Cardiology Flashcards
precipitated by exertion, cold, stress
lasting 2-10 minutes, tightness, squeezing, , heaviness,
retrosternal radiating to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, epigastric
Stable Angina
Increasing patter or at rest
more than 30 mins
retrosternal radiating to the neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, epigastric
unstable anguna
pleuritic, sharp, retrosternal pain toward the cardiac apex radiating to the left shoulder
relieved by sitting up or leaning forward
Sudden onset of unrelenting pain
tearing or ripping, knifelike
anterior chest radiating to the back between shoulder blades
loss of peripheral pulses, HPN
Acute Aortic Syndrome
sudden onset pleuritic chest pain, lateral,
dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension
Pulmonary Embolis,
chest pain, characterized as pressure, substernally located
dyspnea, signs of increased venous pressure
Pulmonary hypertension
sudden onset chest pain, pleuritic
dyspnea, decreased breath sound on one side
Spontaneous pneumothorax
Burning chest pain lasting 10-60 mins, substernal epigastric,
worst by post prandial recumbency, relieved by antacids
pressure/tightness/burning chest pain lasting 2-30mins, retrosterna
closely mimic angina
esophageal spasm
burning chest pain, 60-90 mins after meals, prolonged, epigastric to substernal relieved with food or antacids
peptic ulcer
aching, colicky, RUQ pain radiating to the back after a fatty meal
GB disease
Chest pain that decreases the likelihood of MI
- Pain that reaches it peak immediately
- Pleuritic
- Positional
- Tender of palpation
53M hypertensive, heavy substernal chest pain on exertion, relieved by rest
radiating to the shoulder,
Initial Test: ECG
Next: Stress test
First line: beta blocker and CCB
___ sign
heavy or squeezing, substernal or central
Levine Sign
[CCS Classification for angina]
Slight limitation, emotions, more than 2 blocks, more than 1 flight of stairs
[CCS Classification for angina]
Marked limitation, 1-2 blocks, more than 1 flight of stairs
In MI, ECG is needed to assess
- LV function
- Wall motion
- EF
- Thrombus
What drugs can be given for patients who cant exercise
- Dobutamine
- Adenosine
- Dipyridamole
What is the role of beta blockers in managing chronic angina
- Lowers HR, reducing myocardial demand, arterial pressure,
- Blocks catecholamine release
Nicorandil is a 2nd line drug for chronic angina. Its mechanism of action is due to
Dilating the vessels via ATP-sensitive K channels
____ is a drug used in MI that improves myocardial glucose utilization via inhibition of FA metabolism and increasing the availability of ATP
What are the indications for PCI?
- Persistent or symptom limiting angina pectoris despite medical management + evidence of ischemia during stress test
What are the indication for CABG
- 3 vessel CAD
2. 2 vessels involving the LAD and LCA
What are the indications for PCI?
- Persistent symptoms of angina despite medical management
2. Evidence of ischemia during stress test
What is the LDL goal in patients with CAD?
LDL <100
What is the LDL goal for patients with CAD and DM?
LDL <70
What accounts for the automaticity of the cardiac action?
SA and AV nodes
What determines the heart rate?
Slope of phase 4 in SA node
[Pacemaker Potential]
opening of hyperpolarization-activated channel permeable to Na and K
Phase 4
[Pacemaker Potential]
Rapid depolarization and overshoot; Ca-mediated action potential
Phase 0
[Pacemaker Potential]
Final repolarization, increase in K efflux
Phase 3
What is the major site of atherosclerotic disease?
Epicardial arteries
The main stimulus for vasomotion of epicardial arteries is?
Its role is for transport
The main stimulus for vasomotion of small arteries is?
Its role is for regulation
The main stimulus for vasomotion of arterioles is
its role is for exchange
____% stenosis results in a limitation of the ability to increase flow to meet increased myocardial demand
___% stenosis results in limitation of flow at rest
Irreversible cox1 inhibitor
P2Y12 inhibitor decreasing platelet aggregation
3-hydroxy-3-methytglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitor
Statins (HMG CoA reductase inhibitor)
SE: Rhabdomyolysis, myopathy, liver disease
blocks RAAS; can cause hyperkalemia in solitary kidney
vasodilator of peripheral vessels + nodal inhibition
Reduction of peripheral vascular resistance
What drug is contraindicated in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
If channel inhibitor
Stimulates K+ adenosine triphosphate channel
Anti-ischemic metabolic modulator
What are the indications for CABG?
- Left main coronary artery disease
- 3 vessel disease + LVEF <50% or DM
- 2 vessel disease that includes proximal left descending coronary artery
52/M smoker HON, severe substernal chest pain radiating to the right arm, diaphoresis
chest pain persist despite sublingual nitrates; 130/90, 90 bpm
Initial: ECG
Used to distinguish unstable angina and NSTEMI: cardiac biomarkers
new-onset angina or worse in frequency, duration or intensity or at rest <30min
ECG: ST depression or TW inversion or flattening or normal ECG
Trop I: normal
Unstable angina
Tx: Medical + PCI before discharge
new-onset angina or worse in frequency, duration or intensity or at rest <30min
ECG: ST depression or TW inversion or flattening or normal ECG
Trop I: elevated
Tx: Medical + PCI before discharge
Angina at rest >30 mins
ST Elevation
Every elevated troponins
What cardiac biomarker will first rise in Acute MI?
what cardiac biomarker is used to determine reinfarction?
Dual antiplatelet therapy should last for at least ___ year
1 year
Nitrates cannot be given if the patient took vardenafil for ____ hours
24 hours
Patients cannot take nitrates is they took this PDE5 inhibitor in the past 48 hours
What is the role of statins in anti ischemic therapy?
Plaque stabilization
chest pain heavy, squeezing, crushing, occuring at rest, more severe and lasts longer
sweating, nausea, anxiety, restlessness, sense of impending doom
ST elevation or LBBB or pathologic Q wave
The most frequent location of chest pain is beneath ___
xiphoid and epigastrium
[Classification of MI]
spontaneous MI
Type 1
[Classification of MI]
MI secondary to ischemic imbalance
Type 2
[Classification of MI]
MI resulting in death when biomarker values are unavailable
Type 3
[Classification of MI]
MI related to PCI
Type 4a
[Classification of MI]
MI related to Stent thrombosis
Type 4b
[Classification of MI]
MI related to CABG
Type 5
What is the recommended door-to-balloon time to conduct PCI?
within 90 minutes
If you are unable to do PCI in a patient with STEMI within 90 minutes, what is your next step?
administer fibrinolytic therapy within 30 mins of presentation
then transfer for angiography
What are the absolute contraindications in to fibrinolytic therapy?
- Hemorrhage of the brain
- Other CVD within past year
- Marked hypertension (>180/>110)
- Bleeding internally (exclude menses)
- Aortic dissection is suspected
What are the relative contraindications for fibrinolytic therapy?
- INR >/ 2
- <2 weeks surgery
- > 10 mins CPR
- Bleeding diathesis
- Pregnancy
- Hemorrhagic ophthalmic condition
- Active peptic ulcer disease
- Severe HPN that is controlled
- Streptokinase <50 days to 2 years
What is the most common cause of out-of-hospital death from STEMI?
What is the most common cause of in-hospital death from STEMI?
Pump failure
29M with PTB, sharp chest pain aggravated by lying relieved by sitting, high pitched rasping sound on cardiac auscultation.
ECG: ST segment elevation with PR-segment depression
Dx: Acute pericarditis
Tx: anti-inflammatory with aspirin
Avoid anticoagulants since it can cause tamponade
What is the pathognomonic character of pericarditis?
pericardial friction rub
What are the SSx of pericarditis?
- Chest pain
- Rub, pericardial
- Effusion
4 ST Elevation - Tamponade
Aside from the diffuse ST segment elevation seen in V2 to V6, what other ECG finding is suggestive of acute pericarditis?
PR-segment depression
What are the ECG changes in acute pericarditis
Stage 1 - widespread elevation of ST segment
Stage 2 - ST segment normal
Stage 3 - T wave inversion
Stage 4 - ECG normal
What antirheumatic drugs can be given to patients with pericarditis?
- Colchicine
- Prednisone
Given 3 months
Colchicine is CI in hepatic and renal dysfunction
[Heart murmur]
Next step for:
Diastolic or continuous murmur
[Heart murmur]
Next step for:
Grade I + II, midsystolic, asymptomatic murmur
Normal ECG, Normal CXR
No further workup
[Heart murmur]
Next step for:
Grade III murmur
or holosystolic or late systolic
[Grading or murmur]
Murmur + thrill
Grade IV
[Grading or murmur]
Murmur heard with stethoscope lightly pressed on skin
Grade V
[Grading or murmur]
Murmur heard with stethoscope slightly above the chest
Grade VI
[ECG Changes: Wall involved]
I, aVL, V1-V6
Large anterior wall
Proximal LAD
[ECG Changes: Wall involved]
Inferior wall
Distal LAD
[ECG Changes: Wall involved]
V1 to V3
Anteroseptal wall
Distal LAD
[ECG Changes: Wall involved]
V2 to V4
Distal LAD
[ECG Changes: Wall involved]
V4 to V6
Atrial septal defect is best heard at ____
pulmonic area
Ventricular septal defect is best seen at
tricuspid area
Crescendo, midsystolic murmur
Aortic stenosis
early diastolic murmur
Aortic regurgitation
Mitral regurgitation
Tricuspid regurgitation
diastolic murmur after the opening snal
In patients with HOCM, what is the effect of squatting or leg raising to the murmur?
Decreases murmur
Same with MVP
In patients with VSD, what is the effect of squatting or leg raising to the murmur?
increases murmur
same with AS, AR, MS, MR
What is the effect of standing or valsalva in the murmur of HOCM?
same with MVP
What is the effect of standing or valsalva to the murmur of mitral regurgitation?
decreases murmur
Same with AS, AR, MS, VSD
70/M chest pain, exertional syncope 3/6 mid-systolic murmur at 2nd ICS, weak and narrow pulse
Dx: AS
Initial test: Transthoracic echocardiogram
___ effect
murmur transmitted downward confusing with MR
Gallavardin effect