Cardiology Flashcards
ECG signs of firs degree block, second degree and third degree heart block
1 = PR interval > 0.2 seconds
- 1 = Increasing delays until dropped
- 2 = Intermittent drops, in a ratio
3 = Complete dissociation
ECG signs of RVH vs LVH?
RVH = Tall R wave in V1, deep S in V6
e.g. cor pulmonale
LVH is Deep S in V1, tall R in V6
e.g. HTN, aortic stenosis and co-arctation
Causes of long QT?
Toxins e.g. macrolides / amiodarone Ischaemia Myocarditis Mitral valve prolapse Electrolyte = Low K/Ca/Mg
Short QT causes?
Digoxin, BB, phenytoin
What is a trifasicular block and when do you see it?
1st degree heart block with LAD and RBBB
Commonly presents as falls in the elderly
What is p pulmonale and p mitrale?
Pulmonale = Peaked p wave in RAH e.g. Pulmonary HTN or tricuspid stenosis
P mitrale = Broad bifid p wave in LAH = mitral stenosis
ECG changes in VT?
No p waves or T waves. Regular broad QRS
ECG changes in Brugada syndrome?
RBBB and coved ST elevation in V1-V3
Digoxin ECG changes?
Reverse tick = down sloping ST segment and T-wave inversion
ECG changes in hyperkalaemia vs hypokalaemia?
Hyper = Tall tented t waves, wide QRS and absent/flat p-waves
Hypo = Small T waves, ST depression. Prolonged QT and prominent U waves
Causes of bradycardia?
Drugs e.g. CCB, BB, amiodarone
Vagal hypotonia e.g. athletes
Infection e.g. infective endocarditis
Sick sinus syndrome = damage to the SAN / AVN or conducting tissue
Infiltration e.g. sarcoidosis
O’s = hypothyroid, hypokalaemia
N = neuro = raised ICP
Investigations of bradycardia?
ECG, bloods (cardiac enzymes), event monitor and exercise testing
Management of bradycardia?
Unstable = Atropine 0.5mg IV bolus, repeat 3mg max
If refractory can use pacing if:
- Complete heart block, systole, mobitz type 2 or ventricular pause > 3 seconds
- transvenous pacing = lead into RV, only for a few days. Mechanical tricuspid is CI
Mild = treat underlying cause + theophylline 200mg PO BD
Severe = Treat and temporary dual chamber pacing
Definition of narrow complex tachycardia?
Rate >100BPM, QRS <120ms
2 types of narrow complex tachycardias?
AV independent:
- Sinus tachy
- Atrial tachycardia = different focus takes over from SA node
- atrial fibrillation
- flutter = macro re-entry rhythm, atria rhythm of 300 (ventricles can’t conduct 300 so P:QRS is usually 2:1)
AV node dependent:
- AVNRT = within node so activates atria and ventricles simultaneously
-AVRT = large accessory pathway e.g. WPW bundle of Kent :
+ Can be orthodromic = down AV node and back round up accessory pathway into atria. p follows each QRS, delayed RP interval
+ can be antidromic = conducted down accessory pathway, and re-enters atria via retrograde flow = broad QRS
Management of unstable narrow complex tachycardia?
ABC DC cardio version x 3 Amiodarone 300mg IV over 10 minutes Repeat shock Amiodarone 900mg over 24 hours
management of stable narrow complex tachycardia?
Irregular = treat as AF:
- Rate with BB/CCB + digoxin
- anticoagulate
- onset <48 hours = cardioversion
- Vagal manouvres
- Adenosine 6mg IV bolus, then 12 then 12. (Use verapamil in asthmatics) If it is AV dependent the adenosine will stop the arrhythmia as it cause AV block.
If it doesn’t work means independent = Flutter, AF or ST
Management of atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter?
AT: 1st line = Diltiazem or Verapamil 2nd line = amiodarone 3rd line = Flecainide Refractory = ablation
Unstable = DC cardiovert
Stable = BB e.g. metoprolol 5mg bolus, repeating up to 3 times
- Amiodarone if refractory
Then cardiovert if refractory (electrical or medical with ibutilide)
For ongoing can ablate the tricuspid isthmus if symptomatic, or asymptomatic give Metoprolol
What drugs should you avoid in WPW?
Verapamil and digoxin
Definition of brand complex tachycardia?
> 100 BPM, QRS > 120ms
Classification of broad complex tachycardia?
Most are ventricular:
- monomorphic = single form QRS
- Polymorphic
- Fascicular = Arise from LV with re-entrant into Purkinje’s = Sensitive to verapamil
- RV outflow tract tachy = Due to cAMP activity = uniquely sensitive to adenosine
- Torsades des pointes = type of polymorphic
Some are SVT’s with aberrant conduction
Ventricular tachycardia causes?
Myocarditis Infarction Long QT: TIMME Dilated cardiomyopathy Electrolytes low K/Mg/Ca
Management of unstable VT?
ABC DC cardioversion x 3 Amiodarone 300mg IV over 10-20 minutes Repeat shock Amiodarone 900mg over 24 hours
Management of torsades des pointes?
In line with ACLS guidelines for unstable VT.
+ usually due to low potassium / magnesium so aggressively replenish
magnesium sulphate 1-2g IV single dose
KCL max 60mM
Management of stable broad complex tachycardia?
Correct electrolyte balance
- Amiodarone 150mg bolus then 1mg/min for 6 hours then 0.5mg/min for 18 hours
- 2nd line = lidocaine
Implanatble cardioverter defibrillator if = Cardiomyopathy, previous VT/VF or congenital arrhythmia problem e.g. Long QT
Anti-arrhythmics e.g. Metoprolol 50mg PO BD
What is atrial fibrillation?
Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia, with an irregularly irregular rhythm.
Abnormal atria promoting electrical re-entry
How do we classify atrial fibrillation?
First diagnosed = new diagnosis regardless of duration
Paroxysmal = self terminating, usually within 2 days
Persistent = longer than 7 days, including episodes cardioverted post 7 days
Long standing = continuous > 1 year, have adopted rhythm control
Permanent = No rhythm control
Causes of atrial fibrillation?
Cardiac = HTN, LV failure, ischaemic heart disease
Non-cardiac = thyrotoxicosis, pulmonary e.g. PE, drugs and alcohol
Management of unstable AF?
Unstable = DC cardiovert, if >48 hours must do a TOE to exclude atrial thrombus
Management of Acute AF?
If >65 or Hx of IHD = RATE control:
without heart failure - metoprolol 5mg bolus, repeat up to 3 times then regular metoprolol 50mg PO BD
If asthmatic use diltiazem
Heart failure = use digoxin 0.5mg PO OD
If <65, symptomatic, first presentation, lone AF / secondary to corrected precipitant = RHYTHM:
- <48 hours = immediate cardioversion
+ DC cardioversion with amiodarone therapy 4 weeks prior and 12 months after
+ Flecainide single dose 200mg
+ If evidence of structural heart disease use amiodarone
> 48 hours = establish INR of 2-3 for 3 weeks prior to cardioversion
Anticoagulation in AF?
CHADS score>2
Apixiban if non-valvular
Heparin / warfarin if valvular or kidney disease
Continue 3-4 weeks following cardioversion
Paroxysmal AF management?
Flecainide 200mg pill in the pocket
Rate control with BB (digoxin of heart failure)
Management of high INR on warfarin?
Major bleeding = stop warfarin, Vitamin K 5mg IV and prothrombin complex
INR >5, minor bleeding = stop warfarin, 5mg of IV vitamin K (repeat if INR still high after 24 hours), restart when INR < 5
INR >8 no bleeding = Stop warfarin, oral vitamin K, restart warfarin when <5
INR 5-8 no bleeding = Withhold 1-2 doses
Reduce subsequent dosing
How does NSTEMI differ from unstable angina?
NSTEMI has sufficiently severe ischaemia to cause myocardial damage, and therefore release cardiac biomarkers
RF’s for ACS?
Modifiable = HTN, DM, lipids, obesity and smoking
Non-modifiable = Male, increasing age and FHx MI >50
Clinical features of unstable angina?
Rest angina that is new onset (<2 months)
Crescendo pattern in occurence
Radiation to jaw/arm/neck
Investigations in unstable angina / NSTEMI?
ECG = ST depression and T-wave inversion
Trop normal in UA
FBC and clotting, lipid profile
Angiography gold standard, use based on GRACE mortality score
Acute management of unstable angina / NSTEMI?
Acutely = Diamorphine 5mg IV every 30 minutes Oxygen if sats <90% GTN 0.3-0.6mg tablets sublingual, max 3 Antiplatelet = aspirin 300mg and clopidogrel 300mg PO for 1 year
Anti-coagulate = fondaparinux 2.5mg SC if not having an angiography within 24 hours and no bleeding risk
Next do a GRACE-6 month mortality score:
- low risk (>3%) = conservative only
- Intermediate / high risk (>3%) do a coronary angiography within 96 hours. Significant findings = PCI
If not = prophylaxis and rehab.
High risk also requires addition go GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor e.g. tirofiban for 3 days
Long term management of UA / NSTEMI/ STEMI?
Conservative = cardiac rehabilitation. Diet, RF’s controlled, exercise
Medical is just like 'A-SBA' = A spirin for life 75mg, clopidogrel 75mg for one year. S tatin - Atorvastatin 80mg PO OD B B - Propranolol 40mg PO BD A CEI - Perindopril 10mg PO OD
STEMI = return to work 2 months, no sex or driving for 1.
ECG changes in a STEMI:
first changes seen, how vessels relate to leads, and criteria for thrombolysis based on ECG findings?
Hyper acute T waves often first sign seen
Inferior = 2, 3, aVF = RCA Anterior = V2-4 = LAD Lateral = V5, V6 and 1 = Left circumflex
Criteria for thrombolysis / PCI:
- ST elevation >2mm in 2 or more consecutive anterior leads
- ST elevation >1mm in 2 consecutive inferior leads
- New onset LBBB
At what times do we need to take troponin?
need a 3 hour and 12 hour
Acute management of STEMI?
Acutely = continuous ECG, IV access and bloods.
Diamorphine 5mg IV every 30 minutes
Oxygen if sats <90%
GTN tablets 0.3-0.6 mg sublingual, max 3
Antiplatelet = aspirin 300mg and clopidogrel 300mg PO for 1 year
Anti-coagulate = fondaparinux 2.5mg SC
If access within 120 minutes and PC <12 hours = PCI = angioplasty and stenting
- consider if >12 hours
If access > 120 minutes = thrombolysis = Streptokinase 1.5 million units IV over 1 hour
Thrombloysis contraindications
Aortic dissection GI bleed <1 month Allergic reaction Iatrogenic e.g. recent surgery Neuro = ischaemic stroke <6 months ago Severe HTN (200/120) Trauma
How is PCI done and complications?
Gain radial artery access, guide wire passed through to coronary and across stenosis. Balloon is the dilated and stented
Can have metal stent or drug-eluting (Reduces restenosis rate)
Home same day, no driving 1 week
Complications = Re-stenoiss, arrhythmias, coronary dissection / rupture, PCI induced MI
CABG procedure and indications?
Sternotomy , although can do more minimally invasive scars.
Off pump done on beating heart. Graft attached to aorta and then distally to stenosis
Internal left thoracic best for graft as maintains latency, although most use great saphenous.
Severe refractory angina
Left main stem stenosis or triple vessel disease
Unsuccessful PCI
No driving for 4 weeks
MI side effects?
Short term:
RCA causes heart block 1/2 due to ischaemia of AV node
LAD = complete heart block as infarcts bundle branches in septum
VF = most common cause of death post-MI
Cardiac tamponade = due to thin wall following necrosis
Pupillary muscle rupture = gives acute mitral regurgitation
Dresslers syndrome
Long term:
Heart failure
Angina pectoris classification?
Stable and unstable
Decubitus = brought on lying down
Prinzmetals = younger demographic, during rest, absence of positive exercise test
Syndrome X = angina pain and ST elevation on exercise tolerance BUT no evidence of atherosclerosis on angio
Stable angina management?
MDT approach
Conservative = lifestyle advice
Sublingual GTN 0.3-0.6mg PRN
Aspirin 75mg PO OD
Atorvastatin 80mg PO OD
1st line = monotherapy BB propranolol 40mg PO BD
Raste limiting CCB - Verapamil
2nd line = BB with long acting dihydropyridines CCB e.g. Nifedipine as can’t give BB with rate limiting CCB.
3rd line = ivabradine monotherapy
Definition of heart failure?
Insufficient cardiac output to sufficiently supply the tissues of the body
How to classify heart failure by the symptoms?
New York heart association classification:
1 = no limitation of activity 2 = slight limitation of activity 3 = marked limitation of activity although comfortable at rest 4 = Inability to carry out physical activity without discomfort
What is frank starlings law?
Hesrts contractility and therefore SV is directly proportional to diastolic return
How does cardiac dysfunction precipitate change in the heart?
Any reduction in systolic function (loss of isotropy) / loss of diastolic function (poor ventricular compliance) = reduced CO
Reduced CO = neuroendocrine activation e.g. arterial vasoconstriction / increased blood volume = increased pre-load
Increased pre-load = ventricular wall stress = ventricular remodelling
These raised ventricular pressure = backlog
Causes of LVF?
Systolic dysfunction = myocardial damage e.g. IHD / cocaine / sarcoid
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Long standing HTN
Diastolic dysfunction =
Long standing HTN
Aortic stenosis
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Causes of RVF?
Cor pulmonale
Pulmonary / tricuspid disease
Symptoms of LVF?
Exertional dyspnoea
Cough and wheeze secondary to pulmonary oedema
Signs of LVF?
Cold and cyanosed
Bibasal crackles
Gallup rhythm = S3. Causes by rapid ventricular filling.
Cardiomegaly and displaced apex
RVF symptoms?
Abdo discomfort
Signs of RVF?
Raised JVP Hepato-splenomegaly Pitting oedema Ascites Pleural effusion
Framingham diagnostic criteria for heart failure?
Need 2 major criteria or 1 major and 2 minor
Hepatojugular reflex Neck vein distension Cardiomegaly Orthopnea / PND Weight loss >4.5kg in 5 days Pulmonary rales Acute pulmonary oedema Third heart sound