Cardiology Flashcards
How does a paediatric ECG differ from adult?
Marked sinus arrhythmia (HR varies dramatically with breathing, increases on inspiration)
Right axis deviation in newborn (marked RV hypertrophy as RV pumps against high-resistance collapsed lung in-utero), V4R (additional lead) often placed in right 5th intercostal space (midclavicular) to capture the right ventricle. V1 (looking directly at right ventricle) and V2-3 often have dominant R wave.
Possible partial RBBB (normal QRS complex plus RSR pattern in V1)
T wave inversion: normal in V1-3 (& possibly V4)
Q waves: normal in inferior (AVF, II, II) and left pre-cordial leads (V5-V6)
What is normal cardiac axis?
1w– 1m +110 (+30 to 180) 1m – 3m +70 (+10 to +125) 3m – 3yrs +60 (+10 to +110) Over 3 years +60 (+20 to +120) Adult +50 (-30 to +105)
What is corrected QT interval?
start of Q wave > end of T wave
<6 months: <0.49 seconds
>6 months: <0.44 seconds
What commonly causes tachycardia?
Sinus tachy: physiological processes altering sympathetic tone e.g. excessive activity, crying / being upset, stress.
May also be caused by secondary problem e.g. fever, infection, hyperthyroidism, anaemia or problems causing high metabolic rate. Rarely due to primary cardiac cause (but more likely if particularly high, or an isolated finding).
What commonly causes bradycardia?
Usually physiological (particularly athletes and during sleep).
Other causes: Drugs e.g. beta blockers Cushing’s reflex (bradycardia, hypertension, reduced consciousness & irregular respiration – sign of raised ICP) Shock / sepsis Heart block
What is SVT?
Narrow complex tachycardia originating at or above AV node (narrow complexes and no P waves)
Most common tachyarrhythmia in paediatrics
Most common cause: re-entry mechanism anywhere along the AV junction. Generally children will have an anatomic abnormality / variant such as an accessory conduction pathway or abnormal division of an existing conduction pathway (e.g. Bundle of Kent in Wolff-Parkinson White syndrome).
How does SVT present?
Varies with age & severity of condition, typically palpitations although some may present in HF or cardiorespiratory arrest
Palpitations: HR >220, irritable, inconsolable crying / quiet, pallor
HF: SOB (especially when feeding), initially poor weight gain, oedema / weight gain, enlarged liver
Palpitations: Pallor, HR >180, irritable, complaining of chest pain / fluttering heart, nausea
Heart Failure: SOB, initially poor weight gain, oedema / weight gain, enlarged liver
How should SVT be investigated?
Hx if stable (or from caregiver) – can indicate diagnosis and guide / focus further Ix
ECG: narrow complex tachycardia, rate generally >220 for infant and >180 for older child, no discernible P waves and no rate variability.
CXR: useful indicator of HF (plethoric lungs), may also exclude pulmonary causes of SOB (e.g. consolidation, pneumothorax, pleural effusion)
Blood gas: degree of systemic compromise (lactate, CO2 and base excess) – electrolyte levels (K+, Ca2+) often available from blood gas machine
Blood glucose: any unwell child as hyper or hypo can cause or worsen many presentations
Haem / biochem: anaemia, infection or dehydration may exacerbate tachycardia, electrolyte imbalances (K+, Mg, Ca2+) or thyroid dysfunction may also trigger arrhythmia – must specifically request Mg (not in normal electrolyte workup)
Echo: underlying structural abnormalities
How can SVT be differentiated from sinus tachycardia ?(often difficult)
SVT: • Sudden onset • No rate variation • Very fast rate (>220 infant, >180 older child) • Not responsive to fluid bolus • No P waves visualised on ECG reading
How should SVT be managed?
If Stable: initially attempt vagal manoeuvres (vary depending on age). Must attach to heart monitor so cardioversion can be captured and sent to local tertiary unit.
Infant: ice immersion (wrap infant & immerse face in ice bath for ~10s) – stimulates the diving reflex (another variation: place bag of crushed ice on face for 15-30s)
Child: Valsalva manoeuvre blow into empty 10mL syringe
If Unstable: more acutely compromised or initial vagal manoeuvres do not work: ADENOSINE or DC-cardioversion may be needed.
Complications of SVT?
In acute setting: cardiovascular compromise, insufficient cardiac output, shock & ultimately death.
Vagal manoeuvres & adenosine can cause asystole so should be done under careful monitoring, with full resuscitation facilities available.
Following resolution of SVT: further ECG abnormalities may be detected e.g. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (slurred R wave i.e. delta wave across all leads). Delta wave is caused by an accessory conduction system bypassing AV node, shortening PR interval and making patient prone to episodes of re-entry tachycardia.
Prognosis / long term management of SVT?
In general, single episode carries good prognosis (particularly with uncomplicated presentation).
May also have recurrent episodes: in long-term (particularly if frequent episodes) prophylactic measures should be considered (paediatric cardiologist). Initially: advice regarding vagal manoeuvres and when to summon help. May also start anti-arrhythmics, although longer term medicines carry side effects. Medications are stopped after having an ablation (radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathway can be done in adolescence & renders the pathway non-functional).
What is VT?
Broad complex tachycardia (electrical activity originates within ventricles, resulting in slower conduction than via the bundle of His & Purkinje fibres).
Short asymptomatic runs are possible, but typically presents in very compromised tachycardic, hypotensive patient who may go on to have a cardiac arrest.
How is VT managed?
If pulseless: CPR, cardiac defibrillation & possibly adrenaline / amiodarone
If pulse & in shock: synchronised DC cardioversion
If pulse & not in shock: amiodarone
Review frequently and look for reversible causes of arrhythmia in their histories, examinations and biochemical evaluations. Ix similar to that for SVT.
Complications and prognosis of VT?
Sudden death (therefore any suggestion on ECG > immediate evaluation by senior clinician) – high risk of cardiac arrest & further deterioration to VF
Prognosis: highly dependent on aetiology & clinical situations, short asymptomatic runs could go unnoticed over lifetime, but may also be first noted at cardiac arrest
What are the most common forms of congenital heart disease?
Incidence: ~1% or 8 in 1000 livebirths
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Coarctation of aorta
- Aortic stenosis
How does congenital heart disease usually present? How is it diagnosed?
Cyanosis, shock or HF.
Increasingly diagnosed antenatally and some centre routinely check SaO₂ in newborns, increasing early diagnosis of cyanotic congenital heart disease.
Ix: ECG, CXR, echocardiogram & cardiac catheterisation.
Most major congenital defects increase right heart impulse (palpate the sternal border).
Broadly speaking, what are causes of congenital heart disease?
Chromosomal (Down’s – AVSD, ASD, VSD, Turner’s – coarctation of aorta, AS, Williams – AS, peripheral pulmonary stenosis, Noonan – pulmonary stenosis),
Infection (rubella)
Maternal disease (diabetes, SLE – congenital heart block)
Drugs in pregnancy (alcohol, anticonvulsants)
May also present later in life due to underlying multisystem disorder e.g. Marfan’s & Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Why can detecting congenital heart disease based on cyanosis be difficult?
Peripheral cyanosis common in normal infants
Central cyanosis may be seen on vigorous crying
Mild desaturation (85-95% SaO₂) in infants is often clinically undetectable
Check gums & tongue for duskiness or lack of pinkness!
Blue baby: cyanosis can also be caused by respiratory, neurological & haematological conditions!
What can cause cyanotic congenital heart disease?
Transposition of great arteries (TGA)
Truncus arteriosus
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage (TAPVD)
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLH)
Tricuspid Atresia
Complete atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD)
What is Tetralogy of Fallot?
Most common congenital cyanotic heart disease, 4 features:
Infundibular pulmonary stenosis: causes ‘right outflow tract obstruction’ - difficult for RV to pump enough blood to lungs for oxygenation
Right ventricular hypertrophy (secondary to RV exertion)
Ventricular Septal Defect: deoxygenated blood from RV (operating at a higher than normal pressure due to the outflow tract obstruction)
Overriding Aorta: abnormal insertion of aorta, opens directly over VSD so left & right ventricles both pump into it
How is TOF diagnosed?
Often picked up on routine antenatal scanning – allows better preparation at birth and if possible delivery at a specialist cardiac unit.
ECG: right axis deviation & right ventricular hypertrophy (dominant R wave V1-4R)
CXR: boot-shaped heart from right ventricular hypertrophy and oligemic lung fields due to pulmonary stenosis
ECHO for definitive diagnosis
How does TOF present?
If presenting postnatally, dependent on degree of outflow tract obstruction (i.e. severity of pulmonary stenosis).
If PS critical: cardiovascular compromise + cyanosis soon after birth.
If moderate: likely detected during secondary evaluation of heart murmur found on NIPE (due to the PS - systolic murmur heard best over the ULSE). May also present with hypercyanotic spells – moments of acute right ventricular outflow tract obstruction brought on by agitation or exertion, where child appears cyanotic + compromised.
If mild obstruction: presentation may coincide with HF.
How is TOF managed? Complications of management?
Acutely unwell: prostaglandin infusion (bypassing pulmonary stenosis) + referral (tertiary unit for urgent surgery).
Hypercyanotic Spells: knees-to-chest position increases systemic vascular resistance, reducing right > left flow through VSD, increasing flow through pulmonary artery. High flow oxygen & morphine (act as pulmonary vasodilator + systemic vasoconstrictor). If conservative measures fail > IV morphine or beta-blockers.
All require surgical repair (close VSD + widen ventricular outflow tract). Previously, would have a Blalock-Taussig shunt between subclavian + pulmonary arteries (palliative – similar effect to PDA) before definitive surgical repair.
Complications: thrombosis & infection. Standard practice: complete surgical repair in first year, but if baby too small or compromised, may have temporary shunt first. Future surgery may be required if develops pulmonary regurgitation (complication of widening the ventricular outflow tract).
What is the prognosis of TOF?
Simple forms of disease with early surgery: excellent long-term outcomes (small risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias remain).
Without surgery: mortality increases with age – TOF associated with pulmonary atresia has worst prognosis.
What is TGA? How is it diagnosed?
Most common cyanotic heart disease to present in the neonatal period > cyanosis + circulatory compromise.
Aorta attaches to RV, PA attaches to LV. 2 separate circuits: oxygenated blood LA > LV > lungs & deoxygenated blood pumped RA > RV > body.
Incompatible with life unless further defects permit shunting across heart (allows oxygenated blood into systemic circulation).
Normal ECG. CXR shows cardiac outline of egg on side + increased pulmonary vascular markings.
How is TGA managed?
Initially: prostaglandin infusion to maintain duct patency.
Urgent transfer to specialist unit, balloon atrial septostomy is life-saving initially (creates an ASD), then corrective surgery = arterial switch procedure
What is truncus arteriosus? Presentation and management?
Only 1 great vessel arising from both ventricles – aorta + pulmonary artery both originate from this structure.
Accompanied by VSD.
Initial mild-mod cyanosis may be only finding. Later signs: pulmonary congestion + HF over next few days / weeks.
Urgent transfer to specialist unit: surgical repair (closure of VSD, separation of PA from single truncal vessel, conduit between PA + RV).
What is TAPVD? Presentation and management?
Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
4 pulmonary veins drain into the RA (or into brachiocephalic veins or superior vena cava) + oxygenated blood pumped back into lungs (two separate non-communicating systems).
Only chance of survival with VSD, ASD or PDA.
Presents antenatally with cyanosis and circulatory compromise. ECG normal in neonate. CXR: cardiac outline of ‘snowman in a snowstorm’ or ‘cottage loaf’ from congested atria & pulmonary veins > pulmonary oedema.
Management: Prostaglandin infusion initially started to maintain duct patency. Urgent transfer for surgical correction: reconnecting 4 pulmonary veins to the LA + closing any associated defects.
What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome? Presentation and management?
Group of defects affecting left side of heart (valves + chambers) – structures too small to support systemic output.
Usually antenatally diagnosed: aim for delivery at cardiac centre. Presents as breathlessness, severely cyanotic + compromised soon after birth. ECG: absent ventricular forces.
Management: initial prostaglandin infusion, urgent transfer - 3 stage surgery: aim for RV to remain systemic ventricle with blood passively flowing to lungs. Heart transplant is another option.
What is tricuspid atresia? Presentation and management?
Blocked or absent tricuspid valve. Deoxygenated blood cannot flow RV > pulmonary circulation, incompatible with life unless have both a VSD & ASD or a PDA.
Cyanosis is present soon after birth. Systolic murmur heard at the LLSE if a VSD is present or continuous murmur below left clavicle if a PDA is present.
Surgical correction (may have Blalock-Taussig shunt initially). Systemic venous return is connected to PA, bypassing the right ventricle (Fontan circulation).
What is AVSD? Presentation and management?
most common murmur of T21!
Complete atrioventricular septal defect
Large ASD continuous with large VSD: all 4 chambers communicate > increased flow to lungs as well as less effective drainage > pulmonary hypertension & HF
Presentation: HF + cyanosis- most often associated with Down’s syndrome. Ejection systolic murmur at ULSE (pulmonary flow murmur), pansystolic murmur at apex (mitral regurgitation), fixed splitting S2 (ASD), loud S2 (pulmonary hypertension).
Management: HF medically managed. VSD + ASD surgically closed and AV valve surgical repaired (fashion separate mitral and tricuspid valves).
What are examples of non-cyanotic congenital heart disease
Shunting defects (left > right): VSD, ASD, PDA
Outflow obstructions: aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta, pulmonary stenosis
What is a VSD? What causes it?
Communication between ventricles causing left > right shunt. Mostly idiopathic but associated with foetal alcohol syndrome and T21.
1. Small VSDs will close spontaneously (most undergo spontaneous reduction in size). Give safety netting advice to parents: reduced oral intake, subcostal retractions, increased RR, poor weight gain & cyanotic episodes all indicate complications of congenital heart disease
- Medical management: diuretics if tachypnoeic (furosemide & spirinolactone), captopril (peripheral vasodilation – reduces peripheral vascular resistence & therefore left right shunting) & extra calories (if failure to thrive; may also be needed if fluid restriction).
- Large VSDs: surgical correction of large VSDs should be performed by 12 months to prevent development of pulmonary hypertension (defect closed with synthetic patch). Only necessary if symptoms (or poor weight gain) spite of diuretics & calorie supplements i.e. optimal medical management. Also indicated if aortic regurgitation develops (occurs if defect close to valve causing leaflet to prolapse). Not indicated based on large defect or on degree of left ventricular dilatation.
In some infants medication is not effective & may be too small or may be physiological reasons that primary repair of congenital heart defect cannot be performed. A Pulmonary Artery band (PA Band) can be applied around PA which reduces blood flow to lungs to improve symptoms. Gives patient a chance to grow & surgery can be performed at a later date – at which time the band on the pulmonary artery can be removed.
How does VSD present?
If small: well child with incidental murmur. If large: HF, increased respiratory effort, poor feeding + growth
Harsh pansystolic murmur at LLSE (T), usually loud & high pitched, no variation with posture or breathing, louder with a smaller defect as greater turbulent flow! (in first few days of life, pressures in RV may be similar to LV, so little flow across the VSD to hear as a murmur! due to the fall in pulmonary resistance that occurs over the first few days as the lungs are aerated).
CXR: Pulmonary plethora indicates significant shunting.
Pulmonary oedema > increased RR & WOB > poor feeding & growth
Increased LVED volume > ↓SV > RAAS activation > fluid retention > hepatomegaly
How is VSD managed? (indications for management types).
- Small VSDs: spontaneous closure (most undergo spontaneous size reduction). Safety netting advice: ↓ oral intake, subcostal retractions, ↑ RR, poor weight gain + cyanotic episodes all indicate complications
- Medical: DIURETICS if tachypnoeic (furosemide + spironolactone), CAPTOPRIL (peripheral vasodilation, ↓ peripheral vascular resistance + therefore left > right shunting) + extra calories (if failure to thrive; may also be needed if fluid restriction).
- Surgical correction (synthetic patch) by 12 months to prevent development of pulmonary hypertension. Only necessary if symptoms (or poor weight gain) despite optimal medical management. Also indicated if aortic regurgitation develops (occurs if defect close to valve causing leaflet to prolapse). NOT indicated based on defect size or degree of left ventricular dilatation.
If medication is not effective + primary repair cannot be performed (e.g. infant too small or physiological reasons), pulmonary artery band (PA Band) can be applied around PA which ↓ blood flow to lungs to improve symptoms. Allows pt to grow + surgery can be done later – at which time PA band can be removed.
What is an ASD? Presentation and management?
Left > right shunting between atria. Associated with T21 + foetal alcohol syndrome.
If small: well child. If large: heart failure.
Ostium primum (septal defect at level of tricuspid and mitral valves) may be associated with mitral regurgitation.
In adult life: associated with pulmonary hypertension
Examination: soft systolic murmur at ULSE (P) with fixed splitting of S2. Pansystolic murmur possible if there is associated mitral regurgitation. ECG RVH/RBBB, cardiomegaly on CXR
Management: if significant, correction usually 3-5 years- surgical closure or non-surgical by placing device during cardiac catheterisation (not possible if mitral regurgitation).
What is PDA? Presentation and management?
Failure of ductus arteriosus to close following birth. Association with prematurity. (prem - patent, if term >1 month - persistent).
Usually well child, but may also present with left heart failure or recurrent infection (early symptoms uncommon but first year of life may have ↑WOB or poor weight gain).
Examination: continuous machinery murmur midway below left clavicle and/or early systolic murmur in ULSE (P). Bounding pulses may also be felt (high volume).
Management: Diuretics and fluid restriction in neonates. Surgical ligation or percutaneous coil closure.
Ibuprofen / indomethacin; or surgery at 1 year
What is Eisenmenger’s Syndrome
Complication of large left > right shunt (e.g. large VSD), either in isolation or as part of a wider complex cardiac disease.
Leads to right ventricular hypertrophy + therefore increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels, causing pulmonary hypertension. When pulmonary pressures > systemic pressure right > left shunting occurs.
At this point, child becomes cyanotic – very poor prognostic sign in heart failure.
What is aortic stenosis? Presentation and management?
Commonly malformation of aortic valve with 2 leaflets (bicuspid) instead of 3. Associated with Turner’s & William’s syndromes. It may also be secondary to rheumatic fever.
Mild-moderate: asymptomatic
10% will develop HF within first year
Older children may report chest pain or syncope
Patients with congenital valvular AS are at risk of sudden death & endocarditis
Examination: possible harsh ejection systolic murmur over URSE (A). Slow rising pulse, narrowed pulse pressure, soft S2 heart sound.
Management: if neonatal cyanosis, prostaglandin therapy may be commenced. Balloon valvuloplasty / valvotomy or open surgical replacement.
What is coarctation of the aorta? Presentation and management?
Narrowing of descending aorta characterised by weak femoral pulses and relative hypertension in upper limbs compared to lower limbs. Associated with Turner’s syndrome. But M>F. Associated with bicuspid aortic valve.
Presentation: neonates may be asymptomatic if accompanied by PDA. Duct-dependent lesions present after a few days of life when the duct begins to close.
Severe coarctations present with early CV collapse.
Examination: usually no murmur (if present, ejection systolic + intrascapular) but often PDA: continuous machinery murmur ULSE (P).
Management: if neonatal cyanosis: prostaglandin therapy. Balloon angioplasty or open surgical repair.
What is pulmonary stenosis? Presentation and management?
Narrowing of pulmonary valve outflow tract.
Associated with: Noonan, Williams & Alagille syndromes.
Mild or moderate: asymptomatic but often detected during routine NIPE
Severe PS: soon after delivery sometimes with cyanosis secondary to large right > left shunt via patent foramen ovale.
Examination: ejection systolic murmur head at ULSE (P), radiating into back. Ejection click may also be heard.
Management: if neonatal cyanosis, prostaglandin therapy.
Balloon valvuloplasty/valvotomy or open surgical replacement.
What are innocent murmurs / what are their characteristics?
Common in childhood, rarer beyond adolescence. Greater with tachycardia (fever, excitement, exercise).
Seven S’s:
- Systolic (diastolic always pathological)
- Soft (never harsh and never above grade II)
- Small / single site (does not radiate to large area)
- Short (duration)
- Single (never additional noises e.g. S3, clicks..)
- Sensitive (varies with respiration and movement)
- S2 normally split (variable splitting)
*Never additional noises e.g. S3, clicks..
Give 3 examples of innocent murmurs
Venous hum: continuous murmur below the right clavicle, decreases if supine
Still’s murmur: early soft systolic murmur heard over the LLSE (T), louder if supine
Pulmonary flow murmur: ejection systolic murmur, at ULSE (P) in toddlers & adolescents, does not radiate to back
What characteristics of murmurs suggest they are pathological murmurs?
Increasing suspicion if: o Symptomatic o Cyanosis o Levine Grade III or higher (loud, or wide split S2) o Associated thrill o Diastolic murmur o Abnormal heart sounds (ejection click) o Abnormally strong or weak pulse
Give some examples of pathological murmurs
- Ejection systolic
- AS (right sided / aortic region, accentuated if exhales / sits up, radiates to carotids)
- PS (left side / pulmonary area, S2 soft)
- Coarctation (between scapulae + radio-femoral delay) - Pansystolic:
- MR: radiating to axilla, accentuated if rolls onto left side - Early diastolic
- AR: LLSE (T) / URSE (A), accentuated if exhales / sits up - Mid diastolic
- MS: apex, accentuated if rolls onto left side - Continuous
- PDA: below left clavicle & ‘bounding pulse’
- Over shunt: across the chest
Outline Levine’s scale for grading murmurs
Grades IV – VI more likely pathological
- No thrill, only faintly audible on auscultation
- No thrill, faint but easily audible on auscultation
- No thrill, moderately loud and easily heard on ausc.
- Thrill, loud but not audible without stethoscope
- Thrill, very loud but not audible without stethoscope
- Thrill, extremely loud and audible without stethoscope
How does paediatric HF present?
Infants: poor feeding & growth, longer time to complete feeds but seems hungry (respiratory difficulties exacerbated by activity, but also increased calorie requirements of body due to HF itself). Sweatiness when feeding or looks ‘puffy’. As HF progresses, baby will experience increasing respiratory difficulties & sudden / significant weight gain (fluid retention), oedema & hepatomegaly.
Older children: may also have difficulty with weight gain, will often report tiredness and show more SOB than peers during usual activities. May describe CP or palpitations and can be prone to recurrent chest infections.
Tachycardia & poor peripheral perfusion are additional features.
How is HF staged in children?
Modified Ross Criteria for Infants & Children
Stage 1: no symptoms present
Stage 2: Infants: mild tachypnoea & sweating when feeding. Children: dyspnoea on exertion
Stage 3: Infants: significant tachypnoea & sweating when feeding, growth poor & feeding times prolonged. Children: significant dyspnoea on exertion.
Stage 4: tachypnoea, respiratory distress, grunting & sweating when at rest.
What are causes of paediatric HF?
Left Ventricular Pump Failure
- Cardiomyopathies: most common cause of LV pump failure in structurally normal hearts
- Myocarditis (usually viral): can resolve + bring normal heart function, or > secondary dilated cardiomyopathy
- MI: rare, due to malformed coronary arteries
- Arrhythmias: inadequate output
- Structural abnormalities: congenital defects usually repaired at young age although repairs have limited life expectancy, surgical failure can > ventricular pump failure
Volume Overload
- Renal failure: fluid overload overwhelming cardiac pump
- Structurally abnormal heart: VSD, PDA, ASD, AVSD – reasonable sized shunt between pulmonary + systemic circulations, or valvular insufficiency, reduces efficacy of cardiac contractions
Pressure Overload
- Systemic hypertension: ↑ afterload (vascular resistance)
- Structurally abnormal heart: AS, PS, coarctation
How should HF be investigated and managed?
Clinical diagnosis generally adequate, but confirmation can be gained on ECHO (ejection fraction as well as pressures within the heart). Can also help to identify any abnormal cardiac anatomy. CXR may show cardiomegaly and plethoric lung fields, ECG may show ventricular hypertrophy.
Management: Following ABC approach, initial treatment = diuretic. ACE inhibitors useful if ventricular dysfunction. Correct cause if possible + referral to paediatric cardiologist. Advise on dietary supplements or high energy formulas to ensure healthy growth velocity.
Prognosis: very dependent on cause, correctable structural problem identified at an early stage has an excellent outlook.
What causes childhood heart block?
Childhood AV block: congenital or acquired.
Congenital = diagnosed in utero, at birth, or in first month of life (~ 1 in 20,000 births).
Acquired = 1 month > 18 years.
Congenital: worse prognosis & increased risk of late-onset cardiomyopathy. Usually caused by maternal connective tissue disorder with anti-Ro or anti-La antibodies (e.g. SLE). Antibodies attack conduction system of developing heart > atrophy of AV node. May even cause intrauterine death or hydrops. Whenever maternal history of connective tissue disorder, or anti-Ro / anti-La antibodies found, ECG must be performed after birth.
What are the types of heart block? How is it managed?
1st degree AV block: PR interval >0.2s
2nd degree AV block: one or more atrial impulses fail to conduct to ventricles (Type I: increasing PR delays until a ventricular complex is omitted. Type II: intermittent failure of conduction to ventricles, without any preceding PR prolongation + not followed by PR shortening)
3rd degree (complete) AV block: P waves completely unrelated to QRS complex
Note: heart block can be SA block or AV block.
Management: identify + correct any possible causes (e.g. Lyme disease) + maintain HR tolerated by patient. Most require no active intervention, the most acutely compromised patients may require isoprenaline (B agonist to increase HR), or temporary pacing wires.
Most severe cases may require permanent pacemaker
What is Long QT syndrome? Causes and presentation?
Corrected QT interval (QTc) from start of Q wave > end of T wave, >440ms (or 490ms if <6 months old).
Long QT can precipitate more dangerous rhythms e.g. Torsades de Pointes which causes degree of CV compromise & can quickly progress to ventricular tachycardia.
- Congenital: mutation in LQTS 1 gene (malfunctioning myocardial ion channel, during exercise or stress increased sympathetic tone can trigger arrhythmias + sudden death)
- Acquired: secondary to electrolyte imbalance
- Iatrogenic: medications including anti-psychotic agents
Presentation: often asymptomatic but investigated because of diagnosis of close relative
If symptomatic: can present following a faint or collapse, often misdiagnosed as simple vasovagal syncope or a seizure. (long QT syndrome should be excluded when assessing child who presents with collapse, especially if happened during an episode of exertion).
How is long QT syndrome managed? What is the prognosis?
Acute Management:
- Correct underlying electrolyte imbalances
- Address any acute rhythm disturbance
Long-term Management depends on underlying risk of cardiac death:
- Family history of sudden cardiac death
- Length of QT interval
- Prior cardiac events
Options include reduction of QT interval (e.g. beta-blockers), and in very high risk patients, implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) placement.
Low risk of fatal arrhythmia once appropriate therapy started (even when Torsades-de-Pointes happens, it is usually self-limiting). Patients with serious cardiac events despite optimal medical therapy usually have an ICD which markedly improves prognosis.
When does infective endocarditis occur?
Rare in children, but more likely in those who already have valvular pathology or indwelling central venous catheter (the turbulent blood flow can lead to local inflammation of the vascular endothelium & a localised non-infective thrombus).
Following transient bacteraemia (may commonly occur in all children), thrombus can become infected & rapidly proliferate > microemboli > systemic upset & local damage.
What is the diagnostic criteria for infective endocarditis?
Duke Criteria (2 major OR 1 major + 3 minor OR 5 minor)
o Typical pathogen on 2 separate cultures: Viridans streptococci, Streptococcus bovis, any HACEK group, or staph aureus or enterococci without primary focus
o ECHO: new dehiscence of prosthetic valve, oscillating intracardiac mass on valve, abscess
o Predisposition (specific heart condition, prosthetic valve, IV drug use)
o Temp >38
o Vascular phenomena: septic pulmonary infarcts, intracranial haemorrhage, conjunctival haemorrhage, major arterial emboli, Janeaway lesions (small non-tender erythematous / macular lesions on soles or palms only).
o Immunological phenomena: Osler’s nodes (small tender swellings on palms and soles only), Roth spots (retinal haemorrhage), glomerular nephritis
o Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture not typical of endocarditis
o ECHO findings: consistent with diagnosis but do not meet major criteria
How is infective endocarditis managed?
At least 2 sets of blood cultures ideally before Abx
If diagnosed, 4-8 week Abx course required.
Prognosis: good if appropriate Abx early, however, many diagnosed late / resistant (carries high mortality).
What is Kawasaki’s disease? Who does it affect?
Most common systemic vasculitis of childhood (8 in 100,000 UK children) + leading cause of acquired heart disease (after birth) in UK.
Acute febrile vasculitis involving small + medium sized arteries. Tends to affect ages 6 months – 6 years, more prevalent in Japanese and Afro-Caribbean ethnicities.
How does Kawasaki’s disease present?
High fever (difficult to control) + irritability, elevated inflammatory markers with no clear focus of infection.
May also have abdo pain, diarrhoea, vomiting & characteristic thrombocytosis on FBC (does not normally occur until ~1 week later). Younger infants are more likely to be affected by significant complications and can present with ‘incomplete’ or atypical symptoms.
Diagnostic Criteria:
- Fever >5 days with no clear focus of infection
- 4 / 5 of:
• Bilateral non-purulent conjunctivitis
• Mucositis (dry red lips / strawberry tongue)
• Cervical lymphadenopathy
• Extremity changes: red or indurated hands or feet, eventually leading to desquamation (peeling)
• Polymorphous rash
What is the main complication of Kawasaki’s disease?
Vasculitis can cause coronary artery aneurysms (usually resolve and leave scar tissue, but may also rupture).
If scar tissue left behind, causes narrowing arteries can lead to ischaemic damage to the myocardium. Children must be followed up with regular ECGs and ECHOs.
~25% of Kawasaki disease cases have cardiac complications.
Management + prognosis of Kawasaki’s disease?
High dose aspirin (acting as anti-platelet & anti-inflammatory) for several weeks (longer if abnormal findings on ECHO) & IV immunoglobulin (IVIG).
Prognosis: good with prompt treatment, especially in older children. ~20% are IVIG resistant + higher risk patients may need high dose IV steroids or infliximab (anti-TNF).
If untreated, mortality rate of ~2-3%.
What is rheumatic fever?
Autoimmune inflammatory process ~20 days following acute infection with group A beta haemolytic streptococcus (most commonly Group A strep pharyngitis).
Prevalence in Europe: vastly decreased since widespread use of effective Abx during strep infections.
Jones Diagnostic criteria:
- Recent infection with Group A strep
- 2 major criteria
- OR 1 major and 2 minor criteria
Major criteria: (carditis, arthritis – generally large joints, erythema marginatum, Sydenham chorea, subcutaneous nodules). Minor Criteria: arthralgia, ↑PR interval, fever, ↑ ESR / CRP.
How is rheumatic fever managed?
Acute rheumatic fever can be treated with anti-inflammatories + Abx if Group A strep growth identified.
Prognosis: if prompt + adequate treatment, no long-term ill effects, however, if recurrent or prolonged inflammation, can cause fibrotic changes + long-term complications, especially within the heart.
What is myocarditis? (presentation, diagnosis, management)
Inflammation of heart muscle, caused by: autoimmune process, toxin, or an infective process (viral most common - adenovirus, enterovirus, Coxsackie virus).
Presentation: wide spectrum, all largely non-specific. Includes gallop rhythm, abnormal ECG (non-specific ST changes and ↓QRS voltage), new cardiomegaly, difficulty breathing, arrhythmias. Young children can present with CV collapse, arrhythmia and sudden death. In shocked child: be wary if worsen following fluid bolus, as may have been pushed into HF.
Clinical diagnosis but some centres use cardiac MRI.
Management: initially diuretics & ACE inhibitors to ↓ afterload. Often ICU management. May include IV immunoglobulin & corticosteroids.
With correct treatment majority have complete recovery, neonates have poorest prognosis.
What is pericarditis? (presentation, diagnosis, management).
Inflammation of fibroelastic pericardium, often with accompanying pericardial effusion. Usually secondary to viral infection, however, recurrent pericarditis or prolonged inflammation can lead to more significant issues, such as constrictive pericarditis.
Presentation: central pleuritic chest pain that improves on leaning forward. Examination: may have pericardial rub (squeaking of two layers of inflamed pericardium rubbing), will be louder as patient sits forward.
ECHO to detect possible effusions. ECG may show saddle-shaped ST elevation, although PR depression is the most specific finding.
Management: usually anti-inflammatories + supportive care. Prognosis: if viral usually self-limiting with no long-term sequelae, however, bacterial can be life threatening particularly if delayed diagnosis.
What is cardiomyopathy? (including presentation, management)
Often genetic, but can also be associated with drugs + toxins, connective tissue disorders, post viral complications, sarcoidosis & amyloidosis.
Three main categories:
- Dilated cardiomyopathy
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy (no change to muscle size / shape, but compliance decreases as ventricles become stiff)
Presentation: initially non-specific SOB & fatigability, later progressing to HF.
Management: largely treated with medical therapies e.g. diuretics & inotropes. Sometimes pacemakers needed to control arrhythmias caused by faulty cardiac muscle. Heart transplant is reserved for cases in which symptoms remain resistant to medical management.
Prognosis: predicting the long-term outlook is difficult, but hypertrophic cardiomyopathy tends to have better outcomes than dilated or restrictive forms.