ia anti-arrhythmic
Effects of Class Ia anti-arrhythmic
Prolongs ERP
Reduced cardiac excitability
Increases AP duration
Prolonged repolarisation can increase risk of arrhythmia - torsades de pointes
Indications for Class Ia anti-arrhythmic
Maintain sinus rhythm after MI
Prevent and treat ventricular and SV arrhythmias
Example of Class Ib anti-arrhythmic
Indication for Class Ib anti-arrhythmic
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
SE of Class Ib anti-arrhythmic
What are Class Ib anti-arrhythmics contraindicated in
AV block
Effects of Class Ib anti-arrhythmic
Reduced ERP
Decreases AP duration
Example of Class Ic anti-arrhythmic
Flecanide - most potent Na+ channel blocker
Effects of Class Ic anti-arrhythmic
Normal ERP
Normal AP duration
Reduced contractibility
Indication of Class Ic anti-arrhythmics
Paroxysmal AF
Ventricular tachycardia resistant to other therapy
Using Flecanide and amiodarone together
Flecanide dose needs to be halved
Examples of Class II anti-arrhythmics
What do Class II anti-arrhythmics do
Block effects of norephedrine and epipharine (SNS) action on SAN
Monitoring required for Class II anti-arrhythmic
What can Class II anti-arrhythmics cause
Prolonged QT interval
AV blocks
Examples of Class III anti-arrhythmics
What do Class III anti-arrhythmics do
Block K+ channels
Effects of Class III anti-arrhythmics
Slow depolarisation
Longer ERP
Longer AP duration
Reduced cardiac excitability
Effects of Class II anti-arrhythmics
Slowed pacemaker activity
Decrease cardiac conduction and contractibility
Increased ERP
Increased PR interval
Why is there a risk of arrhythmias w/ Class III anti-arrhythmics
Can increase QT interval
What do Class IV anti-arrhythmics do
Ca channel blockers
Examples of Class IV anti-arrhythmics
Effects of Class IV anti-arrhythmics
Increased PR interval
Increased ERP
Slow rise of AP and prolonged depolarisation through AVN
Reduce contractility
Contraindications of Class IV anti-arrhythmics
Pts with heart failure
Pts on BBs
Examples of Class V anti-arrhythmics
Adenosine as an antiarrhythmic
K+ channel activator = repolarisation
Slow pacemaker activity
Used in a/c therapy - half life is 10s
Digoxin as an anti-arrhythmic
Inhibits Na, K & ATP - +ve inotropic effects
Increases myocardial contraction
Slows AV conduction and HR
What are the main ion channels in cardiomyocytes
What is the funny current in pacemaker activated by
Hyperpolarisation instead of depolarisation
Mainly carried by Na+ channels
Example of parasympathetic stimulation on pacemaker cells
The effects of parasympathetic stimulation on pacemaker potential
Reduced slope of pacemaker potential
The effect of sympathetic stimulation on ventricular action potential and contraction
HR approx doubles
Shortening of AP
Contraction is stronger, quicker and relaxation more rapid
Basic Q’s for arrhythmias
Is it brady or tachycardia
Are the QRS complexes broad or narrow
Is it regular or irregular
P waves?
Ddx for narrow complex tachycardia
Atrial flutter
Atrial tachycardia
What does AVNRT stand for
Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia
What does AVRT stand for
AV re-entrant tachycardia
Appearance of atrial flutter on ECG
Saw tooth appearance
Narrow complex
What is the usual atrial rate
300 cycles/ min
Atrial rate with 2:1 conduction
2 flutter waves: 1 QRS complex
HR is 150 bpm
How many bpm with a 4:1 conduction block
75 bpm
How many bpm with a 5:1 conduction block
60 bpm
Curing atrial flutter
Ablation - breaks spp anatomical short circuit
Using adenosine for dx
Increases degree of AV/ AVN block, unmasking flutter waves
Breaks short circuit in AVNRT/ AVRT and returns pt to sinus rhythm
Physiology of inverted P waves
Electrical activity starting low in atrium and spreading upwards
Retrograde P waves
Inverted P wave is superimposed on the end of the QRS complex
Atria and ventricles are depolarising at the same time
What do delta waves indicate
Seen in extra electrical connection or accessory pathway
Tachycardias occurring above AVN
Atrial flutter
Focal atrial tachycardia
Tachycardias occurring below AVN
Examples of narrow complex tachycardias
Sinus tachycardia AF A flutter Focal atrial tachycardia AVNRT AVRT
Examples of broad complex tachycardia
VT - suspect until proven otherwise
SVT w/ aberration
Pre-excited tachycardia
Pacemaker associated tachycardia
General mx of tachycardia
Mx of thromboembolic risk in AF and AFl
Rate control - BB, rate slowing CCB, digoxin
Termination of re-entrant arrhythmia
Antiarrythmics - Class I, II, III
Interventional electrophysiological procedures
Indications for interventional electrophysiological procedures
Ablation - AVRT/ AVNRT, A flutter, fibrillation
Magnitude of sudden cardiac arrest in UK
~100,000 per yr
1 every 5 mins
20-25% - first px of cardiac disease
Possible causes of collapse
Cardiac Cardiovascular Catastrophic vascular event Neurological Pyschogenic
Potential causes of cardiac arrest
- VT - most likely
- VF
- PMVT/ Torsades
- AV block
- SA block
Underlying causes of cardiac arrest
Structural heart disease
Ion channel abnormalities
IHD causing cardiac arrest
A/c - ACS/ MI
C/c - ventricular scarring
Acquired CM causing cardiac arrest
IHD HTN Viral Alcohol Chemo
Inherited CM causing cardiac arrets
Relevant hx of cardiac arrest
Hx of event
Relevant tests for cardiac arrest
Imaging - angio/ CT/ MRI
Treatment of cardiac arrest directly attributable to an ACS
Treatment is of underlying cause
Usual coronary 2’ preventative measures
When is late arrhythmias in ACS more likely to occur
In setting of impaired LV function
The longer post MI, the more likely they are to be at risk
Types of CM
Arrhythmogenic (Right ventricular)
Causes of acquired long QT
Drugs Ischaemia Hypothyroidism Hypothermia Bradycardia
Triggers of lethal cardiac events in long QT syndrome
Emotional stress
Where are the leads in transvenous ICDs
Which type of ICD would be used for VT
Transvenous (conventional) ICD
Which types of ICD would be used for VF
Mx of A flutter
Who do SVTs usually present in
Younger pts (150-200 bpm)
Vasovagal manoeuvres
Blowing into syringe
Blowing on thumb
Carotid sinus massage
Valsalva manouvre
S/e of digoxin
Blurry vison
What can amiodarone be used to treat
SVT Paroxysmal SVT AF A flutter VT VF
Amiodarone and preventing AF
Use after open heart surgery
S/e of amiodarone
Thyroid dysfunction
May also cause pulmonary fibrosis
Which antiarrhythmic can also treat cluster headaches
Common causes of atrial flutter
R atrial dilatation - PE, congestive heart failure
Ischaemic heart disease
For how long should pts not drive after a VT/VF episode
Mx of Torsades de Pointes
IV Magnesium sulfate (slow infusion)
What is VF usually a progression from
Shockable rhythms
Pulseless VT
Px of long QT syndrome
Hx of syncope and blackouts
Heart palpitations
Causes of long QT syndrome
Hypokalemia Hypomagnesia Hypocalcaemia Hypothermia Congenital long QT syndrome A/c MI Subarachnoid haemorrhage Drugs
Causes of short QT syndrome
Congenital short QT syndrome
Drugs causing long QT syndrome
Antihistamines TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants) Anticholinergics/ Antidepressants Chloroquine Antiarrhythmics (esp quinidine and sotalol) Fluoroquinolones Erythromycin
Mx of long QT syndrome
BB as rate control
ICD or pacemaker may be implanted
Lifestyle changes - not exercising strenuously, avoiding stressful situations
Foods high in K
Presentation of cardiorespiratory arrest
Sudden collapse
No pulse
No breathing
Initial ix for cardiac arrest
ABCDE assessment
Mx of cardiac arrest
CPR and give oxygen Gain IV access Give adrenaline every 3-5 mins Give amiodarone after 3 shocks Defib if pt is in shockable rhythm Treat reversible causes
Evaluating palpitations
Continuous or intermittent? Regular or irregular? Approx HR Associated symptoms Precipitating factors (exercise or alcohol) Structural heart disease
Discrete attacks of tachycardia
Can happen w/ heart palpitations
>120 bpm
Examinations for blackouts and faints
Pulses = problem with BP
Lying and standing bp = postural hypotension
Murmurs = AS
Carotid sinus massage = carotid sinus syndrome (neurocardiogenic cause)
Neurocardiogenic mx of blackouts
Educate about triggers and warning signs
Lifestyle changes - increase fluid intake to 3L/ day and increase salt intake
Stop BP meds if causing bradycardia
Function of cytokines
Mediate communication between cells of immune system and direct cell movement
Structure of cytokines
Small proteins/ glycoproteins (<30 kDa)
Generally soluble
Examples of biological effects produced by cytokines
Why is only a low conc of cytokines required
Most cytokines act over short distance
Why do cytokines have short half-lives
Ensures localised effect
Autocrine action
Cell produces cytokine and receptors
Paracrine action
Cytokine acts on nearly cells
Endocrine action of cytokines
Circulates in blood stream to reach distant targets cells
Different modes of action of cytokines
1 cytokine has several functions e.g. IL4
Benefit of cytokines having different modes of action
Antagonism and synergy allows us to modulate immune response
What are the majority of cytokines secreted by
Th cells
Dendritic cells
What are cytokines mainly involved in
Cellular and humoral response
Wound healing
Where do cytokines mature in
Where do cytokines migrate to
2’ lymphoid tissue
Examples of APC
Dendritic cells
B cells
What do T cells differentiate into
CD4 - Th cells (MHC II)
CD8 - cytotoxic T lymphocytes (MHC I)
When are Th1 cells created from CD4 cells
When IL-12 is secreted by APC
When are Th2 cells created from CD4+ cells
When IL-4 is secreted by APC
What do Th1 cells secrete
IFN gamma
What are Th1 cells involved in
Macrophage activation
Cellular immunity against intracellular pathogens
Delayed type hypersensitivity
What do Th2 cells secrete
What are Th2 cells involved in
Ig class switching
Humoral immunity against extracellular pathogens
When are Treg cells created from CD4
When TGFbeta is secreted by APC
What do Treg cells secrete
What are Treg cells involved in
Inhibition of infl
Immune tolerance
Why do cytokines not activate all immune cells
Tightly regulated surface expression of cytokine receptors e.g. only cells activated by spp antigen express certain cytokine receptors
Immune synapses
Immune synapses
Close cell-cell
Directional cytokine secretion so cytokines restricted to one area
Types of cytokines
Interleukins (IL) Tumour Necrosis Factors (TNF) Interferons (IFN) Colony Stimulating Factors (CSF) Chemokines
Pro-infl cytokines
Anti-infl cytokines
What does IL-2 cause
T cell proliferation and differentiation into memory and effectors CD4 or CD8 cells in peripheral tissues
What does IL-4 cause
B cell activation and differentiation into antibody-secreting plasma cells
What does IL-5 activate
Most common TNF
What do TNFs do
Key regulator of infl response produced by activated macrophages
Levels of TNF in healthy individuals
When are TNF serum and tissue levels elevated
Infl and infectious condns
What are anti-TNFs used for
Treatment of infl condns
Types of IFN
Type 1
Type 2
Type 1 IFN
1st line defence in viral infections - IFN alpha and beta
Mechanisms of Type 1 IFN
Destroys viral RNA –> inhibits protein synthesis
Up-regulate MHC Class I presentation
Activation of cytotoxic CD8
Most predominant Type 2 IFN
IFN gamma
What do Type 2 IFN do
Upregulate MHC expression –> clearance of intracellular pathogen
TNFalpha in macrophages
Increased infl through pro-infl cytokine and chemokines
TNFalpha in endothelium
Increased cell infiltration Increased angiogenesis (VEGF)
TNFalpha in hepatocytes
Increases CRP in serum
TNFalpha in synoviocytes
Articular cartilage degradation
What do CSFs do
Mediate growth and differentiation of immature leukocytes in bone marrow (haematopoiesis)
Examples of CSFs
M-CSF - macrophage CSF
G-CSF - granulocyte CSF
GM-CSF - macrophage/granulocyte CSF
What are chemokines
Small cytokines (7.5 - 12.5 kDa)
What do chemokines do
Induce movement of leukocytes along conc gradient
Cell movement directed by soluble factors
Nomenclature of chemokines
According to structure
Example of chemokine
CXCL8 (IL-8)
Powerful chemo-attractant of neutrophils
Cytokine-related diseases
Septic shock
Cytokine storm
Septic shock caused by cytokines
Release of bacterial products (e.g. lipopolysaccharide) during systemic infections (Staph a, E.coli etc) causes overproduction of pro-infl cytokines
Symptoms of cytokine storm
Circulatory collapse
Diffuse intravascular coagulation
Haemorrhagic necrosis
All these lead to multiple organ failure
What can cause cytokine storms
Dilation of blood vessels Leakage of fluid into body tissues Pertubation of blood supply Tissue injury Widespread blood clotting Organ failure
Infections inducing cytokine storms
Viral e.g Spanish influenza, SARS, bird flu, COVID-19
T2DM and cytokines
Constitutive expression of TNF-alpha by adipose tissue of obese individuals –> decreased cellular response to insulin and glucose uptake
Cancer and cytokines
IL-6 overexpression in most types of tumours –> enhanced proliferation, angiogenesis, invasiveness, and metastasis —> increased metabolism –> cachexia
Cytokine-based therapies
Modulation of immune response by purified cytokines, soluble cytokine receptors and monoclonal antibodies against cytokines
Main applications of cytokine-based therapies
Blocking of TNF-alpha, IL-1 or IL-2 signalling - dampening of immune response in autoimmune disease (RhA, Crohn’s) or after transplantation
Recombinant interferons - activation of immune reponse against cancers and c/c viral infections (Hep B & C)
Recombinant haemopoietic cytokines (CSFs, IL-11) – stimulate haematopoiesis during immunodeficiency, chemotherapy or certain types of anaemia
Risks of cytokine-based therapies
Reduces cytokine activity —> increased risk of infection and malignancy
Targeted delivery (paracrine actions) vs systemic admin
V short t1/2 (mins) –> freq admin
Pleiotropic action of cytokines –> unpredictable and severe s/e
How are AV valves reinforced
Chordae tendinae attached to papillary muscles
They contract & ‘brace’ during ventricular systole
Why do SL valves not need to be reinforced
Blood they’re stopping is at a much lower pressure - passive back flow from arteries rather than high pressure being pushed out by ventricles
Function of aortic sinus
Allows blood to pool after ventricular systole and from there flow into coronary sinus
Stops cusps from sticking to aortic walls when fully opens
Why is the LV wall thicker than the RV wall
LV has to pump blood further so generates greater force in systole
Blood flow over cusps in bicuspid valve
Blood flows over both in atrial and ventricular systole
Clinical relevance - more likely to wear down than other valves
Cusps of pulmonary valve
Cusps of aortic valve
Left (coronary)
Right (coronary)
Posterior (non-coronary)
Cusps of mitral valve
Cusps of tricuspid valve
Function of moderator bands
Conduct impulse from Bundle of His to base of anterior papillary muscle
Ensures impulse reaches papillary muscle at same time as apex of heart
Allows papillary muscle to contract, ‘bracing’ AV valves in advance of ventricular systole
Starting point of ventricular contraction
Apex of heart
Clinical significance of moderator bands
Assist in stopping the valves everting, preventing back flow of blood into atrium during systole
Why is jugular distension and RV heave seen in MS
MS decreases blood flow into LV
As LA pressure increases, flow is decreased in pulmonary vessels so RV distends and JVP rises
Why is cardiomegaly a complication of MS
Heart attempting to decrease pressure
Why is blood clot formation a complication of MS
Blood stuck behind stenotic cusp can clot
What is fossa ovale an embryological remnant of
Foramen ovale
What is the right auricle an embryological remnant of
Primitive atrium
What is crista terminalis an embryological remnant of
Junction between sinus venosus and auricle
What is Ligamentum venosum an embryological remnant of
Ductus venosum
What is the smooth wall of atria an embryological remnant of
Sinus venosus
What is Ligamentum arteriosum an embryological remnant of
Ductus arteriosum
Which foetal structure acts as a shunt between pulmonary artery and aorta
Ductus arteriousm
Which foetal structure acts as a shunt allowing blood to bypass liver
Ductus venosum
Which foetal structures act as precursor of atrium
Junction between sinus venous and auricle
Sinus venosus
Primitive atrium
Which foetal structure acts as a shunt between L and R atria
Foramen ovale
How do oxygenated blood bypass the foetal lungs
Foramen ovale acts as shunt, thereby bypassing pulmonary circulation
Ductus arteriosus diverts blood from pulmonary trunk to arch of aorta, thus bypassing lungs
Main processes occurring to facilitate change from foetal to postnatal circulation
Closure of umbilical arteries
Closure of umbilical veins & ductus venous - blood is now passing through liver
Closure of ductus arteriosus
Closure of foramen ovale
Key factor in closure and fusion of septum premium and septum secundum
A relative increase within LA forces septum primum against the septum secundum associated with the first breath
Cardioversion vs defibrillation
Cardioversion - one or more SMALL electrical shocks to restore rhythm
Defibrillation - one or more LARGE electrical shocks to restore rhythm
Treatment of fast AF - acute px
Go trough ABCDE
Cardiovert electrically
What can cause sinus bradycardia
Hypothermia Hypothyroidism Vagal stimulation Drugs (e.g BB) Raised ICP MI
Infections causing sinus bradycardia
Legionnaires disease
Typhoid fever
Lyme disease
Rhythm abnormalities seen in cardiac arrest
Pulseless VT
Pulseless electrical activity
Organised electrical activity on ECG w/ no pulse or demonstrable BP
Reversible causes of cardiac arrest
4 H’S & 4 T’s
Tension pneumothorax
What risk increases when the QT interval > 500ms
Ventricular arrythmias
When do we see absent A wave in JVP
When do we see a canon wave in JVP
Heart block
Yellow vision
Can be caused by digoxin poisoning
Which drugs reduce clearance of digoxin
Looks at drug effect on cardiac contractility
Looks at drugs effect on HR
What metabolic disturbance can hypothyroidism cause
What type of heart block can an inferior MI cause
3rd degree
Can also be caused by combo of rate-limiting CCBs and BBs
What can sudden cardiac death in the young be caused by
Why can you not take verapamil or diltiazem with BB
Rate-limiting CCBs and BBs both reduce contractility and are -vely inotropic
Will cause slow conduction at AVN too much
Inotropic vs chronotropic
+vely inotropic - increases contractility
+ve chronotropic - increases HR
MOA of atropine
Vagus nerve inhibitor so increases HR
Mx of sick sinus syndrome
Features of haemodynamic instability
Abnormal BP, HR etc
How can an overdose of BB or CCBs be reversed
IV glucagon
Synchronised vs unsynchronised shocks
Synchronised happens at certain point in cardiac cycle for haemodynamically compromised pts
Unsynchronised is used when contraction is random - defibrillator
Digoxin effects on ECG
Widespread down sloping ST segment
T wave inversion
Flattened and shortened QT interval
Prominent U waves